Friday, July 11, 2008

Medical Checkup

Was wondering why was I so tired when I woke up this morning.. Even after 7 hours of sleep. Then I remembered (while I was walking around Midvalley) that I had walked to Sunway Medical Centre from my campus for the compulsory post- and pre-employment medical checkup just yesterday.

No wonder I was tired. OK. I know it's not a big deal to walk that distance, and what's there to be tired of? But it's been a while since I walked that much. Cut me some slack. Plus there wasn't much of a rest time I had. Sit down, get up, walk here, walk there. I think I've pampered my legs too much.

This was my first full medical checkup, which went quite smoothly. First was the X-ray session. Which went pretty fast, although the nurse had said that it would take quite a while. I had to sign a statement prior to the X-ray that says that I am NOT pregnant. Now. That I know for sure, but they were not gonna take any chances. My aunty's visit had come late this time, and earlier they even said that I had to do the pregnancy test to show that I am definitely NOT pregnant. Which I had to pay out of my own wallet. Good thing the dreadful aunty came visiting after all.

Then there was listening and yakking with the doctor session, the blood test and urine test. The nurse said if there is anything abnormal about my tests' results, she would call me. So to not get a phone call from her means that everything's OK. I didn't hear from her. Happy!! X-ray showed that my lungs are OK and that I have a heart. Good news right? :P

1 comment:

  1. I had to pay my check-up for my first medical employment too. It went fine; just kind of strange and weird to have someone poke and prod you. By the way, that thing about pregnancy and taking an X-ray; I’ve read that it's actually safe to get an X-ray during pregnancy, but that depends on the type of X-ray and the exposure to radiation should be kept to minimum. Clinton @
