Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Chronicles of Tolerance TRULY Tested

Just why do I hate him??

1. He is arrogant. He thinks the world is revolved around him.

2. He thinks he is such a big shot. Get this. This guy thinks that anything that he feels like it's said against him is a set-up sabotage purposely planned by others... like lecturers who are so "free" to plan all this nonsensical thing. Who does he think he is har? The Yang DiPertuan Agong of Malaysia? The President of United States? This is the real world, not a soap opera.

3. He is a total bitch. While bitch is often used to described a female, I think the world has already evolved to accept that this term can also be used on males BECAUSE this guy is the epitome of the meaning of the word "bitch". He bitches worse than girls and his behaviour itself... well, catch my drift. Need I say more?

4. His sarcasm. Sometimes uncalled for and unprovoked. Like you leave him a note to tell him to clean up after using your table, he tells you that you have no right to tell him that in full sarcasm steam, with all other unrelated insults (also in sarcasm). His sarcasm is not even a single ounce witty. His sarcasm is just engineered to purposefully insult and hurt others. He doesn't care what he says.

5. He thinks he is right. Oh yeah, in his own world, he is ALWAYS right. Even if he's obviously sesat and serong, he is always right. Everybody else is wrong. Always.

6. He is a two-faced buffalo. He has the nerve to bitch about me to others behind my back. Telling all how high and mighty he is, and how I have no right to be in the lab since I am no longer a student AND he has the right to KICK me out of the lab. Then he comes, sits at my table for lunch and explains to me jokingly and all smile-smile about why the lab was so messy and the equipment that came out of nowhere. If he were to explain to me nicely in words (no sarcasm), I might have changed my mind about him. That hypocrite. That bitch. Now you see why I say point #3 totally applies to him?

My note: "Do not use this Dr Emily's bench to do your work, as you are not her student and use your own bench. Also, please clean up after your work's done."

His reply?: "As if you are. I don't hear you having any postgrad studies in plan. So it's basically none of your business. Besides, steam distillation is your supervisor's work.. you want you can ask YT, etc."

(These are not the exact words, but as I recall them. The meaning still remains the same though).

You see, if he had just mentioned that last part only, I would have been fine. But what's up with the first two? And according to logic and the university, I am still technically a student until my results are released. Which is July 11th. So I still have the right to be there if I want to. Get your facts right before you say anything. But hey, he always thinks he's right (point #5). No point arguing with him?

7. He demands respect from others, but gives none in return. Come on lah, this guy doesn't even respect the lecturers. Talk about no big, no small. I don't deny that I've lost all respect for him. What, publish papers and papers... so what? What is the use of all those papers and so-called "fame" when your personality is like shit?

8. A hypocrite. Points fingers fervently at others about what he perceives as their "misconduct" when he himself commits one which he claims it to be completely acceptable and not a misconduct. Like I said in point #5, he is ALWAYS right in his own world.

9. For his age, he behaves shamefully. And he takes all petty things soooooo personally that he hits them with words really personally even in a professional setting. So much that it is embarrassing. Even to us who are watching it, we feel embarrassed.

10. He blows things out of proportion. An honest gesture and straightforward explanation of things, he says that they are conspiracy and politics purposely directed to defame him. Honestly, who has the time to do all this things? Let alone waste energy on him. What for lah, seriously? Drama queen.

11. He is completely unreasonable. He makes all kinds of explanations to justify his "right" statements. Even if they don't make sense. You know how people often use facts and twist them around to suit them?

12. The more I talk to him, the more I hate him. Now I'm at the point where I don't wanna talk to him at all if possible. This guy needs some serious knock with a sledgehammer to bring some sense and realism to the head of his.

I can just imagine if he reads this right now, he'll officially proclaim me as an eternal enemy and will bitch about me 100% of the time even more to others. But what do I care? This is my blog, I have the freedom to lepas steam here. And this is considered mild already, kay. I rather be known to hate you than pretend to be OK with you. I'm sorry, I can't pretend to even be neutral with you.

1 comment:

  1. Woah! :) good to know you've at least lepas some steam...whew. I agree with a lot of stuff....he actually wrote that reply to your note?! ouch. sheesh.
