Thursday, December 18, 2008

Spring Cleaning! - Destress Therapy

For the past two weeks, my room went through some serious spring cleaning which I think was desperately needed and about time. There were dusts on the table, unwanted clothes piled up in my cupboard, used and unused stuff cluttering in my cupboard, worn out shoes downstairs... just beh tahan liao. I'd take a picture but it would be to embarrassing to post it up anyway. Haha.

The last time I did it was probably the year my sister got married. I don't know. Just an educated guess because last year (Honours year) was just too busy for me so it was mostly impossible for me to have done anything domestic. Heh heh...

So yeah, unwanted clothes piling up in my closet. I have been looking for places to donate my clothes to for months. There were a few boxes in my neighbourhood where, from what I heard, you can donate anything you want and some people come to collect from those boxes during the weekend. I am not so sure where those go to, so my mom said NO GO. But I did manage to find someone looking for donations on the Malaysian Babes forum.

Off to sort out clothes that I still want to wear, and pack into bags clothes that I don't want to wear or don't fit anymore :)

The two skinny bags at the side contain my clothes. The
two fat ones are a combination of my mom and my sister.

Do you know how good it feels after sorting out and cleaning up? This high is way better than what any drug can do!!

Not like I did drugs to know how it felt -_-"

After I was done with that, I went to arrange the clothes in my closet. I don't know if you girls (and guys) know this about me... and I don't know if I'm one of the very few in the world with this strange fetish... and I think you might find this odd and extreme. Here goes. I have a habit of arranging my clothes according to their categories (e.g. pants, jeans, tops, dresses, cardigans, spaghetti tops) and within their categories I have to arrange them according to colour... Haha, yes you read that right. It just looks much nicer this way. Plus it's easier to find the clothes I wanna wear when they're arranged this way.

Oh yeah, shorts and pants are two different categories.

Observe the middle section (tops are my biggest collection):
White > Yellow/Beige > Red > Purple > Blue > Green > Brown > Black
Kidding NOT.

I had a thought of uniforming the colour of my hangers but I guess that that would be too extreme and a waste of money. Next time when I live on my own, then you'll probably see uniform-coloured hangers. Next time, next time.

Also cleared up my cupboard. Found stuff from my primary school days! OMG, my artwork. I may be creative when it concerns fingers and piano, but I totally have zero talent when it comes to fingers and artwork.

The misai man looks more like a man with a double chin screaming for
help. Should have coloured the misai black eh? Oh look, chicken's tail is
BIGGER than its body.

Some art project from Primary 5, music project in Primary 6.
I have a thing for flowers, don't I? Flower here, flower there.

Lo and behold, past exam papers! Now I realized that I used to be quite smart,
but not quite perfect. One thing that's never changed, Moral was and is my worst subject.

ANYWAY. After all this, I actually feel like I can breathe easier because space is open wider and not stuffy. I also sleep peacefully knowing that there're no more less clutter in my room. I do find cleaning up my room a form of cheering me up and very effective de-stressing therapy. Especially when you have music blaring from your speakers. It's so refreshing!

Was just at Midvalley this afternoon to watch Body of Lies and went browsing through MPH (while waiting for someone who FFK-ed me in the end anyway) when I saw The Last Empress was selling for only RM29.90!! Hardcover version some more. I did a double triple take at the price. I thought I overlooking some digits. It was really selling for RM29.90! How can I not buy it???

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