Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Of Blisters and Blokes ^_^

Of Blisters:
Two feet.
Three fat blisters.
Two of them at the soles. Bugger. (I'd take a picture but it'd be so disgusting)
Walking like a cripple, wincing in pain every three seconds.
One sharp clothes pin and three pokes later,
waterless blister and I'm a happier person.
Still painful but a LOT less painful and more bearable.
And for grand finale, three water-resistant and very sticky plasters.
I'm wearing crocs for comfort tomorrow.

Of Blokes:
Last week I got stucked at Kelana Jaya LRT station.
I thought "What tough luck".
Then the trains started moving again.
Since everyone was jamming themselves like sardin into the first train
I waited for the second train.
Good decision. Because it was a lot, lot less crowded.
And because I saw a good looking dude.
A bit on the skinny side but still eye-candy for me.
More daring girls would go sit next to him and say hello.
The shy ones would go sit a distance away but still close enough to catch glimpses without being noticed.
I went and sat directly opposite him. Haha. So I'm somewhere in the middle?

Today, on the train, I saw a good looking angmoh.
My aspiring-to-marry-angmoh BFF would sure like to see this guy.
But too bad, she's trapped in the middle of nowhere on an assignment.
She sms-ed me "Picture! Picture! Picture!"
While I was reading that sms, I was busy avoiding the nodding head of the sleeping old uncle next to me.
But the uncle ended up banging his head onto my shoulder anyway.
Sending 5 others to laughter watching the whole scenario.
But he's no hamsap uncle pretending to be sleepy lah. He was genuinely apologetic.
Anyway, when I gave in to her demands for picture, three China tourists stand in front of me,
forming like the Great Wall of China between me and the angmoh.
So sorry dear, no picture. But I can describe him to you lor.
Dark blonde hair. Shoulder-length. Loosed curls.
Defined eyebrows. Blue eyes.
Rosy complexion. Hairy legs.
But not very tall like typical angmoh. Maybe around 5'9?
And around our age for sure. Heheh.
Maybe you should start sitting on Putra LRT trains now, not STAR.
I'm sure happy I'm taking Putra and cuci-ing my mata everyday! :P

Monday, August 31, 2009

Pencapaian di Hari Merdeka Ke-52

Today, Malaysia gained international acclaim when it appeared in Forbes news (Forbes news man!!!!) today. Check out the article here at The Myth of a Moderate Malaysia.

No matter what the news was, Malaysia is now famous for all kinds of reasons.

Congratulations, Malaysia. And happy 52nd birthday!

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Consequence of Saying "No"

If there was anything useful I've learned in my recent years, it is to say "No" when I really need to say "No". I've been tested through times and I know what and where my boundaries are.

And if you really knew me, you'd know that when I say "No", I really mean it. And I don't refuse without a good reason and without thinking through properly. Do you have to know why I said "No"? I mean, really, do you have to know? I may or may not tell you why but if I don't, that means at the back of my mind, I'm thinking that you probably won't understand my reasoning even if I told you.

It's difficult especially when you deal with people who can't take "No" for an answer. And even worse when they throw more daggers at you, accusing you of many things. I don't understand how they can tell other people not to scold other people with hurtful accusation and mockery, but they'll do the exact same thing they tell others not to do to me. C'mon lah, what is that?

Because of my limited understanding of the language, that's why I can't completely follow everything there is to follow. But what I do get accused of?? Of not wholeheartedly doing my duty. And that itself is a big insult to me. For the past one and a half year, I've been doing my duty without complaining for the first 8 months. I say no this time, and this is what I get?

Classic example of when you're "obedient" and "good" (obedient means you say yes to everything), you're not remembered. But when you just refused to do it one time or do something wrong, they remember it for the rest of their lives.

Like everyone, I have limits. Like everyone, I have emotions. Or am I not allowed to have limits? Or am I not allowed to have emotions? Like everyone, I have a mind and opinions. Or am I not allowed to have an opinion? Like everyone, I have experience (maybe not in the same areas but we do have experience regardless because life is experience). Or am I not allowed to share my inputs based on my experience, just to make sure the same thing doesn't occur to others?

Not like everyone else, I have been through burnt out. Kena tikam left right center for that. But that is history and you just can't erase history just because you want to (unless of course you're the Malaysian government). I believe burnt out occurs when you're overworked, stressed and you just didn't manage yourself properly. I am definitely guilty of not managing myself properly, but sometimes when you don't have the right tools to manage yourself so that you don't burn out, you just have to make do with it and hope that the inevitable will be long-time coming.

The thing now is I'm not burnt out. But I know where my limits are. And I can't do more than what I am doing now because I don't want to be burnt out. I am just having problems with one side and not both sides. In fact, I enjoy helping the side where I understand and can follow everything that's going on. Don't accuse me of not being wholehearted or not reading my Bible or not saying my prayers or not being faithful.

And because I said "No" to one thing, suddenly God's blessings on my life become conditional is it?

I have had enough of all this. It's a wonder to me how I maintained my sanity after all these years. At certain points, I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind any moment if I don't stop thinking about this. That's why to me, not all distractions are bad. Sometimes distractions are great and essential! Depending on the nature of distraction and the point in your life where it appears.

An example would be me going out with friends out of the blue to watch a movie or just chit-chat, it's because they're a good distraction for me. A contrasting example would be me going to Starbucks somewhere to study my GRE, it's because I need to get away from distractions and focus on my studies (Hmmm... now that's a great idea that came out of nowhere. I might consider it). Maybe I should opt for my strategy in high school and train up my self-discipline in mind focusing.

My only wish now is that you would just LISTEN to what I'm saying. Or at least half of it. And that you would ask me things in a way where you would be expecting a Yes or a No answer. And that you would consider our feelings first and not demand that you get what you want all the time. I don't need accusations. I don't need more slandering. I don't need my emotions to get abused anymore. It is already battered as it is.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Too hilarious NOT to share :P

Case #1: Idiotic 'Millionaire' Contestant Makes Worst Use Of Lifelines Ever

NEW YORK - Idaho resident Kathy Evans brought humiliation to her friends and family Tuesday when she set a new standard for stupidity with her appearance on the popular TV show, 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.'

It seems that Evans, a 32-year-old wife and mother of two, got stuck on the first question, and proceeded to make what fans of the show are dubbing 'the absolute worst use of lifelines ever.'

After being introduced to the show's host Meredith Vieira, Evans assured her that she was ready to play, whereupon she was posed with an extremely easy $100 question. The question was:

'Which of the following is the largest?'
A) A Peanut
B) An Elephant
C) The Moon
D) Hey, who you calling large?

Immediately Mrs. Evans was struck with an all consuming panic as she realized that this was a question to which she did not readily know the answer.

'Hmm, oh boy, that's a toughie,' said Evans, as Vieira did her level best to hide her disbelief and disgust. 'I mean, I'm sure I've heard of some of these things before, but I have no idea how large they would be.'

Evans made the decision to use the first of her three lifelines, the 50/50. Answers A and D were removed, leaving her to decide which was bigger, an elephant or the moon. However, faced with an incredibly easy question, Evans still remained unsure.

'Oh! It removed the two I was leaning towards!' exclaimed Evans. 'Darn. I think I better phone a friend.'

Using the second of her two lifelines on the first question, Mrs. Evans asked to be connected with her friend Betsy, who is an office assistant.

'Hi Betsy! How are you? This is Kathy! I'm on TV!' said Evans, wasting the first seven seconds of her call. 'Ok, I got an important question. Which of the following is the largest? B, an elephant, or C, the moon. 15 seconds hun.'

Betsy quickly replied that the answer was C, the moon. Evans proceeded to argue with her friend for the remaining ten seconds.

'Come on Betsy, are you sure?' said Evans. 'How sure are you? Puh, that can't be it.'

To everyone's astonishment, the moronic Evans declined to take her friend's advice and pick 'The Moon.'

(MizYingYing: ...........)

'I just don't know if I can trust Betsy. She's not all that bright. So I think I'd like to ask the audience,' said Evans.

(MizYingYing: You've got to be kidding me)

Asked to vote on the correct answer, the audience returned 98% in favor of answer C, 'The Moon.' (MizYingYing: LOL, I love the humour of the 2% who voted for elephant)

Having used up all her lifelines, Evans then made the dumbest choice of her life.

'Wow, seems like everybody is against what I'm thinking,' said the too-stupid-to-live Evans. 'But you know, sometimes you just got to go with your gut. So, let's see. For which is larger, an elephant or the moon,I'm going to have to go with B, an elephant. Final answer.'

(MizYingYing: *Pengsan*)

Evans sat before the dumbfounded audience (MizYingYing: No prize for guessing why), the only one waiting with bated breath, and was told that she was wrong, and that the answer was in fact, C, 'The Moon.'


CASE #2: Another 'Millionaire' contestant. Super hilarious (",)


Sorry lah, I know I evil. But it's hard not to laugh, isn't it?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dreamsfactory Enterprise

OK. So I just received an SMS from Jobstreet. By the way, diverting a little yeah, why is it an SMS and not a SMS? Or did I just get it all wrong and confused myself for no particular reason?

Anyway, the sms said that I have been called for an interview with a company called Dreamsfactory Enterprise. And I was told to check my email for details regarding the date, place, time and blah blah blah.

I checked. It says my interview is scheduled TOMORROW!!!

My immediate reaction was, "What the hell?? Who on earth schedules their interviews the day after they inform the interviewees???".

Then I recall one conversation with my sister who told me that companies like to set interviews at the earliest convenient time. So I rested my case. Good thing they provided the option of Accept, Reject, or Request to Change Time in the email. I was tempted by the third option.

While wondering whether to accept the interview or not, I googled Dreamsfactory Enterprise to find out more about the company and the map on how to get there. Instead of getting the company's website as the first hit on google search as I'd expected, I got a whole lot of other websites and blogs with info related to Dreamsfactory. Suspicion creeps in... A company should have at least an official website. Even a simple one, right? No?

Among the hits I got, I came across this Lowyat Forum thread which was seemingly unrelated since the topic starter was inquiring about Knighters D'est Enterprise. But you know the little snippets they give under each result? That allows you to see how your keywords found this page? Well, I saw this.

From what I found out, this company changed their names many times, which is one sign of them trying to cover their tracks and avoid being associated with negative comments and bad press with their previous names. Then they send you on on-the-job-training by your second interview where they make you go out to the streets to beg around for donation. Donation for what lor? Where does the money go to?

I found out that they are one of the many companies which exploit the fresh graduates into doing hard work for them for free. I didn't know and am surprised that JobStreet did not filter/ban these companies. But then again, maybe there're too many companies for them to go through one-by-one to authenticate them. Hmmm.

Remember earlier on I said that I was tempted to click Request to Change Time? By the time you've read this post, I would have already clicked Reject. Gotta be more careful these days.

In this case, my curiousity probably saved my ass. And my time.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sources of Happiness

When you are out from home
and you're hit by major stomach cramps and cold sweat all over..
and the best part is that it started right after you were dropped off at the mall..
which brings us to another best part, it means you have no car to drive home!
Meaning you have to hope that the bad phase will just phase over ASAP!!
And tough it out where you are until you're supposed to go home!!!

At these bad suffering times, happiness is...

Hot chocolate with marshmallows!
At a restaurant with a nice environment ^_^

Really good & delicious food. Eating the salmon with the sauce was yum. The potato pancakes are super yum-yum!

Dessert! Apple fritters, strawberries, syrups, raisins, pancake, ice cream...
Can't remember what else was on the plate.
Nevermind that they were out of whipped cream, it still tasted good!

Watching a mindless comedy movie. First time I'm watching it in 3D.
Honestly speaking, the 3D effect wasn't as amazing as I thought it would be.
Probably will not watch another 3D movie unless it's an action movie.
Ice Age 3 was entertaining but not something I'd remember.
Maybe because there were only eight other people in the hall that didn't laugh or react to anything... which spoiled the fun @_@"

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Departures leaves a good aftertaste

I totally had no idea what Departures was about until I watched the show. I only knew

.. that it was a Japanese movie
.. that it was the movie which I promised to watch with my bookaholic mei mei but accidentally FFK-ed her due to misunderstanding. You have no idea how guilty I felt that day.
.. that it was the winner of Best Foreign Film at the Oscars this year.

What I didn't know was this movie revolved around the dead as well. And I usually don't like to watch movies involving ghosts or dead people because I get creeped out and nightmares. Horror movies are my least favourite movie genre.

BUT, this movie is an exception. Really. Dead bodies from the beginning until the end but still no creepy crawlies. Haha.

Basically, this movie is about a cellist who lost his job when his orchestra band got disbanded albeit suddenly. Out of job and financially tight, he proposes to his wife to go back to the countryside where his mother has left him a house. To his surprise, his wife agrees. Later he answers a job advertisement, not knowing what the company was doing. Later he found out that the company was in the encoffineering industry.

You must be thinking "Encoffineering? What the hell is that?". Ditto here ^_^

It's the art of prepping the body of the deceased before placing them into their coffins. Part of the job description include cleaning the body, dressing them and changing their clothes, putting on makeup (shave if it's a guy)... something like what the mortician does. Only thing is that they do the entire ritual with the deceased's family members and close friends in front of them watching each and every single step all the way to the end.

When you're at the beginning of the movie, you'll feel what most others and the character itself felt - "The whole idea is just weird".

As the story progresses on though, you find the ceremony itself is beautiful, loving and dignified. You know, the idea of being associated with the dead or death itself is considered such a taboo in the very traditional Asian society. It's a wonder (and really awesome) how the scriptwriter and the director managed to touch on this subject so strongly yet portray it so delicately and artistically and refined.

By just watching a 10-15 minute scene where the main character performing the entire encoffineering ritual from the beginning to the end, with no lines and no music playing in the background, my entire focus was drawn into it and I was moved to tears. Not because someone's dead or died oh so tragically or sadly. The entire thing was just amazingly beautiful. The way he dealt and treated the deceased was with so much love, honour and respect. At the end, it got me thinking that I'd love to have this ceremony or ritual or whatever they call it when my time comes.

I much prefer this movie over Slumdog Millionaire. Unlike Slumdog, Departures left a very long lasting effect on my mind. I watched it several days back but I keep thinking about it on and off even days after. I keep thinking what other movies has left this kind of good aftertaste in me before. And I can't think of much... the only movie that comes to mind is Infernal Affairs. LOL.

P.S. To those of you who asked me about Harry Potter & the Half-blood Prince, if you like the book, you'll like the movie. I think this movie resembled the book so much closer than the previous 2 movies did. I personally liked it. If you don't read the book, there's a 50-50 chance you might not like it because there's not much magic and duel in here. BUT you need to watch this movie in order to understand the final two movies. So to watch it or not, your call.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Someone shockingly dies in custody. And we, the rakyat, are screaming for answers and crying for justice. And you have the bloody nerve to say that we are turning this into a racial issue? Ha ha. No one even brought up the "race" issue until you decided to open your mouth. So I wonder, with your "bright" education and "exceptional" wisdom, did you overwork yourself and not get enough sleep until you started hallucinate hearing voices that were not spoken and imagining issues that were not issues in the first place? LOL. Sometimes I wonder whether the general elections were really for us to vote for the better politicians to run our country, or for us to vote for comedians to entertain us with their unbelievable stupidity. Yeah, we taxpayers pay them for this kind of entertainment.

Someone died when they shouldn't have and we want answers. That's not wrong. Everyone seeks truth, it's human nature. This was and is and never will be a racial issue. A human life - a priceless life - was lost. Doesn't matter whether he's a Chinese or Malay or Indian or Punjabi or Angmoh or Iban or whatever... A human life was lost in the cause of investigation where it shouldn't happen. Do you get it? Someone lost his life when he shouldn't have. Someone lost her fiancee when she shouldn't have. Someone lost their son and brother when they shouldn't have... Do you really get it? Or is this really all too complicated for you to understand? Do you understand the value of life? Or is it all just a game for you?

Or are you just hoping that all these will go away and we will soon forget about it? Like that smart alec #1 MACC officer who quickly dismissed it as a suicide. Sigh. You never did your homework, did you? You probably didn't know that that guy was supposed to get married on the very next day (after he died), and that guy was an expectant father. Now you can't expect us to believe that he was committed suicide when he had all these going on for him, can you? Any ten-year-old would know that you have to copy smartly or life convincingly in order not to get caught. A convenient excuse.

We know when we're being lied to and we hate being lied to. We are not stupid and we know you're hoping we are so that we'd swallow all the crap you're feeding us. So do us a favour, save the energy used for thinking and creating all kinds of lies and stories, and use it to do something useful for once. Like finding out the truth. And be honest. For once. Seriously, we've read too much bullshit in your newspapers and I really pity the trees for dying for such an unworthy cause like yours. Please start being honest and truthful now. Otherwise we would never ever believe another word you say even if you decide to be truthful in the future.

But I think it's too late to save your own asses. You know the feeling I get when I think of you? Lost hope.

R.I.P. Teoh Beng Hock

P.S. While you're SOOOOOO busy investigating the RM 2,400 loophole in DAP finances until must work OT (like interrogate people until 4am), please also remember to delegate 10 times more manpower to investigate the RM 25,000,000 "Neverland" house that the monkey built... along with his "official" trips to Disneyland. Twice. Went there to meet who? Mickey mouse?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Serious Case of Misunderstanding

Surprised by my rare and sudden emotional outburst post leh? Don't worry, even I was surprised myself when the taufan in me died down and I recalled my post. I was tempted to delete the post as I am not comfortable sharing feelings publicly like this, when XiaXue's tweeted something that runs along the line that a blog post once posted can never be taken back even if it's deleted.

And it's true. So I'm not deleting it. It's one part of my life and I'm not taking it back. Simply because.

For a week plus after that particular post, I didn't log into my blog to read the chatbox or do anything for that matter until today. Just felt that I needed my space. Yeah, I baru read all of your posts in the chatbox today. So please accept my apologies for not replying earlier. I was not ignoring you guys. Cross my heart ^_^

OK. Now let's start the story of the misunderstanding.

So that particular weekend I had a movie date with Ying Ling, my bookaholic mei mei, but I ended up FFK-ing her because I woke up with chronically red and puffy eyes which didn't get better until dinner time. Although she was understanding and all, I can't help but feel guilty for disappointing her. Really sorry ya, gal.

Then we postponed the movie date to the next weekend. The LOL part was that we finalised the place and time and everything BUT the day. Mana tau right, she was talking about Saturday while I was thinking Sunday all the time we were exchanging SMSes. Classic man. So on Saturday I suddenly got a call from her at 12pm.

Me: Hello?
Miss Bookaholic: Hello, where are you?
Me: At home... why?
Miss Bookaholic: ...... [confused pause]
Miss Bookaholic: Aren't you gonna come out yet?
Me: Huh? For what?
Miss Bookaholic: Movie lar...
Me: EH, TODAY MEH? Tomorrow lar...
Me & Miss Bookaholic: ............ [even longer confused pause, followed by awkward & confused laughter]

It was so hilarious when we rechecked our SMSes and figured out that we clarified and confirmed everything but the day -_-;

We ended up making it into a lunch date on Sunday at MiuKai restaurant, dragging Suet Wan along. Our lunch date lasted from 1pm to 7pm. My longest lunch ever! LOL.

So this Sunday we're gonna go out again, since I FFK-ed her two weeks ago and last week was such a hilarious mix-up. Hmmm. We better triple confirm the details tonight. But I think it shouldn't be a problem this time around... gua...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Chris Daughtry VS Lady Gaga

If you had been following Chris Daughtry on twitter, you'd know that some weeks back he came up with an acoustic version of Lady Gaga's Poker Face and performed it on a German radio channel.

Then came Lady Gaga with her acoustic version.

If I might say (and I don't know if this is a biased opinion ^_^), I prefer Chris Daughtry's version. Just felt that Lady Gaga was wee bit too forceful and garau in her version. I think acoustic version should be a little laid back and not too overly-done. Going over-the-top is OK when it comes to singing some crazy loud rock song, like how Adam Lambert sings Black or White and Play That Funky Music. But for acoustic, maybe she should have opted to showcase more range and power ups and downs, instead of powering through the entire song. I listened to one minute of her song and I stopped because I just beh tahan liao.

Chris's version is just right. Maybe I just love the sound of the guitar. And his voice. I still can't believe he didn't win American Idol.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Crying in the Shower

I'm pathetic... Aren't I? Crying to nobody but myself in the shower.
One would think that it would feel ALL better after doing that.
But honestly, it doesn't.
It really doesn't.
I used to do crying myself to sleep.
Between the two, none of it really works.
You know, like drinking beer, hoping you'll forget everything.
And it'll all be better the next day.
But you end up feeling worse? Exactly like that.

You don't think I get depressed as weeks go by without replies from companies?
Or when they do email me, only to say that the position has been filled?
I don't need to be a constant reminder of what a burden I am.
For years I have been studying in Monash
I hate it every time someone asks you about how much my semester fee is
Because the answer always have and will be that I'm always a burden.
I am sorry that I am not academically brilliant as the other two.
And I'm not smart enough to win some scholarship.
I just can't take this anymore.

Just hours ago I was laughing away with my friends.
And here I am now alone in my room, crying my eyeballs out.
Despite what people think, I don't share feelings with people comfortably.
When I'm vulnerable, I camouflage real feelings with other feelings.
I laugh at myself. I cry at myself.
I act OK when things are OK.
I act OK when things are not OK.
I am an emotional trainwreck.

When you grow up with that stupid label stuck on you
They say that you should always be good
That you should always be happy and smiling
That you should always say yes to everything
That you should always be obedient
That you should never lose temper
That you should never be rude
That you should never refuse anything
That you should never be pessismistic and faithless
Do you know what it's like to be the hot juicy gossip when you let slip any one of these "golden rules"?
Do you know what it's like to be watched by vultures who just can't wait until you screw up so that they can screw your life up even more? The very people who call themselves saint.
Other kids do it, they say "They're just kids growing up. They make mistakes."
If we do it, it's always "Eyer, you know she did this and that.. How can a pastor's kid do/say that har?"
Do you know what it's like to be defenseless from these?
Do you know what it's like even when your own parents don't believe you?
Do you know what it's like to face these even before your age hits double digits?

Just great! I have a movie date with a girlfriend in 8 hours.
And I have eyes as red as vampires.
And headache from blowing my nose every two minutes.
And zits from my chin that are so stubborn and won't freaking go away!
Honestly I am not up for a movie. Or an outing. Or whatever.
Nope, don't feel bad Ling.
Maybe this is exactly what I need.
A break from all these.
I really need to get away from all these.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Two doughnuts right before you.
Are they both real?
Or are they both fake?
Haha. I can tell you one is real, while the other one is fake.
Once costs RM16, the other one only costs around RM3.
The expensive one can't be eaten.
The cheaper doughnut is from Krispy Kreme, but it isn't all that great.
Too much flour, too filling, too starchy for me.
Even if the whole United States of America think it's the best doughnuts EVER,
Even if Oprah Winfrey says Krispy Kreme doughnuts are deliciously awesome,
I still think J&Co doughnuts from Indonesia are the BEST!
What say you?

Which is your favourite doughnuts?
J and Co's
Krispy Kreme
Big Apple
Dunkin Donuts
I don't eat doughnuts free polls

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Loving my new hair!

New hair colour, that is! Hahaha.

And to think that this was so random. I was feeling bored with my hair and it was getting too long. There was no way I was going back to Zola because Ah Gil will never cut my hair shorter even if I complain that the incredible length was making my hair even drier and frizzier. And not to forget, making the top of my head look flat (and ugly). And he will complain that colouring my hair is gonna make my hair frizzier. And he will complain and complain and complain. I beh tahan liao!

So I smsed "I m bored wif my hair... Feel like colouring it" to my sister, Suzan (in Singapore) and Pranati. Honestly speaking, I was expecting my sister not to respond, Suzan to say "Go colour lah" and Pranati to talk me out of colouring my hair. In the end, my sister did not respond (as expected... haha!), Suzan also did not respond (wonder why) and Pranati sent me this...

... which was the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what I expected to hear from her! Haha. I guess living overseas does change you somehow.

We opted to go for Infinity hair salon in 1Utama. I like the environment there and everything. Not to forget, the guy hairstylists there are pretty good looking. The hair stylists there speak English! And it's not the broken Ah Pek english lor! Not perfect, but proper English. At least they can understand me and I can understand them. And they can explain things to me in English. Previously, I almost always leave hair salons very frustrated because of the language barrier. Somehow none of the hair salons in Sri Petaling has English-speaking stylists.

Ah, I think I've (finally) found the hair salon for me. Hahaha.

I initially wanted to go for cut + colour + hair treatment. But my hair stylist (a woman by the way, I think the guy was the top stylist) recommended that I opt for scalp treatment instead of hair treatment because according to her, I have a very unhealthy scalp with a lot of dead skin cells, residues and clogged pores.

Some people might think that she's just doing hard sales (scalp treatment is RM190, as opposed to hair treatment RM120). But I actually do believe her. Because she managed to explain the mystery of my chronic hair loss. And I have always felt that my scalp was really unhealthy although I can't actually see it because I don't have eyes at the back of my head!

Scalp treatment was awesome! Seriously!! I think it was the 2nd last step when the stylist applied the cool-like-colgate product all over my scalp. You know the spiciness and coolness you feel in your mouth when you pop in the strongest Fisherman's Friend for the very first time? Imagine that exact feeling but ALL OVER YOUR HEAD. It was so so awesome lor! A whole 10 minutes of cheekik-ness!!! It actually felt like it was killing all the stupid problematic cells and refreshing the unhealthy cells. Ya, I know it could be my imagination but it felt like it!

I was told not to wash my hair until 3 days later. At first when she told me, my mind was thinking that I really had to have a lot of self-control because my head normally itches on the second day! Surprisingly, I am pleased to inform you that my scalp did not itch even on the third day. Hair was oily yes. But scalp was itch-free! I'm so happy!!

Did I mention that the hairstylists there thought I was a foreigner? Simply because I spoke English. I'm guessing. They were gossiping about us in Cantonese at the washing hair area there while I was there getting my hair washed. It was so weird. I thought that they were bit daring to talk about us so loudly behind me. Mana tau they thought I wasn't local. No wonder lah.

Ah yes, I am off to Sungai Wang to buy the Nioxin shampoo and conditioner tomorrow. I'm gonna be so so broke. Anyone wants to contribute to my "Prevent Daesi from going botak" fund?

Thursday, May 28, 2009


While clearing my throat in the morning, I spat out blood-coloured phlegm. I thought my dreamy morning eyes were imagining things, I cleared my throat and spat out the phlegm again. It was blood alright.

Shit man. My body must be suffering from massive heaty-ness. I've known and been heaty, but not to the extend of coughing up blood in my phlegm!!!

My mom said it's because I don't drink enough water. That's why I nose bled while I was sleeping and hence the bloody phlegm. But I wallop the entire 1.5 litres of water everyday! Still not enough! She said I should drink more COLD water or 100 Plus to cool my internal self down.

Then when I got around to drinking ice-cold water, OMG... immediate discomfort! My insides... they felt like being extinguished. Burning man.

Note to self: Drink more cold water, cooling tea. Stay away from spicy food, fried food, milo..... AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Back From Singapore

At the airport while waiting for my return flight to KL, I got this message from SingTel (my Singapore roaming service provider)...

When I'm going back then only offer me free sms and services lah!!!

-_- ;

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Off for a Vacation

Yep, I am heading to Singapore tomorrow.
Can't wait to see my Monashian friends there.
The last time I flew to Sibu, it was my first time flying alone.
This time, it'll be my first time flying overseas without my parents.
It feels odd.
But I'm excited (who isn't?)... muahahahaa!

To my friends in KL, see you when I come back!
To my friends in Singapore, get ready coz here I come!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lunch @ The Apartment

Last Saturday after visiting the MPH warehouse sale in Taman Mayang (SS26), we went to The Curve to eat our lunch. But no idea where or what to eat there. Just go by faith. Hehe. Apparently Ying Ling has not been to The Curve before!! Seriously, although I know this girl since we were in Form 2, this girl still surprises me with new facts every time I meet her!!!

*Shakes head*

We thought of Italiannies but I keep remembering the huge portion which I could barely finish half of it and the huge price tag that comes with it even without the tax and all. We walked around more and finally settled on The Apartment.

The whole concept of The Apartment is so unique. I mean, check out the interior design of the restaurant...

The furnitures they use are so simple but yet very classy and comfy. And somehow, each table has their own unique characteristic and colour. We just didn't know where to sit coz all the tables are so pretty and they're different from each other.

Even the menu is different from your regular type. LOL.

The atmosphere itself is different from your typical restaurants. I just felt like we were at someone else's home eating homecook food. Seriously.

And just check out the booth we sat in ^^

Got bed-seat one leh. And it's soft and comfy. Maybe not for older folks. My parents tell me that they like their bed hard coz it's better for their bones and posture.

The bed-seat is nice, especially if you feel like sleeping after eating or a long day. Or simply just want to curl up with a book and a cup of hot latte. Or you have young children who are tired and just need a nap, meanwhile you can have your lunch.

I had red mullet spaghetti with anchovies by the way.

Another thing I like about this restaurant is that the portion is neither too big nor small - Just NICE. And the food tasted so good and appetizing that I finished it.

Yes, to all my uni friends, be shocked because I FINISHED my food and sapu my plate clean clean. And I have proof...

... And witness :P

See, now we must all believe that miracles do happen every now and then. Such as Daesi finishing every single bit of food on her plate and not complaining about being too full. Hehehe.

This is what Ying Ling had. Can't remember the name exactly (maybe she'll enlighten me about it later) but the keywords are chicken, spaghetti and mushroom. LOL. I had a bite. And the chicken was chewy (not hard) and juicy (not dry) which was very good (not bad).

Yummy. Looking at these photos remind me of how good the food tasted. I am hungry. And it's 2AM.

This is their dessert-and-drink bar. I think. Don't know exactly the function of this area actually. I'm just merely guessing.

Will definitely go back there again because there're so many other dishes I want to try on the menu coz they all sound so delicious (from their description lah).

This has been one of the highlights of my day. Truly good food and good atmosphere can really make your day.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My mood is as "bright" as the weather today. I just feel sad. Because of the horrible things I've been hearing. Because of certain people.

Sometimes I just can't believe that people would just simply not tell the whole truth just to get their parents off their case. Worse case, get others into trouble. Recently there was this gambling issue. There's this guy I know whom to me, sounded like his parents knew and didn't mind him playing cards and gambling little angpow money. But as I sooner found out, HE WAS NOT ALLOWED AT ALL!! Now his mother is blaming others for teaching him how to gamble. But from what I saw, it was definitely not his first time playing cards. I mean, c'mon, you can play without people teaching you and win so much? Get real. His mom defended him saying that he learns things very fast one. So according to her, he learnt that from us.

And his defense was "Everyone was playing wattt..." without explaining or clarifying further. Thus allowing more misunderstanding to happen. Then HIS mother called MY mother to say that EVERYONE was playing, i.e. implying that my brother and I had been playing too. And her son is not the only one at fault and to be blamed. Thankfully my mom believed us.

I can't believe the nerve of this person. I just hope his mom hasn't gone far as to spread rumours to others that we had been gambling. Or I'd be VERY pissed. VERY, VERY PISSED. I am mad at him for not clarifying the "everyone" playing. That's just one issue.

Then, at times I can't believe my ears when I hear stories that people concoct out of selfishness, greed and the want to feel self-important. And the "conspiracy" he's accusing others of are not something light or even something to be joked about. Of course, I'm not the one being accused lah. But it's really depressing to see someone would actually stoop so low and utter slanderous words which can stumble others.

In my heart, I'm thinking "Eeeeyyyeerrr... Why got people like that one leh?"

I'll give it to him for being very original because this is my first time hearing such a conspiracy theory, a daring one at that. But the story is so bizarre. The story is utterly nonsensical. The story is totally slanderous. The story is not even funny if it's a joke to begin with. The creature in hell would have a good time laughing his head off. And the Big Guy up there in heaven would be shaking his head and be very disappointed.

All these negative things really drains your energy and wellbeing to the point that I've not been feeling well since these things came to my ears. But it could have been the crazy weather as well coz it was so freaking clear, hot and dry on Sunday and yesterday, but today it was the complete opposite. I was shivering the entire day.

Often times, I wonder why can't things be more smooth-sailing, why must such people exist and why must they be in our lives. I am just tired of people trying to take advantage of us. Or trying to drive others away from us so that they get our sole attention, i.e. attention seekers. Or just plain immaturity. Or selfishness. Or pride. Or arrogance. Or treating us and others nicely with ulterior motive. Or gets jealous when they perceive that we're growing apart and becoming close to someone else, which is just all in the imagination.

Or maybe just everything that's mentioned above.

Tell me how can a friendship or any relationship for that matter thrive when these kind of personalities exist? Where there's no trust? Why can't everyone just be real and be themselves, instead of being all pretentious and boastful? I mean, don't you get tired?? You make people tired.

Monday, March 23, 2009

And the Motto of KFC is...

"Finger licking goo". Yummy.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Papa!

Chocolate + Vanilla + Ice-cream cake = Yummilicious + Double Yum + Freezing cold that your teeth hurts when you bite into a piece of it. The awesomeness of the taste of these frozen strawberries is just great!

(Cue Heroes by Nickelback) I'm so high, I can feel heaven.

The downside to ice-cream cake: You have to eat it fast. Either you finish the entire cake within an hour. Or you eat as much as you can, then quickly decide that you can't have more, and pack the remaining slices to tupperwares into freezer at lightning speed.

The birthday boy (?? I know it's weird to call my dad that but birthday man doesn't exactly sound right either) cutting his birthday cake. Candle says he's only 10 years old. Haha. Of course that's not right. How old is he? No numbers, just a hint - he can officially retire if he was actually employed.

My mom, my bro and I wished him "Happy Birthday" when it was about 10 minutes past midnight. You know what my dad did? Stopped his work, came out of his study and shook hands with us! LOL! Got to give it to him for his sense of humour.

Well papa, I can never choose another to be my dad. I hope you'll live as long as (if not longer) gong gong (FYI my grandpa passed away at a ripe old age of 96) so that we can enjoy more moments with you and that my children would also get to know this most amazing, kindest and patient man I know.

To end this, I leave you with one of my most favourite picture from my toddler days (the others would be with my mom and with my sis).

Most of you haven't seen my dad as a young man with crown full of black hair right? Hahaha.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Little Vietnam @ Midvalley

Went out with Suet Wan yesterday. To Midvalley coz it's the easiest to get there (the new Putrajaya highway cut out into Seremban Highway and turn out to Federal - straightforward stuff), quickest to ge there(the new route only takes 10 minutes to reach there), no need to pay toll (unlike Timesquare and Sunway Pyramid), and the most convenient.

I don't know why but every time I go out with Suet Wan, we're always eating very the extremely slow. The last time we ate Karl's Jr and it took us like 3 hours. This time we tried Little Vietnam and we spent over 3 hours there!!!

Heh, actually I know why. Coz we chew our food very the slow and we're talking all the time. Mana ada masa untuk makan? Betul kan, betul kan???

Little Vietnam - picture from Midvalley website. God only knows why I didn't think of snapping this picture with my own camera -_-"

We sat upstairs coz the environment was kinda better and had a lot more privacy for chit-chatting. And you won't get people looking at you so oddly because you were snapping pictures of food and restaurant. Haha.

The upstairs part of Little Vietnam. The ambience pretty nice right?

Anyway, this blog entry is not gonna have much substance. We did what we normally do when we hang out - eat and walking around (*cough* shopping *cough*). So a few more pictures to entertain you.

Some decorations before we walked upstairs. The MasterCard thingy seems so out of place there lor.

After we ordered our food, the waiter came and stamped red letterings on the white sheet of paper that was on our table. According to him, this is for good luck. Good luck in eating? LOL.

We ordered their set lunch coz it's the cheapest they have there (around RM22 including tax and everything). It also comes with a bowl of soup and drink (choice of ice lemon tea or their Vietnamese tea).

She had barbequed beef (on the top). And yours truly chose barbequed lamb. Psst psst, the lamb was much nicer than the beef. She said the beef was a little tough to chew.

God it really tastes as good as it looks. Am geting hungry. Feel like going back there for another round but maybe later. I want!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sleeping Issues

Dear diary,

The time is 3.04AM right now.
And I can't sleep.
My mind won't let me.
My eyes are sleepy.
My shoulders are aching.
My body is zombie-fying.
My mind is exhausted, BUT IT WON'T LET ME SLEEP!
I encounter this sleeping difficulty like few times a week.
Which I know is not good.
And I don't like it either because I know I need my sleep!!
Right now I really need good tips for sleeping well.
Must learn how to shut down my brain before I go to sleep.
God only knows how much I need help.

Yours not-very-amused-because-she-is-sleep-deprived truly who had a bad day.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Don't you sometimes just can't help but hate them?

Especially when they think they're not rude when you think they're rude? I mean, c'mon lah, whether you are rude or not is obviously not determined by you but obviously by others. Wah, if everyone measured themselves, boy aren't we all full of niceness and politeness of the highest royalty of royalties?!!

Especially when you just want to correct them and they suddenly get on the defensive side, rolling their eyes and refusing to take your advice or admit that their behavior was a little lacking.

Some more irritated you and won't leave you alone one wor.

At least when you know my api tengah membara, don't lah come and cari pasal with me. Some more not even apologizing. Of course macam mana aku tak geram???

Leave me alone when I'm pissed off with you. Seriously.



Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Intrusive? Or Not Intrusive?

You're in the shopping mall, just walking and shopping (obviously).
Suddenly a stranger comes up to you and in a friendly manner, complimenting your complexion and then asking you "What do you use on your face ah?".
Would you consider that intrusive? Or not intrusive?

You're at Carrefour done with buying groceries and household necessities for mom.
And you're at the checkout counter, paying for your stuff.
While waiting for response from the credit card machine which happened to be extra slow that day...
Suddenly not one but TWO cashiers ask you "Ah Kak, you ada pakai apa 'kat muka?".
Followed by interrogation of the products I use... my hereditary (No, I repeat I'm not Japanese)...
Isn't that intrusive? Or not intrusive?

You're at the hair saloon getting your hair cut.
Hairdresser chit-chats with you and then...
You get the drift.

It's not that I'm selfish and refuse to share or anything. I know stuff. But it's not like I'm an expert in skincare or something. Neither do I claim to be one. And these are random people whom I don't know coming up to me out of nowhere and asking these questions.

My only reaction was lidah kelu, then politely answer their question and later my mind went completely blank. Didn't really enjoy these particular moments. Maybe it's just that I don't know how to handle this kind of confrontation without appearing too... oh I dunno... Miss Know-it-all? Or Miss Conceited.

BAH, how did people get so aggressive these days??

I feel like my privacy has been invaded. Period. But my friend doesn't seem to find anything wrong with it. She found it hilarious. Oh, tell me I'm just paranoid and overeacting. Argh.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mind the Engrish

In front of one collectible toy shop in Timesquare, you'll see this right outside the entrance. A job vacancy advertisement.

(1) "Ring customer sales on computer"
I'm curious... How do you ring up a customer via computer?

(2) "Stuff price purchase"
That doesn't sound right, right? I bet you all can figure out what they're actually meaning to say.

(3) "Logging provided for outstation staff"
At this point, I was literally LMAO. Hear ye, hear ye. Logging services for incoming non-local employees! Come work here. The more people work there, the more the logging. Global warming, here we come! Yippee!

Siao. They better had already employ someone with good English command.

On the way home from Timesquare, this interesting shop comes along. I wonder what this shop sell...

... Because I can't seem to make sense of anything from their sign!

P.S. I am so blanked out of ideas at the moment of my blog header design. The previous one was kinda elaborate and dark. I want to go simple. Please God, inspire me!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Ox-picious Chinese New Year!!!

Guess which shopping mall has these pretty designs?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Review: Cellnique Skin Action Sebum Gel

A while back when I read this entry and this entry, I was tempted to try out Cellnique's Sebum Gel. So I bought it from an online seller (from LowYat forum) who was selling it for RM119 while it retails at about RM169.

It was the Paramedical Series which is sold in their beauty saloons and slightly differ from the ones sold at the drugstores. And well, it claims to work wonders in 10 days. But it works just halfway there for me.

Direction to use: Apply the serum evenly on the T-zone area which is prone to oiliness, blackheads and whiteheads. The lady advised me to apply every morning and night after washing my face, before moisturizer.

Thumbs up for:
+ Production of facial oil at T-zone greatly reduced.
+ Whiteheads reduced... although I think it may not be due to this gel, but to my double cleansing regime (which I'll write about later). But I think they were still reduced somewhat albeit minimal.
+ Smooth nose... don't have those bumpiness on the nose.

Thumbs down for:
- Blackheads still there on my nose and not going anywhere.
- Causing skin redness, which gets redder and redder with application. I stopped using this every morning and night, and almost immediately my skin redness disappeared. Now I use it once every two days. The oil control still works despite less frequent application.

So, will I repurchase or not? No, because its effects is just not up to mark and not worth the price I'm paying. I can buy other products which would work just the same for a lot cheaper price and a larger volume, like SkinFood's Peach Sake Pore Serum. And I don't like the redness it gives me. It just tells me that it contains some ingredient that is irritant (and possibly harmful) to the skin. So, no more of this once I'm done with the current bottle.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Before I turn 24 for real...

Kena tagged >_<

The lucky survey works like this - "according to your age, list down the number of things that most people don't know about you, and then tag 5 other people". I will oblige to the first part of the survey, but I won't be tagging anyone to do the survey because the only one who would do it was the one who tagged me and the others just wouldn't be bothered.

Thankfully, I'm technically not 24 yet. Still got 4 months to go. And good thing we don't go by our lunar age here. Why lah I so bloody old?? Now have to think of 23 things... I better get started and finish before I turn 24 for real. Neurocytes, get to work!!

1. I hate eating chocolates in solid form. I don't mind hot chocolate, or chocolate ice-cream. But chocolate bars, I don't like. I also don't like chocolate icing and cream.

Chocolate bars like these? Beh tahan...

2. I get emotional reading sad news in the newspaper, watching couples break up on TV, watching someone die in dramas, etc. When Dobby died in Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, I wept buckets. No kidding. I know when people see me, they always see me smiling and laughing and happy. That's me being emotional. I'm probably lucky because I have a lot of things to be happy about and I seldom am affected by less important things. But I absolutely hate it when I cry during sad scenes in shows. It's embarrassing. How come my other family members aren't like that??

3. BUT, I never cry when I get scolded by others. I won't be happy to be scolded, of course. Who in their right mind would be cheerful after an acidic mindful from another? It would be my fault if others think my work or actions did not meet their expectation. Unless they're ridiculous, I would just further scold myself for not pushing myself some more. And if someone attempts to bully me, I would roll my eyes at their immaturity rather than cry. You don't know who you're messing with.

4. I get annoyed and pissed off really easily - and this is probably my greatest dislike - when people are not punctual. Even more so when they don't bother informing you that they'll be late, turn up smiling as though nothing had happened or they don't owe you an explanation. One's punctuality really explains a lot about their character.

5. I have an itching, mischievous desire to learn either Japanese or Korean (or both - but at this age my self can only muster enough energy for one) and speak the language fluently. Why mischievous? Because I want to master the art of deceiving others. Hahaha. Since I often get misidentified as Japanese or Korean, I might as well do it full blast.

6. I want to change my handphone to the new LG KF350, but that will have to wait until the white one comes. I'll probably sell off my current Samsung hp which still have 1 year warranty left. Hehe. But this is still under huge and serious consideration mode.

7. I own a Kurzweil SP88 Stage Digital Piano. Full 88 piano-weighted keys. Love love LOVE the sound. But wished it was all black instead of dark blue.

8. One of my life wants is to learn how to play guzheng, the Chinese traditional piano.

9. I am a light sleeper. The slightest noise would wake me up. When my parents gently knocked on my brother's door to wake him up in the morning, I wake up instead. And I hate that. It disturbs my sleep.

10. At 23, I can say that my personality now is entirely different from my personality 10 years ago. I used to be extremely shy, introvert, naive, sensitive and lacked a sense of humour. I guess after being through experiences, especially during my Honours year and two semesters as a teacher assistant, I find that I am at ease conversing with strangers and get along with people quite easily. And I think I'm not as naive and lifeless as well. But I'm still improving myself. Haha.

11. I extremely dislike people who when looking for you, has an ulterior motive but always beating around the bush. If we were friends and all, one shouldn't feel paiseh when asking for help. Or worse, pretend as though she doesn't need help but hinting to see your assignment. Then, there are some who suddenly becomes so friendly with you out of nowhere because they want something from you. So repulsive.

12. Most of my friends were totally surprised by the fact that I am into Korean music and entertainment. Well, to tell you the truth, I've been following Korean music since Shinhwa and G.O.D. days. So imagine how long ago was that. I was smitten with their powerful performance. But it was difficult to follow their news coz there was zero English sites available on them unlike now. And no online videos like Youtube then. Currently I'm into Super Junior, Dong Bang Shin Ki, Sung Si Kyung, Big Bang, Wonder Girls, Rain... still a fan of Shinhwa :)

While we're on the topic of K-pop, look who's currently on my desktop! Hahaha.

Xiah Junsu!! Thought of putting U-Know Yunho but he's too gorgeous. Scared I end up staring at the desktop instead of doing stuff I'm supposed to be doing on the computer. Haha. This is so random.

13. While my first love is music, my second love is books. Yeah, I love to read. I used to like reading mystery novels but now they seem to be quite predictable which I dislike. I'm into chicklits now thanks to Ying Ling and the Shopaholic books in Monash library!!! I like reading heavy stuff too, but only when my mind is unstressed.

14. When I was about 3 years old, I fell three storeys to the ground and survived without a broken bone. Just bruises on my butt.

15. I would love to a lot of children in the future. About 4 or 5 or more? Haha. I think this one will surprised everyone, even the closest friends. Hope to have a set of twins too *cross fingers*. I'll adopt too.

16. I've always had a gut feeling that I won't be staying in Malaysia in the later part of my life. Random people somehow mention that they have a feeling that I'll be staying overseas somewhere down the road. And deep down inside me just felt it as true. It's not wishful thinking. It's just a feeling I can't explain. It just feels... confirmed. But no one knows the future.

17. I think I have a minor case of OCD (which I've confessed here). I like my things arranged in a certain kind of way like my wardrobe according to colours... my skincare products according to height... my books according to height and colour... nothing harmful. I don't get seizures or bad mood if I find them not the way I want them to. I'll just re-arrange them.

18. I do NOT smoke. And I don't think I'll ever smoke coz I hate the smell. But I don't mind if you smoke around me. As long as you're not chain smoking in front of me and deliberately puffing the smoke in my face. I might just take the ciggy and poke a hole in your face.

19. But I do drink alcohol though. On a social basis albeit rarely because I'm usually driving around and I hate clubs (coz they're noisy and usually full of one-kind men I don't wanna meet). That's why I prefer lounges and bars. I never understood the need to drink and get drunk anyway, even if it's out of curiosity. Besides, too much alcohol is not good for the skin. Hehe.

20. Drinking coffee gives me migraine. If my health is very good, then coffee would just affect my sleep. But my health is not often very good so... go figure!

21. You know, I actually enjoy my job as a TA. Even if you hear me complain about my job and my students, I still love it. I hope I can find something that I can love like this (or even more passionate about) in the future.

22. I have a huge phobia for toilets that are wet, dirty, stinky and have bad lightings. I rather tahan and walk further to find clean toilets than go into one of them. Like when the bathroom of the hotel room I'm staying has bad lightings, I would absolutely hate going to the bathroom because I don't have another choice and I'll be out really fast. I love bright bathrooms. Say NO to dirty toilets!

23. Next time when I have a house of my own (whether it's just me alone or me married), I want to own a grand piano and place it in the living room. It's a dream I've had since I was young. And also a room as a library.


I'm done! PHEW. Oh and by the way, Happy New Year!! It's the Year of the Cow... Woo hoo!! Cows rock!!!