Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Of Blisters and Blokes ^_^

Of Blisters:
Two feet.
Three fat blisters.
Two of them at the soles. Bugger. (I'd take a picture but it'd be so disgusting)
Walking like a cripple, wincing in pain every three seconds.
One sharp clothes pin and three pokes later,
waterless blister and I'm a happier person.
Still painful but a LOT less painful and more bearable.
And for grand finale, three water-resistant and very sticky plasters.
I'm wearing crocs for comfort tomorrow.

Of Blokes:
Last week I got stucked at Kelana Jaya LRT station.
I thought "What tough luck".
Then the trains started moving again.
Since everyone was jamming themselves like sardin into the first train
I waited for the second train.
Good decision. Because it was a lot, lot less crowded.
And because I saw a good looking dude.
A bit on the skinny side but still eye-candy for me.
More daring girls would go sit next to him and say hello.
The shy ones would go sit a distance away but still close enough to catch glimpses without being noticed.
I went and sat directly opposite him. Haha. So I'm somewhere in the middle?

Today, on the train, I saw a good looking angmoh.
My aspiring-to-marry-angmoh BFF would sure like to see this guy.
But too bad, she's trapped in the middle of nowhere on an assignment.
She sms-ed me "Picture! Picture! Picture!"
While I was reading that sms, I was busy avoiding the nodding head of the sleeping old uncle next to me.
But the uncle ended up banging his head onto my shoulder anyway.
Sending 5 others to laughter watching the whole scenario.
But he's no hamsap uncle pretending to be sleepy lah. He was genuinely apologetic.
Anyway, when I gave in to her demands for picture, three China tourists stand in front of me,
forming like the Great Wall of China between me and the angmoh.
So sorry dear, no picture. But I can describe him to you lor.
Dark blonde hair. Shoulder-length. Loosed curls.
Defined eyebrows. Blue eyes.
Rosy complexion. Hairy legs.
But not very tall like typical angmoh. Maybe around 5'9?
And around our age for sure. Heheh.
Maybe you should start sitting on Putra LRT trains now, not STAR.
I'm sure happy I'm taking Putra and cuci-ing my mata everyday! :P

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