Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Big Scandal

So yesterday I was just updating my information in my facebook. Thought of removing my status (just like I did in Friendster) because I personally don't like to disclose personal matters online. If the account was purely family and close friends, I wouldn't have minded. But it's not the case now.

I removed my "Single" status. So it is a blank status. And see what happens... I suffered my biggest heart attack when I logged on this morning and found this!!

Helloooooo!! "Daesi is no longer listed as single" does not mean "Daesi is married!" or "Daesi is in a relationship!". Facebook's biggest loophole. Mana tahu that "no longer listed as single" has a heart shape next to it. What lah.. WHAT LAH..

Good thing my parents no facebook, man.

Honestly, I am only 23 and I have no longing for a relationship. Still too much yet to see, too much yet to know. You see, I'm really not the type who would simply go into any relationship if I knew it would get me nowhere or simply because out of peer pressure. If it was really future-less, then I wouldn't wanna waste anyone's time or play with anyone's feelings.

And c'mon lah, if I had a boyfriend, the last thing I would do is immediately announce to the entire world of facebook. My sister and close friends would know first. Not the entire world. The rest of the world can wait.

Shit man, now people is gonna be asking me about this when they see me face to face. Damn damn damn.


  1. Bwahahaha. Thought of adding something totally made up onto the comments but... I think you will kick me the next time you see me. So...


    Btw, maybe you should've edited the privacy settings or sth to avoid the big scandal.

    I cannot stop laughing. Bwahahaha. Aih pity you.

  2. Haha. Even I cannot stop laughing. So funny all the comments. Pengsan lah all the imaginations of people. What was it you wanna add? Oil to fire?

    Eh, my privacy settings set until high high already OK. Still like that. You tell me how!!

  3. Yeah. Something about you watched a movie but didn't wanna tell me whom you watch it with. Something along that line la. But if later got people really believe that, then I die liao. You'll kick me to the moon.

    Have you tried: settings > privacy settings > news feed and wall, then uncheck the 'remove relationship status' checkbox?

    Anyway, very excited la everytime I see new comments. Muahahaha. That's why I wanna add something made-up, to add oil to the fire. Muahahaha. *red horns come out*
