Saturday, December 6, 2008

A cup of coffee

Over a cup of coffee, each person gathered in seats around a table exhausted for one-too-many reasons. Love. Life.

Although some did not fancy coffee or did not anticipate late night chatting, all somehow felt a mutual understanding that today the cup of coffee was needed for reasons that did not need to be spoken or asked.

Over a cup of coffee, frank opinions about different topics were heard in the initial conversation which gradually progressed further and deeper.

Over a cup of coffee, those now going through emotional turmoil shared their stories while the others listened attentively knowing that all that was needed were their ears to spare.

Over a cup of coffee, heartaches and bruises were felt by the others even when they did not go through what the person went through.

Over a cup of coffee, amusing stories in love-hate relationships from the experienced ones in were told candidly and laughters heard.

Over a cup of coffee, all concluded that there is no way to understand the opposite sex. But you can understand yourself and you must never sell yourself too low.

Over a cup of coffee, tears flowed freely as when they came. Hugs were offered and received graciously. Shoulders wet.

Over a cup of coffee, candid remarks offer a source of laughter and humour.

Sitting in our cars driving back home from a cup of coffee and a conversation later, burdens were not gone but at least lightened somewhat. Some were happy to let them all out of the system while the others were happy to just be there for them.

Just a simple cup of coffee with a conversation late into the night, friendships grew closer.

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