Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ramblings of a former tomboy

When I was in primary school up till junior high, I was (or always thought of myself as) a tomboy.

Had short hair. Don't like to wear skirts. Don't like pink. Not bothered with appearance. Not bothered with taking care of my face, skin, etc. Don't like playing with barbie dolls, although I had one which I snipped her hair short because I hated the long blonde superficial hair she had. Sadistic, ain't I?

Preferred playing legos and computers (I grew up in the early 90s' where girls do not play computer). Scraping my knees and my hands was my second nature until my mom got so sick and pissed with me coming home from school so frequently with cuts, wounds and bruises. Most of which I had no idea where they came from. But I liked stuff animals. And I hardly play rough with others. I guess those were the only indication of any girliness at that age.

I also had this superficial mentality that I would never want to dress up, or need to depend on any skincare products to have a good skin. Kids! Sigh. Haha. Oh well, nobody knew what was in my mind at that time though. Except for maybe my 姐姐. I hated the hassles of all those things. I still hate hassles now. But it's more towards hassles caused by things which are unnecessary, insignificant, not worth your concern, and small little things.

Looking at myself now and comparing with me back then, I think it's really a laugh. Now I have long hair, refuse to cut it short EVER again. Still a clutz, but not as clumsy as I was before. Loves to go shopping and window shopping. Looking at pretty clothes and shoes, and trying them on. I don't hate wearing skirts anymore. But still prefer jeans, shorts and pants to skirts. I'll wear skirts and dresses to wedding ceremonies and dinners lah. It would be so rude and disrespectful if I were to wear jeans to a formal occasion.

I STILL love sports. Haha. I may not be good at a lot of sports but... That hasn't changed.

Anyway, now I go through the daily skincare routine. For the sake of taking care of my skin's health. With all kinds of harmful things and chemicals roaming around invisibly and floating mysteriously in the air we breathe in, I think this has totally become a necessity. I pretty much agree with the saying that there is no ugly girls, just lazy ones. Can't recall to whom these words of wisdom belonged to, but what she said is so true.

I do thank God for my parents who gave me good complexion... although I'm not quite sure which one of them. My guess is my mom. But I have pink undertone (not yellow) which is definitely inherited from my dad. Maybe a good combination of both? Wah seh, perasannya aku.

Hey, for those of you saying that I'm lucky because I "never" had an acne problem, I'd like to say that you are so wrong. Perhaps it's not wrong for me to say that I was blessed that I never had much pimple breakouts since my teenage years. However, if I was not wrong (and I'm pretty sure I'm not), I had my fair share of breakouts when I was 10-12 years old, which was around the time when the dreadful auntie paid her first visit to me and my hormones started going crazy.

You know, at that age, nobody knew what pimples were. Even when my sister told me that I had pimples, I was fazed... apa benda tu? So by the time I entered junior high, my pimple problems were greatly diminished while most others started theirs. So by the time people started noticing pimples, the annoying little zits had already gone.

I really hated everytime people kept indirectly implying that I was going to have skin havoc in college since I had none in high school. A teacher actually said this out loud during class. She taught me History in Secondary Two. Don't know if it was out of jealousy or out of envy. Or trying to make the others feel better by pronouncing hell on others. Why is it that one can't make others feel better with some method that does NOT disparage or offend others? So nice to feel good by comparing with others ha? So childish.

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