Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dreamsfactory Enterprise

OK. So I just received an SMS from Jobstreet. By the way, diverting a little yeah, why is it an SMS and not a SMS? Or did I just get it all wrong and confused myself for no particular reason?

Anyway, the sms said that I have been called for an interview with a company called Dreamsfactory Enterprise. And I was told to check my email for details regarding the date, place, time and blah blah blah.

I checked. It says my interview is scheduled TOMORROW!!!

My immediate reaction was, "What the hell?? Who on earth schedules their interviews the day after they inform the interviewees???".

Then I recall one conversation with my sister who told me that companies like to set interviews at the earliest convenient time. So I rested my case. Good thing they provided the option of Accept, Reject, or Request to Change Time in the email. I was tempted by the third option.

While wondering whether to accept the interview or not, I googled Dreamsfactory Enterprise to find out more about the company and the map on how to get there. Instead of getting the company's website as the first hit on google search as I'd expected, I got a whole lot of other websites and blogs with info related to Dreamsfactory. Suspicion creeps in... A company should have at least an official website. Even a simple one, right? No?

Among the hits I got, I came across this Lowyat Forum thread which was seemingly unrelated since the topic starter was inquiring about Knighters D'est Enterprise. But you know the little snippets they give under each result? That allows you to see how your keywords found this page? Well, I saw this.

From what I found out, this company changed their names many times, which is one sign of them trying to cover their tracks and avoid being associated with negative comments and bad press with their previous names. Then they send you on on-the-job-training by your second interview where they make you go out to the streets to beg around for donation. Donation for what lor? Where does the money go to?

I found out that they are one of the many companies which exploit the fresh graduates into doing hard work for them for free. I didn't know and am surprised that JobStreet did not filter/ban these companies. But then again, maybe there're too many companies for them to go through one-by-one to authenticate them. Hmmm.

Remember earlier on I said that I was tempted to click Request to Change Time? By the time you've read this post, I would have already clicked Reject. Gotta be more careful these days.

In this case, my curiousity probably saved my ass. And my time.


  1. They are from Cobra Group. One of the "cobras" actually called me up when I was still in my final semester and due to my busy schedule, I requested to postpone the interview date. And guess what, they postponed it to 2 months later! I was so surprised that a company is willing to wait for me for 2 months! And yes, LYN saved my life. I didn't even attend the interview in the end :p

  2. thank you so much for this blogpost!! I had a scheduled interview with them and after reading ur blogpost I think i'm just gonna ffk them. What a lousy way to cheat fresh graduates!
