Monday, December 29, 2008

An Eventful Day

[11.30 am] Met up with Pei Wern in front of Lot10 and headed off to Sungei Wang (yes AGAIN... this would be my third time in three weeks). Pei Wern was hungry, so we go eat. She brought me to the 6th floor of Sungei Wang. You know, I've heard of the 6th floor of Sungei Wang but I never managed to find it. Thanks to her, I've discovered that the only way to get up there is by lift. Oh goodness, the mystery of the 6th floor.

Sat down in a cubicle in Gasoline. This place intrigues me. Apparently teenagers like to eat here. It's really dark. You can't really see your food. So don't ask how I managed to read the menu. Eat here every day, sure your eyes cepat rosak. Next time, bring a torch light. And you sit ala Japanese style - take off your shoes, sit on cushion. This branch has a haunted house theme lah. I heard Sunway Pyramid has one too but different theme. How cool if they had mental asylum theme - waiters wearing lab coats, waitresses wearing nurse outfit, drinks in IV bags hung on IV poles so you can bring your drinks everywhere you go, sauces in medicinal bottles... Hahaha.

[1.40 pm] Met up with my brother, Brandon and Jason. Continued walking around Sungei Wang downwards. Bought a dress for RM25 which doesn't look RM25 (this is the best part right?). My mom's reaction was so funny.

Mother: Wah, what's that so sexy?
Me: Huh? I wear spaghetti-strap dresses for weddings you never say anything???
Mother: Ahh.. that one different. Wedding mah. Wear like that OK. Wah, make sure you wear something to cover it ah. Then sew the bust line there so that won't zhao kong.
Me: *sweat* Of course! *sweat* *sweat*

[3.35 pm] Got bored of Sungei Wang, plus the pushing crowd of ladies with their children that appear out of nowhere did not improve our mood. So we walked over to Timesquare.

[About 3.55pm] Saw the little stalls selling accessories in the middle of the third floor when some time later, we heard a shocking loud thud which followed with the ground shaking quite hardly. The hustling and bustling of people in the mall hushed. We never thought of it much, only that something really heavy fell on the ground and continued browsing.

Then moments later, a sales assistant told us that someone (not something) fell down!! And our immediate reaction was "WHAT???'. Then it all made sense. The ground shook too hard to be some random rack falling over. People were crowding on every floor to see what happened. Caught a glimpse of someone administering CPR but couldn't see the body of the lady who fell down. Neither did we see blood. Maybe it was a good thing we didn't see because listening and knowing details of the fall already made us feel queasy and sick to our stomach.

And to think that the place where the lady landed was only less than ten meters away from where we were standing. I told my mom this when I reached home. Her immediate reaction was "Wah, thank God you were not at the spot. Otherwise she would have fell on you, then the worst could have happened!". Honestly speaking, I did not think of it that way until my mom pointed it out to me.

According to NST Online, she fell from the tenth floor! Which was the food court floor. I dunno how she managed to fell accidentally coz the railings in Timesquare are pretty high up. The barriers and the fences were quite a distance apart. If you wanna read the report, you can go here.

[5.30 pm] Said goodbye to Pei Wern, went over to LowYat Plaza with the guys to go see their toys called computer parts and gadgets. I tell you boys take even longer time to decide whether to get something or not. And yet they complain about us girls shopping. Bah.

[5.50 pm] Chatted with Brandon while the other two look through the price list again and again. Then they decided to get the stuff they wanted.

[6.05 pm] The moment they got up from the chair they were sitting on, they suddenly decided not to get the stuff anymore. I tell you, they are weird. Or is it something to do with the chair? Or the air??

[6.30 pm] Sampai rumah.

I hope I can sleep tonight coz I still feel squeamish.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Feeling Christmassy?

Blessed belated Christmas everyone! Hehe. Very busy the past week.

Christmas Eve
Went with my sister to Bangsar from morning until evening. Bought a pair of red platform shoes for RM39 after 30% discount at Little Black Book. Last in stock, just ngam my size. What coincidence right? This is called fate. Am gonna keep this for Chinese New Year. Haha.

My shoe sui boh?

Bangsar is such a nice place to shop. The cars are pedestrian-friendly. Nice environment. Pretty clothes. And if you look hard enough, you can find really good bargains. We only managed to explore only one-quarter of the shops there. Ah, there are still My Dress Room, Gossips, Shoes Shoes Shoes, many many more. Second trip should be coming right up.

Had Christmas party later at a friend's house. Stayed overnight until the morning of 25th. Drunk a few shots too many at a go. Had rashes on my upper body and arms when I went home which took 4 days to recover. Felt like a monkey, scratching here scratching there. People have hangovers, I have rashes. People puke, I just feel dehydrated. No more heavy drinking in a night. Haha. Just tried out of curiosity. Wasn't a fan anyway.

Did not sleep until 6am. Even that, I only slept for 2 hours. Now my skin feels dehydrated. Need to look for skin hydrating product. Bleh.

Christmas Day
Got rashes, some more go eat dim sum for brunch. All the prawns and clams just added on to the rashes. No choice lah, orang tua want to eat dim sum. And I was hungry. Rajin rajin apply aloe vera gel and scratch lor.

Slept for 4 hours after brunch. Then mommy woke me up coz we had to go to my sister's in-law's place for their annual Christmas open house. Good food. Good pineapple tarts. Tee-hee. But too sleepy to enjoy food.

Later, my dad's CG had Christmas party pulak. At our house some more! You tell me lah, how to sleep?? Eat third round. I think this has to be the most boring Christmas ever. All I did was eat, sleep and scratch. Haha.

A gingerbread house Uncle Kenneth brought to the party

Boxing Day

Had a "date" with Ying Ling :P

At the same time celebrate her birthday. She brought me so many books to read. I can say all of them are chick lits - The Kept Woman, Me and Mr Darcy, I Take This Man, How to Sleep with a Movie Star... I think these can last me for months. I've already started on PS I Love You by the way :P

Took her to The Face Shop and Skin Food to browse through the skincare products. The Peach Sake Pore Serum smells so so yummy. And the Lettuce & Cucumber Emulsion, OMG. I can just buy them just to smell them (not use them) every morning. Ying Ling bought a few products from them and I couldn't stop looking at them throughout the day. The packaging of their products is so so pretty.

We were so sien in Midvalley coz there simply was nothing interesting to see. The clothes were either expensive or not so nice. Hence being the daring creative minds that we were, we hopped on the train to Sungei Wang. Haha. Gila is the word to describe us. Gila was the word to describe the crowd in Sungei Wang. Gila was the word to describe the sales in the mall itself. In one shop, all of their items are selling for RM25. Then later you see shops selling items at RM24 and RM23. And the best one is the shops selling their stuff for RM15 each. For some items, it's a good deal. For others, the quality would be compromised somewhat.

Sungei Wang has a lot of bishounen (I stand corrected by Ying Ling :P) wannabes. Bishounen means pretty boys in Japanese. While their hair and clothes may be styled really well to almost look like bishounen, the face and features are not smooth enough to qualify lah. Haiz. Don't lah try too hard. It shows the wrong way really badly.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Kind of Buyer that Pisses You Off

Characters involved:
Me = Panda
The Pissing-Me-Off Buyer = Dog

Background Story:
The following conversation took place between me and a forumer who responded to my forum thread, in which I was selling off my university reference books.

Wah. Got people interested to buy my Solomon's Chemistry book. Not bad, not bad. The book still got market after all these years. It's a good Chemistry textbook by the way. But probably a bit too deep and specific for my studies.

Mind you, the price I quoted was RM75 inclusive of Poslaju courier service. With the book weighing as heavy as a 3-month-old toddler (~4-5 kg), I estimate Poslaju charges to be about RM14 to RM15. So deducting all of that off, I would only get RM60 for the book in the end.

I write my name to make sure the book knows its owner. And make sure it doesn't go missing. It's so blardy expensive, you can't blame me for taking extra precaution. Anyway, look what the dog forumer replied me.

I remembered seeing something like this on e-bay earlier this year. But I was pretty sure that the seller said it was used. Smelling something fishy, I went to e-bay to investigate. I mean, who on earth would be so stupid to sell a new one at RM90??? Do you know the new ones sell at RM200? You think I don't know ha? I didn't buy my degree from Monash, you know. I earned it! And with that, I would have more brains than that to fall to your slimy, conniving scheme.

And ta-da! I was right! So damn right!!

Pissed off I was. This bitch (pardon the pun) was trying to trick me. Think that I am so naive and stupid is it?


After calming down, I organized my retaliation. She probably thought that I wouldn't think of going to e-bay Malaysia to actually check her statement. I sooooooooooo wanted to tell her, "Then go and buy from the ebay seller lah". Betul wasting my time only. But if you know me very well, I am the kind who doesn't sit back and allow myself to be bullied. If anyone tries to manipulate me, I'll cucuk right in the heart like a long fine needle - Small, but hurts a lot.

And let's see what she respond. Classic response lah. "Oops my mistake" (cue roll eyes).

Wah, WRITE MY NAME ALSO CAN CAUSE THE BOOK TO GO DOWN IN VALUE SOOOOOOOOO MUCH HAR??!!!! My book is already cheaper than the ebay seller's one by almost twenty bucks, not enough har?? Both of us also free shipping. Both of us also hardly use our books. Write my name two words, so I should decrease the book price even further???

Stupid. Useless. No brain. Disrespectful. Depreciative. Cunning. Slimeball.

And to find out that this forumer actually offer tuition to high schoolers! Seriously man, if you really place great importance on knowledge, it would be an investment to buy them books. At such a price for a 2nd-hand book which costs RM200 original, and you still want to bargain? That only shows me that you're cheap.

Giving the impression to people that you're intellectual but being such a cheapskate to the point of stooping so low? From an educator to another, please, you're such an embarrassment to the society.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Spring Cleaning! - Destress Therapy

For the past two weeks, my room went through some serious spring cleaning which I think was desperately needed and about time. There were dusts on the table, unwanted clothes piled up in my cupboard, used and unused stuff cluttering in my cupboard, worn out shoes downstairs... just beh tahan liao. I'd take a picture but it would be to embarrassing to post it up anyway. Haha.

The last time I did it was probably the year my sister got married. I don't know. Just an educated guess because last year (Honours year) was just too busy for me so it was mostly impossible for me to have done anything domestic. Heh heh...

So yeah, unwanted clothes piling up in my closet. I have been looking for places to donate my clothes to for months. There were a few boxes in my neighbourhood where, from what I heard, you can donate anything you want and some people come to collect from those boxes during the weekend. I am not so sure where those go to, so my mom said NO GO. But I did manage to find someone looking for donations on the Malaysian Babes forum.

Off to sort out clothes that I still want to wear, and pack into bags clothes that I don't want to wear or don't fit anymore :)

The two skinny bags at the side contain my clothes. The
two fat ones are a combination of my mom and my sister.

Do you know how good it feels after sorting out and cleaning up? This high is way better than what any drug can do!!

Not like I did drugs to know how it felt -_-"

After I was done with that, I went to arrange the clothes in my closet. I don't know if you girls (and guys) know this about me... and I don't know if I'm one of the very few in the world with this strange fetish... and I think you might find this odd and extreme. Here goes. I have a habit of arranging my clothes according to their categories (e.g. pants, jeans, tops, dresses, cardigans, spaghetti tops) and within their categories I have to arrange them according to colour... Haha, yes you read that right. It just looks much nicer this way. Plus it's easier to find the clothes I wanna wear when they're arranged this way.

Oh yeah, shorts and pants are two different categories.

Observe the middle section (tops are my biggest collection):
White > Yellow/Beige > Red > Purple > Blue > Green > Brown > Black
Kidding NOT.

I had a thought of uniforming the colour of my hangers but I guess that that would be too extreme and a waste of money. Next time when I live on my own, then you'll probably see uniform-coloured hangers. Next time, next time.

Also cleared up my cupboard. Found stuff from my primary school days! OMG, my artwork. I may be creative when it concerns fingers and piano, but I totally have zero talent when it comes to fingers and artwork.

The misai man looks more like a man with a double chin screaming for
help. Should have coloured the misai black eh? Oh look, chicken's tail is
BIGGER than its body.

Some art project from Primary 5, music project in Primary 6.
I have a thing for flowers, don't I? Flower here, flower there.

Lo and behold, past exam papers! Now I realized that I used to be quite smart,
but not quite perfect. One thing that's never changed, Moral was and is my worst subject.

ANYWAY. After all this, I actually feel like I can breathe easier because space is open wider and not stuffy. I also sleep peacefully knowing that there're no more less clutter in my room. I do find cleaning up my room a form of cheering me up and very effective de-stressing therapy. Especially when you have music blaring from your speakers. It's so refreshing!

Was just at Midvalley this afternoon to watch Body of Lies and went browsing through MPH (while waiting for someone who FFK-ed me in the end anyway) when I saw The Last Empress was selling for only RM29.90!! Hardcover version some more. I did a double triple take at the price. I thought I overlooking some digits. It was really selling for RM29.90! How can I not buy it???

Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Camera!!!

Went to the PC fair yesterday at KLCC and yesh, I got a new digital camera!!! Haha. Ta-da! My new camera - Samsung L100!

I just realized that I've been purchasing Samsung techy products. First was the handphone, now it's the camera. I know it's not the most terra punya product. Or a high end brand. But I don't need brand name, I just need a good enough camera that can take good pictures, offer a good deal and will not bomb my bank account.

Besides, Samsung booths are all over the place. The other brands like Olympus, Canon and Fujifilm have humongous booths that are right in the crowded area. I mean, how would you like it if you're trying to ask questions and listen to the promoters while people keep bumping into your butt every few seconds??? Not good right? Besides, their promoters were too pushy. Samsung's people were friendly but not over the top.

They had this camera in pink, blue, silver, black and red. Silver? Wayyyyyyyyy too common. Pink? Ya think my brother will agree to pink? Hahaha. Blue? Nice but a bit too boring. Black? Just didn't stand out... It was sleek but... didn't seem quite right. Red? Stands out, not too dull, not too girlish, something different. Just right. And hey, good colour since CNY is just around the corner :P And, they're limited edition colours. Meaning not too common. Meaning good.

Camera specs:
+ 8.2 Megapixels
+ 3x optical zoom
+ Face detection
+ 2.5" intelligent LCD
+ Self potrait mode
+ Digital image stabilization
+ Battery life ~130 minutes or ~300 shots (fully utilized)

Now, a side-by-side comparison with my Samsung SGH-E950 3.2 Megapixel camera. I promise you, I never photoshop the pictures. Except resizing and adding the borders. Both taken without flash, under the same lighting at the same room by the same person within 2 minutes of each other.

Handphone camera: Not bad but the colour not so good right? Also lack sharpness.

Samsung L100 camera.

It retails at RM699 but I got it for RM559 thanks to the sure-got-bargain-one PC fair. Plus, it came with two 2Gb memory cards. And a towel (haha). And it's slimmer than my dad's already-kaputed fat digicam which you can't just carry in your handbag or slip into your jeans pocket. I say it's a good deal.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A cup of coffee

Over a cup of coffee, each person gathered in seats around a table exhausted for one-too-many reasons. Love. Life.

Although some did not fancy coffee or did not anticipate late night chatting, all somehow felt a mutual understanding that today the cup of coffee was needed for reasons that did not need to be spoken or asked.

Over a cup of coffee, frank opinions about different topics were heard in the initial conversation which gradually progressed further and deeper.

Over a cup of coffee, those now going through emotional turmoil shared their stories while the others listened attentively knowing that all that was needed were their ears to spare.

Over a cup of coffee, heartaches and bruises were felt by the others even when they did not go through what the person went through.

Over a cup of coffee, amusing stories in love-hate relationships from the experienced ones in were told candidly and laughters heard.

Over a cup of coffee, all concluded that there is no way to understand the opposite sex. But you can understand yourself and you must never sell yourself too low.

Over a cup of coffee, tears flowed freely as when they came. Hugs were offered and received graciously. Shoulders wet.

Over a cup of coffee, candid remarks offer a source of laughter and humour.

Sitting in our cars driving back home from a cup of coffee and a conversation later, burdens were not gone but at least lightened somewhat. Some were happy to let them all out of the system while the others were happy to just be there for them.

Just a simple cup of coffee with a conversation late into the night, friendships grew closer.

Monday, December 1, 2008

To perm or not to perm?

My mom burst into my room, wanting to ask me something. But as soon as she saw me in my wet hair, the first thing she did was a double-take and the first thing she said was "WAH!! So curly ah!!". And she forgot what she wanted to ask me.

THAT'S when you know you have curly hair. Not straight. Not wavy. Curly.

My mom has not seen me in my natural curls, neither have I. It's just so hard to take care of them and make sure the curl curl at the right place to look nice. So I usually just blow-dry my hair to make it wavy. Easier to manage. Now I have a new set of problems called frizz, hair-loss and too much energy put into maintaining hair.

Close friends around me (those with natural curls) and my sister, one by one, permed their hair. One said that her frizz problem reduced a lot after perming her hair. The other told me that her hair is not so dry and so much easier to manage as compared to when she straightened her hair. Another said that with her permed hair, she looks styled when she's casual and formal, thus no need to go to saloon to set hair.

One even told me that hair perm would be worth it for me because the curls would hold and last longer due to my natural curl. I personally have witnessed my own sister's hair looking better after perming for a year. Her hair no longer looks dry and frizzy. Damn, now I am really really tempted... seriously contemplating getting a perm.

You know during my mother's hey days, there was only one type of perm and perm only meant one thing - curl the entire hair. You only need to tell them whether you want big perm or small perm. Now when I surf the net and read various forums for "inspiration" (yes you must do your homework before you go do anything drastic to your hair), there're soooooooooooooooo many types that my head's spinning trying to read up on their differences.

Digital perm, Japanese perm, cold perm, hot perm, ceramic perm, tight perm, loose perm... Why did they have to come up with so many?? Sweat. I don't want and I don't need to know the differences.

The most important is the end result right? Whether I look good or not in the perm. And whether my money is well-invested.

Perms I don't want

This one will probably make my hair look drier than it actually is.
And I want something with less frizz. This does not look any less frizzy.

Yes I am a big fan of Melina Kanakeredes because I think her character in CSI New York is so cool, sexy, smart and strong with a good sense of fashion.

But I definitely don't want this kind of perm.
Don't think I would look good in that.

Perms that look nice & am considering

Style #1: Permed long hair with bangs. I don't think I can keep that kind of bangs
though unless it's straightened. Even that, I think bangs will make my face
look even rounder than it is.

Style #2: The fringe in here, I think, looks the most ideal for me...
even though I prefer the curls of the first picture. The curls in here start
further down the head.

Style #3: This one looks sweet and cute. But sweet and cute is not my style.

* Photos and hairstyle taken from Gabalnara. They have many other cool hairstyles on their website. Just click on the link if you want to take a look but to warn you, the website's in Korean.

My hair is now three inches below my shoulder. I probably need to grow inches more before I perm my hair. That means I'll have time to think until then. Yay! Haha.

I'm thinking about going to a new hair saloon as well because my hairstylist in my current saloon retired and I don't like the way the others cut my hair. While one blow-dry my hair sooooo straight that I look like a tomboy, the other one cuts off 4 inches when I specifically said 2 inches. And God, don't get me started on the difficulty of communicating with them. I spoke Mandarin, not even English! If I have to use sign language, I might as well I go to a Japanese saloon.

Anyway, any idea or remedy to quicken hair growth? If I want to perm or do anything with my hair, I'll have to do it before CNY season because that's when prices will hit sky high.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wearing black to weddings.

My knowledge on traditions is pretty limited but I do know for sure that black and white are (or were) the colours banned on guests in weddings. Black is classified as a no-no by Chinese tradition because it's associated with bad luck, depression and sadness. White is also a no-no simply because the colour white belongs to the bride and the bride alone on her wedding day. Wearing white would be like upstaging the bride, which equals to disrespectful.

I attended two weddings of my childhood friends in the past one month. One trend I noticed was increasing was people wearing black to church ceremonies and dinners. I guess the modern mindset is taking over. As long as...
(1) they turn up for the wedding,
(2) look good and presentable
(3) there's angpow.

But wearing white to weddings is still a no go :)

I wore a dress I bought from Treats, Midvalley branch. It was grey. Nearly black. Haha. I still don't dare to venture to wearing black dress to wedding dinners, although the little black dress can never go wrong and makes one look very classy. But all black is quite boring leh. And for the fear of offending the parents and grandparents. Friends sure won't mind but their parents, you don't know.

But hey... There're so many other colours out there, why not wear them instead?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Discovery of BB Cream

Only just recently, I've incorporated BB cream into my morning skincare. After seeing so many threads in Lowyat Forum selling BB cream, my mischievous self did not allow me to sit quiet quiet and not go check it out.

Excuses... Yah, I know. I'm just saying that to make me feel better, can or not?

Anyway, BB cream actually stands for Blemish Balm and, as you can tell from the name, it's a cream. According to what I've read, you can use it as a foundation base before applying makeup, (2) conceal all your dark eye circles, ugly zits, big zits, small zits, blackheads, whiteheads pimple/acne scars, uneven skintones and improve complexion, and (3) it also has healing properties as a blemish balm and it lessens or get rid of zits.

So if you wake up in the morning and discover that you have a horrendous zit, what better option is there than BB cream? You can just apply it all over your face (by patting, not rubbing like moisturizer) AND conceal the ugly zit AND heal the zit. Better than applying the other blemish gels which have zit-healing properties but no zit-hiding properties. Better than risking the risk of worsening your skin condition by wearing foundation which has zit-concealing and skin-hazard properties.

Oh, while foundation cakes at the end of the day, BB cream doesn't. To read more about it, click here. Oh I love this product.

So far I've tested three different BB creams because there is no ultimate BB cream that will work wonders for everyone. You really need to try them to see which one suits your skin the best. Recommendation can only go so far. Seeing positive results is way better than just hearing this and hypothetical statements. Just like science :)

I admit that I was a bit skeptical to try out different products like this because I believe that you'll be murdering your skin for trying too many different things at a time. And I still stand by it. Different products contain different chemicals. Then if you're trying too many at once, too many chemicals would be involved and that'll be too harsh to your skin. That's just my belief lah. I don't know whether this is scientifically proven or not.

BRTC Perfect Recover Balm - Bought this from someone online for about RM90++ for 30 ml. This is a higher end product manufactured by a pharmaceutical company (and I think has medicinal properties) so it'd be a bit pricey. The coverage was pretty awesome and it gives me a warm undertone. The texture was pretty thick for my taste but it seemed to blend in well with my skin after a while. Am not too sure about its oil control though it specializes in oil control. Still have to blot once or twice a day.

Skin79 Super+ Pink BB - Got this in sample size, which can also double as a travel size. So far I love this one the most. The texture was more liquidified than BRTC Perfect Recover and easier to apply. The coverage was good in my case. Not as great as BRTC but will do. The oil control seems to be better, and it gives me a healthy glow. One bonus point about this one is that it also contains SPF 25 which BRTC Perfect Recover does not have (you'll have to buy the Perfect Protect for sunblock). With its slight pink tone, my skin looked very natural after application. I might just stick to this one.

Skin79 Super+ Gold BB - This one differs from Super+ Pink that it contains gold and caviar extracts which apparently sooths and moisturizes your skin. The coverage was more or less the same as the Super+ Pink and it also has SPF 25 which is awesome cuz I like to minimize the amount of stuff I subject my skin to daily. Because this is more suited for dry/combination skin, the oil control was practically non-existent. So this is a no go for me.

Honestly speaking, my complexion has improved quite a lot since I've started using BB cream. I find my skintone now to be more even and less weird when I look at myself in the mirror. It also gives a glow to my skin that looks healthy and less oily. I have oily/combination skin, so that's my main concern when I choose facial products. I don't wanna look like I have enough oil on my face to deep fry a Garoupa.

I don't have problem with acne but I do have pimple scars... sigh. My pimples (when it comes) seem to be blooming at my chin area for some mysterious reason. Once upon a time it was at the forehead. Then it was my temple. Now it's traveled downwards to my chin. Maybe I should STOP TOUCHING MY FACE!

Oops, went off topic. So yeah, after applying BB cream, I find my scars hidden and out of sight PLUS my scars even became lighter and are healing more rapidly after using it for 2 weeks. God bless the person who invented this! The inventor is one smarty pants. I know I sound very commercial-like. Sorry, but it's really works! Good things must be shared right?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Did I deserve it?

4239687289357 things you gave me to do while you were away, I got two mixed up.

I'm sorry that I got them mixed up.

I'm sorry that I didn't execute all the 4239687289357 things you asked me to do perfectly.

I'm sorry that I am not a perfect daughter as you wished me to be.

I'm sorry that I screwed them up.

But do I deserve to be called stupid just because I forgot 2 things?'

Do I deserve to be reminded that I forgot those 2 things and be called stupid again and again?

I'm sorry I burst out angrily at you the last time I heard "stupid" from your mouth.

But I couldn't take it anymore.

Why couldn't it be "Aiyah.. why are you so forgetful?" or just "Ask you to do few simple things also can't get it right"? Just like that.

Of all things you could have called me, it was "stupid" instead?

Why did I have to be called stupid?

I wanna know coz it hurts, 妈. It really does.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ramblings of a former tomboy

When I was in primary school up till junior high, I was (or always thought of myself as) a tomboy.

Had short hair. Don't like to wear skirts. Don't like pink. Not bothered with appearance. Not bothered with taking care of my face, skin, etc. Don't like playing with barbie dolls, although I had one which I snipped her hair short because I hated the long blonde superficial hair she had. Sadistic, ain't I?

Preferred playing legos and computers (I grew up in the early 90s' where girls do not play computer). Scraping my knees and my hands was my second nature until my mom got so sick and pissed with me coming home from school so frequently with cuts, wounds and bruises. Most of which I had no idea where they came from. But I liked stuff animals. And I hardly play rough with others. I guess those were the only indication of any girliness at that age.

I also had this superficial mentality that I would never want to dress up, or need to depend on any skincare products to have a good skin. Kids! Sigh. Haha. Oh well, nobody knew what was in my mind at that time though. Except for maybe my 姐姐. I hated the hassles of all those things. I still hate hassles now. But it's more towards hassles caused by things which are unnecessary, insignificant, not worth your concern, and small little things.

Looking at myself now and comparing with me back then, I think it's really a laugh. Now I have long hair, refuse to cut it short EVER again. Still a clutz, but not as clumsy as I was before. Loves to go shopping and window shopping. Looking at pretty clothes and shoes, and trying them on. I don't hate wearing skirts anymore. But still prefer jeans, shorts and pants to skirts. I'll wear skirts and dresses to wedding ceremonies and dinners lah. It would be so rude and disrespectful if I were to wear jeans to a formal occasion.

I STILL love sports. Haha. I may not be good at a lot of sports but... That hasn't changed.

Anyway, now I go through the daily skincare routine. For the sake of taking care of my skin's health. With all kinds of harmful things and chemicals roaming around invisibly and floating mysteriously in the air we breathe in, I think this has totally become a necessity. I pretty much agree with the saying that there is no ugly girls, just lazy ones. Can't recall to whom these words of wisdom belonged to, but what she said is so true.

I do thank God for my parents who gave me good complexion... although I'm not quite sure which one of them. My guess is my mom. But I have pink undertone (not yellow) which is definitely inherited from my dad. Maybe a good combination of both? Wah seh, perasannya aku.

Hey, for those of you saying that I'm lucky because I "never" had an acne problem, I'd like to say that you are so wrong. Perhaps it's not wrong for me to say that I was blessed that I never had much pimple breakouts since my teenage years. However, if I was not wrong (and I'm pretty sure I'm not), I had my fair share of breakouts when I was 10-12 years old, which was around the time when the dreadful auntie paid her first visit to me and my hormones started going crazy.

You know, at that age, nobody knew what pimples were. Even when my sister told me that I had pimples, I was fazed... apa benda tu? So by the time I entered junior high, my pimple problems were greatly diminished while most others started theirs. So by the time people started noticing pimples, the annoying little zits had already gone.

I really hated everytime people kept indirectly implying that I was going to have skin havoc in college since I had none in high school. A teacher actually said this out loud during class. She taught me History in Secondary Two. Don't know if it was out of jealousy or out of envy. Or trying to make the others feel better by pronouncing hell on others. Why is it that one can't make others feel better with some method that does NOT disparage or offend others? So nice to feel good by comparing with others ha? So childish.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Emergency Festival

While Suzan was in neighbouring Singapore birthday-feasting, Malaysia was having an Emergency Festival (By the way, I know I already wished you via sms BUT happy birthday Suzan! Happy things must be celebrated!).

Emergency Festival? Yes, Emergency Festival.

No, not the emergency with doctors, paramedics, nurses, really cool ugly wounds and bandages, ambulances, fire fighters, drippers, morphines...

Emergency as in Darurat. Where there is curfew, food and water ration, Britishs, communists/revolutionists, I shoot you you shoot me, I kill you you kill me... you get the picture. Apparently this year marks the 60th anniversary of the Emergency Period. Seriously if it wasn't for this exhibition, I wouldn't have remembered.

Activities during this Festival include exhibition and walkthrough of events, dramas, documentaries and even an aftershow dance floor called Disco Darurat. The sound of it is odd right? Oh, but they play really cool songs from that era remixed. Man if they play this kind of music in clubs here in KL, I think I'll be there every night.

And I'll be very broke.

And my parents wouldn't be too happy. Haha. I guess they pray really hard. And God is a prayer-answering God.

The festival was held at the building next to Central Market (Or was it Central Market itself?). The bunch of us didn't know such place existed until then. So much for being KL-bred.

The exhibition exposed us to the lifestyle of the people in Malaya back then. Which, of course, you don't learn about in high school Sejarah and it's only small pieces of a bigger picture. You know, I wished that teachers would really make the effort to have these kind of interactive learning instead of spoonfeeding and lecturing us. I can guarantee that I learnt more about Malaysian History in that one night alone than the five years in high school combined together.

These papers lying scattered all over the floor of the exhibition hall were actually examples of flyers the Brits distributed (by flying all over the place and throwing papers off the plane literally) during the period to brainwash the Malayan people, portraying Parti Komunis Malaya as blood-thirsty criminals.

Look at how much paper was used by the Brits back then! Global warming culprits.

OK. Here's the deal. In school, History textbooks taught us that: (1) PKM members were bad people with bad intentions and personal greed; (2) they have no god; and (3) mereka merupakan golongan yang terjerumus ke dalam ajaran sesat.

Now, here's a fresh perspective. A different one. We actually get to listen to the stories from the other side. Yes the very people who were accused of treason to the country - the members of Parti Komunis Malaya. While the Brits and textbooks call them Communists, they call themselves Revolutionists.

Here's a picture of the director of the Revolusi '48 documentary (long hair guy) interviewing a former PKM revolutionist (old man) who selflessly shared his side of the story. The one story which had been hidden from us.

Back then, Malaya was rich with rubber and tin resources. The British brought in plenty of manpower from other places, e.g. India. With greed, comes abuse of power. With abuse of power, comes abuse of rights. With abuse of rights, comes the establishment of PKM by the labourers as a movement against the British colonists and as an association which fights and defends for the rights of the labourers in Malaya.

Unlike popular belief (or rather the belief a particular group of people wants us to believe), PKM was not a Chinese party. Neither was PKM a racial party. They were revolutionists who were fighting for freedom and independence from the Brits.

Oh, and one of the rules of PKM is to respect and not degrade women. Anyone who is found guilty of raping a woman will be shot to death on the spot. Fuiyoh! Good right? Haha.

Anyway, the documentary we watched was just a first draft. Can't wait to see the final version!

The hanging boards are actually pictures of life during the Emergency Period. There was also a picture of the very first Identity Card (modern day MyKad). Do you know that as Malaysians, the only proof of our Malaysian citizenship all around the world is our MyKad? If we lose our MyKad, then that's it lah. Aliens we become.

Oh, and Identity Card was introduced by the Brits during the Emergency Period to identify PKM members from the neutral (or seemed neutral). I think this was taught in high school, but I never got around liking Sejarah. Let alone remember facts. I remember Year 1511 as the year Malacca got colonized by the Portugese because 1511 was the Jaring internet dial-up number back then. Hehehe.

Now I know why I always get headache and fever whenever I had to study Sejarah back in high school. I'm allergic to bullshit. So, food for thought... the Sejarah we learn in school - is it Sejarah or Sastera?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All Things New

New Study Table

After I've graduated -_-;

Nevermind. At least now I can mark reports in my room while blasting music on my pc. Actually, this picture was taken few months back (I bought this with Suzan. Yes, while she was still here. Yes, I know it took me a few million donkey years to post this up. Yes, I am getting old. Yes, I am getting slow. Yes yes, whatever...)

Never got around posting it up. It was saved as drafts though. This picture is rather old now. Most of the stuff has changed. Although the positions remain the same. And it's messier. But of course, for picture's sake I'm gonna clean it up a little because I paiseh wanna show you the messy true me.

My room looks very different from the one I've been living in during the years I was roomies with my sis. Well, now she's married with her own house, I am the only mistress of the room and I get to do what I want with it. Muahahaa. Space. I love it. Even my mom was saying that it's easier for her to sweep the floor now.

Oh, by the way. Three computers kaput-ed in my room. It's one problem after another. My old pc hard disc konked. So all my data (including my convocation pictures) are gone. Shit man. Should have burned them into the CD after I got them. Not wait until I finished my honours. Haiyah. So yeah, Suzan, I might need to take the pictures from you again the next time I see you. Haiyah haiyah haiyah.

Then, took my brother's old pc (after he got a new one). Something also went wrong with it. Forgotten what though. I think it was RAM or motherboard problem. Celaka betul. That pc only lasted a month or two.

Then, took the study room's pc. My mom seldom uses it anyway. And if she needed to use any pc, she can just pop into either my bro's room or mine. Still same house, same floor wat... Where got far?? ANYWAY. That one was working fine. In fact, my dad's friend helped us fixed that pc and assembled new hardware. And he has been fixing our pc ever since I could remember. Then came virus attack that ate some of the files required for Windows to run. Yes, as you've guessed it, the computer cannot start up and CRASHED!!


You tell me, my luck with computers very the jia lat or not???

My bro and I were discussing on what's the problem, as my dad just bluntly put it, "Forget it lah... the computers are old and probably condemned."

Now my study table is a house to 4 pcs (as you can see).

Three old and condemned pcs sitting beneath my study table. My room's a computer morgue! At least they come in useful as leg rest and pinter paper storage. Haha.

And the fourth one is a New Computer!!! Huehuehue. I got a new toy from Lowyat.

I think everything is different. Except the printer. And the mouse. I curi-ed the monitor from the study. No logic to me to let this bigger Samsung flat screen monitor to lie there and collect dust, while I have to squint my already-small eyes to see stuff on my old smaller LG monitor hor? :P

Even the speaker's changed. Seems to me that everything changed from white to black. I think I am getting into the dark emo phase.

New Handphone
Now this is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really old news. I had changed my handphone in uummmm... June? Or July. See, it was so long ago, I don't even remember!

I had been using the same white Nokia 3100. The one who had been with me so faithfully for as long as 4 years. It's worth so much that when I traded in the handphone, it was valued at only RM 40. Hahaha. Yes, that old. Anyway, I traded the old Nokia 3100 for Samsung Slider E950!

I liked the phone because of the design and its features initially. It had 3.2 Megapixel camera... I think it must be the old habitual thing because I don't even remember that I have a camera in my handphone until months later. Seriously. Usually when people have a new toy, they tend to happily explore everything. I, on the other hand... I think I am strange.

I liked it also because it slides. I wanted either a slide phone or a flip phone. But none of the flip phone looked ideal. I don't know why flip phones in Malaysia look so odd. Why can't they be nice and flat and not boring?

It can also play mp3 songs as ringtone while my previous phone can only take polyphonic ringtones. My first ringtone? Super Junior's "Don't Don". Heheheh. My ringtone now is an irony - "Wrong Number" by Dong Bang Shin Ki. When people call me, I hear Changmin singing something in Korean, then DBSK telling me "You got the wrong number, you got the wrong number, you got the wrong number, so don't call me no more". Would be awesome as a caller ringtone right? Hehe.

What I didn't know was the square thing right in the middle of the phone under the Samsung logo was a touch screen that rotates function with different application. Sometimes it'll be arrows up and down, left and right. When I'm using the mp3 player function, they'll be stop play pause, etc. I also stunned. Haha. It is true that I am a pure bred city gal. But technology is moving way faster than my brain can take. But it's cool man. So cool.

P.S. Now I'm thinking of a 4GB mp3/mp4 player.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Just when I thought I've seen everything, and that my job was starting to be a little mundane, I see these random things written by some students in the works they submitted. Really. I am not making these up.

They just make me laugh out loud and be happy in the midst of the brain-stress while marking.

Words of wisdom #1
The aim of the experiment was to determine the concentration of ascorbic acid in vitamin C.

O.o A perfect example of blindly doing their reports. The last time I checked, vitamin C and ascorbic acid are the same thing. Sigh.

Words of wisdom #2
Paprika is made from bell pepper.

HAHAHAHAA. That is equivalent to you telling me that strawberries are made from blueberries.

Words of wisdom #3
(First lines in introduction) Why are most plants green? Why do the leaves of some trees turn from green to orange or yellow in autumn? This experiment will help shed some light on this subject.

Speechless. Beyond. Words. Plus, the experiment was focused on chromatography rather than colours of the plants and different types of pigments. Sigh.

And this one has to be the best.

Words of wisdom #4
The chromatography plate developed into a watchglass.

Omo omo! Magic show!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Big Scandal

So yesterday I was just updating my information in my facebook. Thought of removing my status (just like I did in Friendster) because I personally don't like to disclose personal matters online. If the account was purely family and close friends, I wouldn't have minded. But it's not the case now.

I removed my "Single" status. So it is a blank status. And see what happens... I suffered my biggest heart attack when I logged on this morning and found this!!

Helloooooo!! "Daesi is no longer listed as single" does not mean "Daesi is married!" or "Daesi is in a relationship!". Facebook's biggest loophole. Mana tahu that "no longer listed as single" has a heart shape next to it. What lah.. WHAT LAH..

Good thing my parents no facebook, man.

Honestly, I am only 23 and I have no longing for a relationship. Still too much yet to see, too much yet to know. You see, I'm really not the type who would simply go into any relationship if I knew it would get me nowhere or simply because out of peer pressure. If it was really future-less, then I wouldn't wanna waste anyone's time or play with anyone's feelings.

And c'mon lah, if I had a boyfriend, the last thing I would do is immediately announce to the entire world of facebook. My sister and close friends would know first. Not the entire world. The rest of the world can wait.

Shit man, now people is gonna be asking me about this when they see me face to face. Damn damn damn.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random Ramblings

My computer crashed. For good. Virus attacked, and now hardware problem. Told my dad, he said don't bother fixing it because the computer is condemned already. Yalah, the thing is almost ten years old for goodness sake!

So now, I'm sharing computer with my brother. And obviously the brother wants the computer all the time. To do "work" lah. Somehow, whenever I go into his room, his homework somewhat requires a lot of clicking and computer graphics animation with weapons and people fighting... somewhat reminds me of Civilation 4. Oh well, maybe technology has advanced so much that homework now resembles pc games. To make the students do their homework?? I wonder.

Don't be expecting me to blog often now though since I have no private computer of my own. Blogging ain't fun with people sitting behind you and watching you. Blogging ain't fun when you keep hearing voices asking you "When are you going to be done?" every freaking minute. Blogging ain't fun when there's a risk of people barging into the room uninvited. Blogging ain't fun when a restless being keeps walking in and out of the room. In other words, blogging ain't fun when there's no privacy.

At least now I get to use the sole surviving computer in peace because the restless being is at college. Muahahahaaa...

Guess what???

Ministry of Sound at Monash!! On the 6th floor of Building 3.

But when I went that direction, the corridor was still rows of science laboratories. Some smart, very free and hardworking students actually took time and effort to do this. They have too much time lar, too much time. Maybe should stop cutting down their homework?

And I got eaten by fishes!! Those cannibalistic fishes!!

A few Saturdays ago (Aug 30th), a group of friends from church and I went to Morino Kaze at Bukit Bintang (near Pavillion) to have our legs bitten by fishes. It was the first time for all of us, if I'm not mistaken.

These fishes are not fed breakfast, lunch and dinner. Which is basically why they all swimming furiously towards your legs and nibble nonstop once you put your feet into the pool. The best part is they eat off the dead skin cells on your feet and occasionally legs. Mind you, feet is the part of your body which has the most dead skin cells.

So, you need to get rid of dead skin cells to get smooth and glowing feet. We pay about 30 bucks to dump our feet in the pool for half-an-hour. And these hungry fishes have no food to eat. Not bad for symbiosis?

Yes, it is ticklish when you first put it in. But after a while, when you have a swarm of fishes at it at your feet, it becomes a numbing sensation. Bringing a friend is highly recommended. Good to talk and get your mind off the tickling.

And no, the fishes are not piranhas!

The environment there isn't bad either. You should go try it out sometime.

Heard there is a full body fish therapy. I so want to go try it out. Sometime later. When I am free. Anybody know where in Malaysia or Singapore do they offer full body fish therapy?

Check out this new MV!!

Nobody by Wonder Girls

I never really have a liking towards any of the Korean girl groups. And a strong dislike towards one 9-member girl group. Mainly because most of them sing really bubblegum pop songs with high pitch squeaky voice that might just make my ears go deaf before I turn 40. And some really can't sing. Or dance. Or at least have the personality to compensate for the lack of the other two talents. However, I think I might just make Wonder Girls an exception.

Wish the girl groups would sing more songs with attitude to it like this one. I like the concept of this MV. Very dreamgirl-esque. The song is catchy, not overly sugary-sweet, diabetes-inducing nauseating lyrics. And JYP is hilarious in here. Check it out.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Smartest Move

How does someone who started all the racial sentiments by saying that the Chinese were merely squatting in Malaysia and thus does not have the right to equity (Isu pendatang yang hangatlah tu) which was followed up by the disrespectful treatment of Koh Hsu Koon (*cough* tearing picture *cough*) in public gets off with a 3-year suspension...

But the reporter who reported all his wonderful theatrical lines in the paper gets detained by ISA?

For those of you who don't know, ISA stands for Internal Security Act, which is under the Home Affairs Ministry, which is akin to Homeland Security and CIA in the United States.

I can't believe my eyes, my ears and the logic. Or lack of it.

The one who said it didn't get arrested for starting all these soap opera in the first place, but the reporter who reported his statements in the newspaper get arrested by ISA instead? And SHE and the newspapers which published the reports are branded a threat to national unity and peace?? WTH???

What? Telling us to swallow whatever insults hurled at us is it? Isn't it enough that we get sidelined in a lot of things?

Why don't us pendatangs go back to where we came from? In spite of my love for Malaysia, I'll be so thrilled. Even if it means that I have to learn Fuzhou from scratch at this age.

May the drama continue. With more smart ideas and plots.

Update: Apparently the ISA arrested the reporter because there were threats on her life. That's what they said. I personally don't buy it. But it's up to you to think whatever you want. I mean, c'mon lah, the very obviously government-controlled newspaper would have reported that she has been "taken into protective custody" instead of "arrested" or "detained" for obvious reasons. And using ISA? Goodness gracious.

Now, give me back our MP!

Friday, August 8, 2008

08.08.08 Olympics Opening Ceremony

I think this is my first time ever to watch an Olympics opening ceremony from start to finish. Not that I forced myself to finish it. The performances just had me in awe and mesmerized. So beautifully choreographed. So intelligently birthed. So intriguingly exciting that it kept me glued to my sofa. Don't even dare move to go to the loo.

The performances highlighted the history of China and its great inventions. Paper. Paint. Cop mohor (what's that in English? Haha. Tak tau...). Peking Opera. Silk Road. Taichi. For every moment I was watching the event live on TV, I remember thinking and feeling proud to be a Chinese and proud that my forefathers were from China.

My Best Moments

The percussion drum performance. This was a brilliant idea. And I mean brilliant. Period. Whoever came up with this idea deserve the award for originality. I mean, how on earth do you use 2008 drummers to do a countdown that looks like digitally programmed and animated??? It's just way, wayyyy, wayyyyyyyyy too cool.

The Chinese singing their national anthem. You could actually feel the pride and patriotism of the people towards their country in spite of any misunderstanding and differences. No vibrations. No falsettos. No R&B turns in the song like what you always see the American singers do. Just the simple melody of the anthem. Each word sung passionately.

When the people underneath the boxes with Chinese characters (resembling a signature chop they use back in those days) opened the cover and waved crazily at the crowd. It is so hard to believe that these boxes were maneuvered by humans by hard practice, because it looked so mechanically programmed. Haha. Now I know that anything is definitely possible when you have the Chinese kiasu-ism.

The lighting of the Olympic torch. We've seen its lighting with lighted-arrow in 1992 Barcelona. But whoa, who had expected suspension high up on the roof top with the Chinese great gymnast running the last lap in the stadium's roof??? So cool. I have never seen so bleak originality and individuality in a single event in my life.

Those were the best moments for me. Another thing I found intriguing was the marching in of the delegates from 200 over countries. This is the most boring segment. But I think this time, people were kept curious and more interested (not that it was sooooo interesting either) because for the first time in the history of Olympics they are marching in order of the Chinese alphabet. God knows how it works. I think it probably go by the number of strokes in the first word. Don't know if the letter of its pinyin actually plays a part.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

SBS Drama - The Irony Kills

For the past week, SBS (one of the broadcasting stations in Korea) has been on the rampage of hunting down and suspending the accounts of members who had uploaded their videos. Some noted members include coolsmurf and gomdorii. There're probably lots more which I still don't know.

Anyway. SBS accused them of infringing and violating copyrights, yada yada, blah blah and all that jazz. The shows uploaded by them such as X-Man (which had ended its run few years ago) and Ya Shim Man Man (older seasons) were all deleted without warning.

In my opinion, to be fair, they ought to give them warning first. Why leh? Firstly, if it was not for these users, the non-Korean speaking people would not have a single clue about Korea. And they are talking about magnifying the hallyu wave. These people took time and effort to translate the Korean and add English subtitles to these shows so that people like me can actually watch it, understand it, enjoy it AND learn bits of Korean along the way. I say, if not for them, Korea's break into international market would have been much slower.

Fast forward a week. Now here's what happened. There was a rehearsal for the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony rehearsal. Before the real thing, media from all over the world are invited and allowed to see a sneak preview of the opening ceremony before the Games officially start. Embargo. Keep the information and news to yourself until the big guys say it's OK to spill.

SBS is now in hot soup over copyright infringement and embargo violation because they released a video of the rehearsal to the world. China is pissed for obvious reasons. Imagine how hard they have choreographed and practiced for the past years. And now half the world has already seen it before the real thing. That just kills the enthusiasm and surprise factor.

It's like you and your group members practiced so hard to prepare for a performance and you even kept the theme of your play a secret. You ask a few friends or people to come in and see your rehearsals. To give comments and tell them to publicize it. Then, someone goes and tell others the funny lines, punch lines, storyline and how it all ends. Wah lao, you won't get pissed ah?

If you ask me, I think it's plain ignorance and disrespect on SBS's part. No matter what they say about how they were just trying to heightening the enthusiasm among the people towards the coming Games, that does not justify your wrongdoing. If I am a poor woman who has 2 small children to feed and I steal bread from a bakery because I need to feed them, that does not justify that my act of stealing is not wrong. Stealing is wrong. Whatever intentions that is.

First SBS puts people's life into misery - both the people who have put in much effort to subtitle and make available videos, and those who can't get enough of these videos. Accusing others of copyright infringement. And now they're under fire for the same thing. Oh, the irony... it just kills.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Medical Checkup

Was wondering why was I so tired when I woke up this morning.. Even after 7 hours of sleep. Then I remembered (while I was walking around Midvalley) that I had walked to Sunway Medical Centre from my campus for the compulsory post- and pre-employment medical checkup just yesterday.

No wonder I was tired. OK. I know it's not a big deal to walk that distance, and what's there to be tired of? But it's been a while since I walked that much. Cut me some slack. Plus there wasn't much of a rest time I had. Sit down, get up, walk here, walk there. I think I've pampered my legs too much.

This was my first full medical checkup, which went quite smoothly. First was the X-ray session. Which went pretty fast, although the nurse had said that it would take quite a while. I had to sign a statement prior to the X-ray that says that I am NOT pregnant. Now. That I know for sure, but they were not gonna take any chances. My aunty's visit had come late this time, and earlier they even said that I had to do the pregnancy test to show that I am definitely NOT pregnant. Which I had to pay out of my own wallet. Good thing the dreadful aunty came visiting after all.

Then there was listening and yakking with the doctor session, the blood test and urine test. The nurse said if there is anything abnormal about my tests' results, she would call me. So to not get a phone call from her means that everything's OK. I didn't hear from her. Happy!! X-ray showed that my lungs are OK and that I have a heart. Good news right? :P

Friday, July 4, 2008

Doing the Karen Cheng

Don't know if this passes as "Doing the Karen Cheng"... Only it's times three.

Took this after our exodus from Aquaria KLCC. This was the bathroom near the exit. Has a gigantic mirror. Yup. This is the best camwhoring picture we can get. The others were either blur or bad. Haha.

I guess when God made us, he didn't put in the "camwhoring" gene. If not, we'd be so vain.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Chronicles of Tolerance TRULY Tested

Just why do I hate him??

1. He is arrogant. He thinks the world is revolved around him.

2. He thinks he is such a big shot. Get this. This guy thinks that anything that he feels like it's said against him is a set-up sabotage purposely planned by others... like lecturers who are so "free" to plan all this nonsensical thing. Who does he think he is har? The Yang DiPertuan Agong of Malaysia? The President of United States? This is the real world, not a soap opera.

3. He is a total bitch. While bitch is often used to described a female, I think the world has already evolved to accept that this term can also be used on males BECAUSE this guy is the epitome of the meaning of the word "bitch". He bitches worse than girls and his behaviour itself... well, catch my drift. Need I say more?

4. His sarcasm. Sometimes uncalled for and unprovoked. Like you leave him a note to tell him to clean up after using your table, he tells you that you have no right to tell him that in full sarcasm steam, with all other unrelated insults (also in sarcasm). His sarcasm is not even a single ounce witty. His sarcasm is just engineered to purposefully insult and hurt others. He doesn't care what he says.

5. He thinks he is right. Oh yeah, in his own world, he is ALWAYS right. Even if he's obviously sesat and serong, he is always right. Everybody else is wrong. Always.

6. He is a two-faced buffalo. He has the nerve to bitch about me to others behind my back. Telling all how high and mighty he is, and how I have no right to be in the lab since I am no longer a student AND he has the right to KICK me out of the lab. Then he comes, sits at my table for lunch and explains to me jokingly and all smile-smile about why the lab was so messy and the equipment that came out of nowhere. If he were to explain to me nicely in words (no sarcasm), I might have changed my mind about him. That hypocrite. That bitch. Now you see why I say point #3 totally applies to him?

My note: "Do not use this Dr Emily's bench to do your work, as you are not her student and use your own bench. Also, please clean up after your work's done."

His reply?: "As if you are. I don't hear you having any postgrad studies in plan. So it's basically none of your business. Besides, steam distillation is your supervisor's work.. you want you can ask YT, etc."

(These are not the exact words, but as I recall them. The meaning still remains the same though).

You see, if he had just mentioned that last part only, I would have been fine. But what's up with the first two? And according to logic and the university, I am still technically a student until my results are released. Which is July 11th. So I still have the right to be there if I want to. Get your facts right before you say anything. But hey, he always thinks he's right (point #5). No point arguing with him?

7. He demands respect from others, but gives none in return. Come on lah, this guy doesn't even respect the lecturers. Talk about no big, no small. I don't deny that I've lost all respect for him. What, publish papers and papers... so what? What is the use of all those papers and so-called "fame" when your personality is like shit?

8. A hypocrite. Points fingers fervently at others about what he perceives as their "misconduct" when he himself commits one which he claims it to be completely acceptable and not a misconduct. Like I said in point #5, he is ALWAYS right in his own world.

9. For his age, he behaves shamefully. And he takes all petty things soooooo personally that he hits them with words really personally even in a professional setting. So much that it is embarrassing. Even to us who are watching it, we feel embarrassed.

10. He blows things out of proportion. An honest gesture and straightforward explanation of things, he says that they are conspiracy and politics purposely directed to defame him. Honestly, who has the time to do all this things? Let alone waste energy on him. What for lah, seriously? Drama queen.

11. He is completely unreasonable. He makes all kinds of explanations to justify his "right" statements. Even if they don't make sense. You know how people often use facts and twist them around to suit them?

12. The more I talk to him, the more I hate him. Now I'm at the point where I don't wanna talk to him at all if possible. This guy needs some serious knock with a sledgehammer to bring some sense and realism to the head of his.

I can just imagine if he reads this right now, he'll officially proclaim me as an eternal enemy and will bitch about me 100% of the time even more to others. But what do I care? This is my blog, I have the freedom to lepas steam here. And this is considered mild already, kay. I rather be known to hate you than pretend to be OK with you. I'm sorry, I can't pretend to even be neutral with you.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Suzan's Farewell (26-06-08)

Lunch Session: Wendy's

The reason why we had to have split sessions for Suzan's farewell was... well, as you know... the more people involved, the harder it is to get synchronized free time and availability. Haha. True or not, true or not?

Mei Qi was not free for the dinner, so Suzan had lunch with her. I tagged along. And dragged along three others. Haha. Since we all technically have no work, and are officially unemployed.

Aku malas nak tulis panjang-panjang. Nanti tulis sampai malam besok pun tak habis-habis. So I will post up some pictures and mention only the highlights.

Jason, on a date with four pretty girls. Hahahaa.

We were all done eating our lunch, except for Suzan who was only halfway through. Too much beef to swallow :P

Hmmmm... where to go next?

Dinner Session: Sushi Groove

"Life is too short to eat bad sushi". Amen!
Except that I don't eat much sushi.

The stuff in my food was moving! The Bonito flakes are scary. After mixing my curry chicken bibimbap gao-gao, they stopped moving... thank God! I think I prefer Han-Woo-Ri's bibimbap though. Much more delicious.

Girl-of-the-Day with her food.

Jason's food. He swore that he will never touch the vege. True enough. The vege still looks untouched and EXACTLY the same after the meat vanished down his stomach.

While the other XX species had ice-cream for dessert (sesame or green tea ice-cream), the XX star-of-the-day had an alcoholic drink called Japanese Slipper. Tasted little bit like honeydew + alcohol. The strength of the alcohol taste was 50 times less shocking than Soju. Haha.

Standing: Tall One, Fat One, Big One, Yet-to-be-nicknamed One
Sitting: Indonesian Star*, Pretty One, Fair One

* Note: Suzan's original nickname was Indonesian Maid. But since she was the star of the day, we changed it to Indonesian Star. Haha.

Right now, a secret conversation shall be revealed about our planning around Suzan's farewell since it's not a secret anymore now that it's over. It was her idea to have a farewell dinner. But we kepoh-kepoh went and add a farewell gift and a cake. Secretly lah, of course.

Jason: What does Suzan like?

Me: Three things... Food, books and bangles. Oh yeah, music of weird naming bands. Get her a cake lah.

Yi Vern: Hmmm, OK. What flavour cake?

Mei Qi: Chocolate, she loves chocolate.


We really felt like singing the Happy Birthday song when the cake was brought out and placed right in front of her. Haha. Oh, she really loves chocolate cake doesn't she? Haha.

We stayed there until they were closing. And they still didn't chase us out because they were closing. They just patiently waited for us to finish up our conversation, cakes and camwhoring. We voluntarily went outside to settle the bill among ourselves.

This is us settling the dinner bill outside Sushi Groove. Next time must bring calculator everywhere I go lah. Had to count the old school way.

To see the rest of the pictures, click here.

Hui San! Hope you enjoyed the chocolate cake and book (completely randomly picked... nobody read it before, so give us your verdict). Have a safe trip and take care of yourself over there in Medan. Anytime you miss us, just look back at these pictures (and whole lots more in your camera).