Friday, September 12, 2008

The Smartest Move

How does someone who started all the racial sentiments by saying that the Chinese were merely squatting in Malaysia and thus does not have the right to equity (Isu pendatang yang hangatlah tu) which was followed up by the disrespectful treatment of Koh Hsu Koon (*cough* tearing picture *cough*) in public gets off with a 3-year suspension...

But the reporter who reported all his wonderful theatrical lines in the paper gets detained by ISA?

For those of you who don't know, ISA stands for Internal Security Act, which is under the Home Affairs Ministry, which is akin to Homeland Security and CIA in the United States.

I can't believe my eyes, my ears and the logic. Or lack of it.

The one who said it didn't get arrested for starting all these soap opera in the first place, but the reporter who reported his statements in the newspaper get arrested by ISA instead? And SHE and the newspapers which published the reports are branded a threat to national unity and peace?? WTH???

What? Telling us to swallow whatever insults hurled at us is it? Isn't it enough that we get sidelined in a lot of things?

Why don't us pendatangs go back to where we came from? In spite of my love for Malaysia, I'll be so thrilled. Even if it means that I have to learn Fuzhou from scratch at this age.

May the drama continue. With more smart ideas and plots.

Update: Apparently the ISA arrested the reporter because there were threats on her life. That's what they said. I personally don't buy it. But it's up to you to think whatever you want. I mean, c'mon lah, the very obviously government-controlled newspaper would have reported that she has been "taken into protective custody" instead of "arrested" or "detained" for obvious reasons. And using ISA? Goodness gracious.

Now, give me back our MP!

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