Thursday, May 28, 2009


While clearing my throat in the morning, I spat out blood-coloured phlegm. I thought my dreamy morning eyes were imagining things, I cleared my throat and spat out the phlegm again. It was blood alright.

Shit man. My body must be suffering from massive heaty-ness. I've known and been heaty, but not to the extend of coughing up blood in my phlegm!!!

My mom said it's because I don't drink enough water. That's why I nose bled while I was sleeping and hence the bloody phlegm. But I wallop the entire 1.5 litres of water everyday! Still not enough! She said I should drink more COLD water or 100 Plus to cool my internal self down.

Then when I got around to drinking ice-cold water, OMG... immediate discomfort! My insides... they felt like being extinguished. Burning man.

Note to self: Drink more cold water, cooling tea. Stay away from spicy food, fried food, milo..... AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

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