Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My mood is as "bright" as the weather today. I just feel sad. Because of the horrible things I've been hearing. Because of certain people.

Sometimes I just can't believe that people would just simply not tell the whole truth just to get their parents off their case. Worse case, get others into trouble. Recently there was this gambling issue. There's this guy I know whom to me, sounded like his parents knew and didn't mind him playing cards and gambling little angpow money. But as I sooner found out, HE WAS NOT ALLOWED AT ALL!! Now his mother is blaming others for teaching him how to gamble. But from what I saw, it was definitely not his first time playing cards. I mean, c'mon, you can play without people teaching you and win so much? Get real. His mom defended him saying that he learns things very fast one. So according to her, he learnt that from us.

And his defense was "Everyone was playing wattt..." without explaining or clarifying further. Thus allowing more misunderstanding to happen. Then HIS mother called MY mother to say that EVERYONE was playing, i.e. implying that my brother and I had been playing too. And her son is not the only one at fault and to be blamed. Thankfully my mom believed us.

I can't believe the nerve of this person. I just hope his mom hasn't gone far as to spread rumours to others that we had been gambling. Or I'd be VERY pissed. VERY, VERY PISSED. I am mad at him for not clarifying the "everyone" playing. That's just one issue.

Then, at times I can't believe my ears when I hear stories that people concoct out of selfishness, greed and the want to feel self-important. And the "conspiracy" he's accusing others of are not something light or even something to be joked about. Of course, I'm not the one being accused lah. But it's really depressing to see someone would actually stoop so low and utter slanderous words which can stumble others.

In my heart, I'm thinking "Eeeeyyyeerrr... Why got people like that one leh?"

I'll give it to him for being very original because this is my first time hearing such a conspiracy theory, a daring one at that. But the story is so bizarre. The story is utterly nonsensical. The story is totally slanderous. The story is not even funny if it's a joke to begin with. The creature in hell would have a good time laughing his head off. And the Big Guy up there in heaven would be shaking his head and be very disappointed.

All these negative things really drains your energy and wellbeing to the point that I've not been feeling well since these things came to my ears. But it could have been the crazy weather as well coz it was so freaking clear, hot and dry on Sunday and yesterday, but today it was the complete opposite. I was shivering the entire day.

Often times, I wonder why can't things be more smooth-sailing, why must such people exist and why must they be in our lives. I am just tired of people trying to take advantage of us. Or trying to drive others away from us so that they get our sole attention, i.e. attention seekers. Or just plain immaturity. Or selfishness. Or pride. Or arrogance. Or treating us and others nicely with ulterior motive. Or gets jealous when they perceive that we're growing apart and becoming close to someone else, which is just all in the imagination.

Or maybe just everything that's mentioned above.

Tell me how can a friendship or any relationship for that matter thrive when these kind of personalities exist? Where there's no trust? Why can't everyone just be real and be themselves, instead of being all pretentious and boastful? I mean, don't you get tired?? You make people tired.


  1. Just wondering...r u pissed off by this one fella or this fella's mom / parents?

    Maybe this fella just gave an innocent and general statement of "everyone was playing" but the mom took it out of context and augmented the whole issue? Maybe this fella is just as frustrated as u r in regards to this issue about "complaining parents".

    The human species is a very unique one. You will see more "strange and funny people" as you go along in life. Whether one is right or wrong, its good just to laugh about it and just forget it. Don't let an incident "eat" into your soul.

    Anyway, here is a joke to hopefully put a smile on your face again. One day, in kindergarten school...

    Teacher : Children, name me an important creation that was not here 10 years ago.

    Student : ME!

  2. BabyBoss: Actually, the more I think it over, I think I am more angry with the mother for telling my mom whatever she told without finding out the truth first. Also coz she was all smiling in front of me but trying to convince my mom that I was a bad nut too. Sigh. Don't want to think about them anymore lah. Not good for my health.

    Eh boss, what happened to your blog? Changed URL? Cannot access leh.

  3. Yea, dun let anger control you. For he who angers you, controls you!

    Anyway, my blog is back. I kinda messed up the blogger settings when I tried to link my www.michaelsin.com to point to my blogspot. But with my thin knowledge of the internet and its protocols, I messed up everything and my blogspot kenot open liao! But Murphy saved it and brought everything back to life. Its ok now. I guess I have no choice but to seek my web designer (who registered my www.michaelsin.com for me) to make that link. That will cost me RM200 just to make www.michaelsin.com point to my blogspot. :(
