Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sources of Happiness

When you are out from home
and you're hit by major stomach cramps and cold sweat all over..
and the best part is that it started right after you were dropped off at the mall..
which brings us to another best part, it means you have no car to drive home!
Meaning you have to hope that the bad phase will just phase over ASAP!!
And tough it out where you are until you're supposed to go home!!!

At these bad suffering times, happiness is...

Hot chocolate with marshmallows!
At a restaurant with a nice environment ^_^

Really good & delicious food. Eating the salmon with the sauce was yum. The potato pancakes are super yum-yum!

Dessert! Apple fritters, strawberries, syrups, raisins, pancake, ice cream...
Can't remember what else was on the plate.
Nevermind that they were out of whipped cream, it still tasted good!

Watching a mindless comedy movie. First time I'm watching it in 3D.
Honestly speaking, the 3D effect wasn't as amazing as I thought it would be.
Probably will not watch another 3D movie unless it's an action movie.
Ice Age 3 was entertaining but not something I'd remember.
Maybe because there were only eight other people in the hall that didn't laugh or react to anything... which spoiled the fun @_@"

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