Thursday, November 6, 2008

Did I deserve it?

4239687289357 things you gave me to do while you were away, I got two mixed up.

I'm sorry that I got them mixed up.

I'm sorry that I didn't execute all the 4239687289357 things you asked me to do perfectly.

I'm sorry that I am not a perfect daughter as you wished me to be.

I'm sorry that I screwed them up.

But do I deserve to be called stupid just because I forgot 2 things?'

Do I deserve to be reminded that I forgot those 2 things and be called stupid again and again?

I'm sorry I burst out angrily at you the last time I heard "stupid" from your mouth.

But I couldn't take it anymore.

Why couldn't it be "Aiyah.. why are you so forgetful?" or just "Ask you to do few simple things also can't get it right"? Just like that.

Of all things you could have called me, it was "stupid" instead?

Why did I have to be called stupid?

I wanna know coz it hurts, 妈. It really does.

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