Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Kind of Buyer that Pisses You Off

Characters involved:
Me = Panda
The Pissing-Me-Off Buyer = Dog

Background Story:
The following conversation took place between me and a forumer who responded to my forum thread, in which I was selling off my university reference books.

Wah. Got people interested to buy my Solomon's Chemistry book. Not bad, not bad. The book still got market after all these years. It's a good Chemistry textbook by the way. But probably a bit too deep and specific for my studies.

Mind you, the price I quoted was RM75 inclusive of Poslaju courier service. With the book weighing as heavy as a 3-month-old toddler (~4-5 kg), I estimate Poslaju charges to be about RM14 to RM15. So deducting all of that off, I would only get RM60 for the book in the end.

I write my name to make sure the book knows its owner. And make sure it doesn't go missing. It's so blardy expensive, you can't blame me for taking extra precaution. Anyway, look what the dog forumer replied me.

I remembered seeing something like this on e-bay earlier this year. But I was pretty sure that the seller said it was used. Smelling something fishy, I went to e-bay to investigate. I mean, who on earth would be so stupid to sell a new one at RM90??? Do you know the new ones sell at RM200? You think I don't know ha? I didn't buy my degree from Monash, you know. I earned it! And with that, I would have more brains than that to fall to your slimy, conniving scheme.

And ta-da! I was right! So damn right!!

Pissed off I was. This bitch (pardon the pun) was trying to trick me. Think that I am so naive and stupid is it?


After calming down, I organized my retaliation. She probably thought that I wouldn't think of going to e-bay Malaysia to actually check her statement. I sooooooooooo wanted to tell her, "Then go and buy from the ebay seller lah". Betul wasting my time only. But if you know me very well, I am the kind who doesn't sit back and allow myself to be bullied. If anyone tries to manipulate me, I'll cucuk right in the heart like a long fine needle - Small, but hurts a lot.

And let's see what she respond. Classic response lah. "Oops my mistake" (cue roll eyes).

Wah, WRITE MY NAME ALSO CAN CAUSE THE BOOK TO GO DOWN IN VALUE SOOOOOOOOO MUCH HAR??!!!! My book is already cheaper than the ebay seller's one by almost twenty bucks, not enough har?? Both of us also free shipping. Both of us also hardly use our books. Write my name two words, so I should decrease the book price even further???

Stupid. Useless. No brain. Disrespectful. Depreciative. Cunning. Slimeball.

And to find out that this forumer actually offer tuition to high schoolers! Seriously man, if you really place great importance on knowledge, it would be an investment to buy them books. At such a price for a 2nd-hand book which costs RM200 original, and you still want to bargain? That only shows me that you're cheap.

Giving the impression to people that you're intellectual but being such a cheapskate to the point of stooping so low? From an educator to another, please, you're such an embarrassment to the society.

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