Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lunch @ The Apartment

Last Saturday after visiting the MPH warehouse sale in Taman Mayang (SS26), we went to The Curve to eat our lunch. But no idea where or what to eat there. Just go by faith. Hehe. Apparently Ying Ling has not been to The Curve before!! Seriously, although I know this girl since we were in Form 2, this girl still surprises me with new facts every time I meet her!!!

*Shakes head*

We thought of Italiannies but I keep remembering the huge portion which I could barely finish half of it and the huge price tag that comes with it even without the tax and all. We walked around more and finally settled on The Apartment.

The whole concept of The Apartment is so unique. I mean, check out the interior design of the restaurant...

The furnitures they use are so simple but yet very classy and comfy. And somehow, each table has their own unique characteristic and colour. We just didn't know where to sit coz all the tables are so pretty and they're different from each other.

Even the menu is different from your regular type. LOL.

The atmosphere itself is different from your typical restaurants. I just felt like we were at someone else's home eating homecook food. Seriously.

And just check out the booth we sat in ^^

Got bed-seat one leh. And it's soft and comfy. Maybe not for older folks. My parents tell me that they like their bed hard coz it's better for their bones and posture.

The bed-seat is nice, especially if you feel like sleeping after eating or a long day. Or simply just want to curl up with a book and a cup of hot latte. Or you have young children who are tired and just need a nap, meanwhile you can have your lunch.

I had red mullet spaghetti with anchovies by the way.

Another thing I like about this restaurant is that the portion is neither too big nor small - Just NICE. And the food tasted so good and appetizing that I finished it.

Yes, to all my uni friends, be shocked because I FINISHED my food and sapu my plate clean clean. And I have proof...

... And witness :P

See, now we must all believe that miracles do happen every now and then. Such as Daesi finishing every single bit of food on her plate and not complaining about being too full. Hehehe.

This is what Ying Ling had. Can't remember the name exactly (maybe she'll enlighten me about it later) but the keywords are chicken, spaghetti and mushroom. LOL. I had a bite. And the chicken was chewy (not hard) and juicy (not dry) which was very good (not bad).

Yummy. Looking at these photos remind me of how good the food tasted. I am hungry. And it's 2AM.

This is their dessert-and-drink bar. I think. Don't know exactly the function of this area actually. I'm just merely guessing.

Will definitely go back there again because there're so many other dishes I want to try on the menu coz they all sound so delicious (from their description lah).

This has been one of the highlights of my day. Truly good food and good atmosphere can really make your day.

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