Monday, December 29, 2008

An Eventful Day

[11.30 am] Met up with Pei Wern in front of Lot10 and headed off to Sungei Wang (yes AGAIN... this would be my third time in three weeks). Pei Wern was hungry, so we go eat. She brought me to the 6th floor of Sungei Wang. You know, I've heard of the 6th floor of Sungei Wang but I never managed to find it. Thanks to her, I've discovered that the only way to get up there is by lift. Oh goodness, the mystery of the 6th floor.

Sat down in a cubicle in Gasoline. This place intrigues me. Apparently teenagers like to eat here. It's really dark. You can't really see your food. So don't ask how I managed to read the menu. Eat here every day, sure your eyes cepat rosak. Next time, bring a torch light. And you sit ala Japanese style - take off your shoes, sit on cushion. This branch has a haunted house theme lah. I heard Sunway Pyramid has one too but different theme. How cool if they had mental asylum theme - waiters wearing lab coats, waitresses wearing nurse outfit, drinks in IV bags hung on IV poles so you can bring your drinks everywhere you go, sauces in medicinal bottles... Hahaha.

[1.40 pm] Met up with my brother, Brandon and Jason. Continued walking around Sungei Wang downwards. Bought a dress for RM25 which doesn't look RM25 (this is the best part right?). My mom's reaction was so funny.

Mother: Wah, what's that so sexy?
Me: Huh? I wear spaghetti-strap dresses for weddings you never say anything???
Mother: Ahh.. that one different. Wedding mah. Wear like that OK. Wah, make sure you wear something to cover it ah. Then sew the bust line there so that won't zhao kong.
Me: *sweat* Of course! *sweat* *sweat*

[3.35 pm] Got bored of Sungei Wang, plus the pushing crowd of ladies with their children that appear out of nowhere did not improve our mood. So we walked over to Timesquare.

[About 3.55pm] Saw the little stalls selling accessories in the middle of the third floor when some time later, we heard a shocking loud thud which followed with the ground shaking quite hardly. The hustling and bustling of people in the mall hushed. We never thought of it much, only that something really heavy fell on the ground and continued browsing.

Then moments later, a sales assistant told us that someone (not something) fell down!! And our immediate reaction was "WHAT???'. Then it all made sense. The ground shook too hard to be some random rack falling over. People were crowding on every floor to see what happened. Caught a glimpse of someone administering CPR but couldn't see the body of the lady who fell down. Neither did we see blood. Maybe it was a good thing we didn't see because listening and knowing details of the fall already made us feel queasy and sick to our stomach.

And to think that the place where the lady landed was only less than ten meters away from where we were standing. I told my mom this when I reached home. Her immediate reaction was "Wah, thank God you were not at the spot. Otherwise she would have fell on you, then the worst could have happened!". Honestly speaking, I did not think of it that way until my mom pointed it out to me.

According to NST Online, she fell from the tenth floor! Which was the food court floor. I dunno how she managed to fell accidentally coz the railings in Timesquare are pretty high up. The barriers and the fences were quite a distance apart. If you wanna read the report, you can go here.

[5.30 pm] Said goodbye to Pei Wern, went over to LowYat Plaza with the guys to go see their toys called computer parts and gadgets. I tell you boys take even longer time to decide whether to get something or not. And yet they complain about us girls shopping. Bah.

[5.50 pm] Chatted with Brandon while the other two look through the price list again and again. Then they decided to get the stuff they wanted.

[6.05 pm] The moment they got up from the chair they were sitting on, they suddenly decided not to get the stuff anymore. I tell you, they are weird. Or is it something to do with the chair? Or the air??

[6.30 pm] Sampai rumah.

I hope I can sleep tonight coz I still feel squeamish.

1 comment:

  1. Something similar happened in a shopping mall in Medan, too. I think I've told you before. There were people taking pictures then when she fell, and I got the pictures forwarded to me. -_-;

    Btw, I miss going shopping with you! Haha.
