Saturday, June 28, 2008

Suzan's Farewell (26-06-08)

Lunch Session: Wendy's

The reason why we had to have split sessions for Suzan's farewell was... well, as you know... the more people involved, the harder it is to get synchronized free time and availability. Haha. True or not, true or not?

Mei Qi was not free for the dinner, so Suzan had lunch with her. I tagged along. And dragged along three others. Haha. Since we all technically have no work, and are officially unemployed.

Aku malas nak tulis panjang-panjang. Nanti tulis sampai malam besok pun tak habis-habis. So I will post up some pictures and mention only the highlights.

Jason, on a date with four pretty girls. Hahahaa.

We were all done eating our lunch, except for Suzan who was only halfway through. Too much beef to swallow :P

Hmmmm... where to go next?

Dinner Session: Sushi Groove

"Life is too short to eat bad sushi". Amen!
Except that I don't eat much sushi.

The stuff in my food was moving! The Bonito flakes are scary. After mixing my curry chicken bibimbap gao-gao, they stopped moving... thank God! I think I prefer Han-Woo-Ri's bibimbap though. Much more delicious.

Girl-of-the-Day with her food.

Jason's food. He swore that he will never touch the vege. True enough. The vege still looks untouched and EXACTLY the same after the meat vanished down his stomach.

While the other XX species had ice-cream for dessert (sesame or green tea ice-cream), the XX star-of-the-day had an alcoholic drink called Japanese Slipper. Tasted little bit like honeydew + alcohol. The strength of the alcohol taste was 50 times less shocking than Soju. Haha.

Standing: Tall One, Fat One, Big One, Yet-to-be-nicknamed One
Sitting: Indonesian Star*, Pretty One, Fair One

* Note: Suzan's original nickname was Indonesian Maid. But since she was the star of the day, we changed it to Indonesian Star. Haha.

Right now, a secret conversation shall be revealed about our planning around Suzan's farewell since it's not a secret anymore now that it's over. It was her idea to have a farewell dinner. But we kepoh-kepoh went and add a farewell gift and a cake. Secretly lah, of course.

Jason: What does Suzan like?

Me: Three things... Food, books and bangles. Oh yeah, music of weird naming bands. Get her a cake lah.

Yi Vern: Hmmm, OK. What flavour cake?

Mei Qi: Chocolate, she loves chocolate.


We really felt like singing the Happy Birthday song when the cake was brought out and placed right in front of her. Haha. Oh, she really loves chocolate cake doesn't she? Haha.

We stayed there until they were closing. And they still didn't chase us out because they were closing. They just patiently waited for us to finish up our conversation, cakes and camwhoring. We voluntarily went outside to settle the bill among ourselves.

This is us settling the dinner bill outside Sushi Groove. Next time must bring calculator everywhere I go lah. Had to count the old school way.

To see the rest of the pictures, click here.

Hui San! Hope you enjoyed the chocolate cake and book (completely randomly picked... nobody read it before, so give us your verdict). Have a safe trip and take care of yourself over there in Medan. Anytime you miss us, just look back at these pictures (and whole lots more in your camera).

1 comment:

  1. Me loved the chocolate cake... Haven't picked up the book yet. Hehe. Ahem... I am looking at the pictures, too. =S
