Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Serious Case of Misunderstanding

Surprised by my rare and sudden emotional outburst post leh? Don't worry, even I was surprised myself when the taufan in me died down and I recalled my post. I was tempted to delete the post as I am not comfortable sharing feelings publicly like this, when XiaXue's tweeted something that runs along the line that a blog post once posted can never be taken back even if it's deleted.

And it's true. So I'm not deleting it. It's one part of my life and I'm not taking it back. Simply because.

For a week plus after that particular post, I didn't log into my blog to read the chatbox or do anything for that matter until today. Just felt that I needed my space. Yeah, I baru read all of your posts in the chatbox today. So please accept my apologies for not replying earlier. I was not ignoring you guys. Cross my heart ^_^

OK. Now let's start the story of the misunderstanding.

So that particular weekend I had a movie date with Ying Ling, my bookaholic mei mei, but I ended up FFK-ing her because I woke up with chronically red and puffy eyes which didn't get better until dinner time. Although she was understanding and all, I can't help but feel guilty for disappointing her. Really sorry ya, gal.

Then we postponed the movie date to the next weekend. The LOL part was that we finalised the place and time and everything BUT the day. Mana tau right, she was talking about Saturday while I was thinking Sunday all the time we were exchanging SMSes. Classic man. So on Saturday I suddenly got a call from her at 12pm.

Me: Hello?
Miss Bookaholic: Hello, where are you?
Me: At home... why?
Miss Bookaholic: ...... [confused pause]
Miss Bookaholic: Aren't you gonna come out yet?
Me: Huh? For what?
Miss Bookaholic: Movie lar...
Me: EH, TODAY MEH? Tomorrow lar...
Me & Miss Bookaholic: ............ [even longer confused pause, followed by awkward & confused laughter]

It was so hilarious when we rechecked our SMSes and figured out that we clarified and confirmed everything but the day -_-;

We ended up making it into a lunch date on Sunday at MiuKai restaurant, dragging Suet Wan along. Our lunch date lasted from 1pm to 7pm. My longest lunch ever! LOL.

So this Sunday we're gonna go out again, since I FFK-ed her two weeks ago and last week was such a hilarious mix-up. Hmmm. We better triple confirm the details tonight. But I think it shouldn't be a problem this time around... gua...


  1. Miu Kai!!! Oh, Miu Kai!!! Far sang woo!!! Oh...Miu Kai!!!

  2. Wahhh... that day after I drank the whole bowl of far sang woo hor, so heaty at night weh...
