Saturday, February 28, 2009


Don't you sometimes just can't help but hate them?

Especially when they think they're not rude when you think they're rude? I mean, c'mon lah, whether you are rude or not is obviously not determined by you but obviously by others. Wah, if everyone measured themselves, boy aren't we all full of niceness and politeness of the highest royalty of royalties?!!

Especially when you just want to correct them and they suddenly get on the defensive side, rolling their eyes and refusing to take your advice or admit that their behavior was a little lacking.

Some more irritated you and won't leave you alone one wor.

At least when you know my api tengah membara, don't lah come and cari pasal with me. Some more not even apologizing. Of course macam mana aku tak geram???

Leave me alone when I'm pissed off with you. Seriously.



1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
