Friday, December 26, 2008

Feeling Christmassy?

Blessed belated Christmas everyone! Hehe. Very busy the past week.

Christmas Eve
Went with my sister to Bangsar from morning until evening. Bought a pair of red platform shoes for RM39 after 30% discount at Little Black Book. Last in stock, just ngam my size. What coincidence right? This is called fate. Am gonna keep this for Chinese New Year. Haha.

My shoe sui boh?

Bangsar is such a nice place to shop. The cars are pedestrian-friendly. Nice environment. Pretty clothes. And if you look hard enough, you can find really good bargains. We only managed to explore only one-quarter of the shops there. Ah, there are still My Dress Room, Gossips, Shoes Shoes Shoes, many many more. Second trip should be coming right up.

Had Christmas party later at a friend's house. Stayed overnight until the morning of 25th. Drunk a few shots too many at a go. Had rashes on my upper body and arms when I went home which took 4 days to recover. Felt like a monkey, scratching here scratching there. People have hangovers, I have rashes. People puke, I just feel dehydrated. No more heavy drinking in a night. Haha. Just tried out of curiosity. Wasn't a fan anyway.

Did not sleep until 6am. Even that, I only slept for 2 hours. Now my skin feels dehydrated. Need to look for skin hydrating product. Bleh.

Christmas Day
Got rashes, some more go eat dim sum for brunch. All the prawns and clams just added on to the rashes. No choice lah, orang tua want to eat dim sum. And I was hungry. Rajin rajin apply aloe vera gel and scratch lor.

Slept for 4 hours after brunch. Then mommy woke me up coz we had to go to my sister's in-law's place for their annual Christmas open house. Good food. Good pineapple tarts. Tee-hee. But too sleepy to enjoy food.

Later, my dad's CG had Christmas party pulak. At our house some more! You tell me lah, how to sleep?? Eat third round. I think this has to be the most boring Christmas ever. All I did was eat, sleep and scratch. Haha.

A gingerbread house Uncle Kenneth brought to the party

Boxing Day

Had a "date" with Ying Ling :P

At the same time celebrate her birthday. She brought me so many books to read. I can say all of them are chick lits - The Kept Woman, Me and Mr Darcy, I Take This Man, How to Sleep with a Movie Star... I think these can last me for months. I've already started on PS I Love You by the way :P

Took her to The Face Shop and Skin Food to browse through the skincare products. The Peach Sake Pore Serum smells so so yummy. And the Lettuce & Cucumber Emulsion, OMG. I can just buy them just to smell them (not use them) every morning. Ying Ling bought a few products from them and I couldn't stop looking at them throughout the day. The packaging of their products is so so pretty.

We were so sien in Midvalley coz there simply was nothing interesting to see. The clothes were either expensive or not so nice. Hence being the daring creative minds that we were, we hopped on the train to Sungei Wang. Haha. Gila is the word to describe us. Gila was the word to describe the crowd in Sungei Wang. Gila was the word to describe the sales in the mall itself. In one shop, all of their items are selling for RM25. Then later you see shops selling items at RM24 and RM23. And the best one is the shops selling their stuff for RM15 each. For some items, it's a good deal. For others, the quality would be compromised somewhat.

Sungei Wang has a lot of bishounen (I stand corrected by Ying Ling :P) wannabes. Bishounen means pretty boys in Japanese. While their hair and clothes may be styled really well to almost look like bishounen, the face and features are not smooth enough to qualify lah. Haiz. Don't lah try too hard. It shows the wrong way really badly.

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