Thursday, September 28, 2006

What went wrong?

How can someone or just anyone get past security guards...
Armed with a loaded gun...
Right into school buildings. Unknown...
Until it is too late.
Innocent lives put at risk.
As pleading falls to deaf ears.
While some lives were spared, unfortunate ones were taken..
Those who wanted to live, had so much to live for and so much to give.
Unjustly, they were robbed by these thieves.
Death or no death, this is wrong.
This is so wrong.
This should not be happening.
In fact this should have never happen.

Schools should be a safe place for our children.
And for our children's children...
For their children and for many generations to come.
Is this a sign of what the future - our future - will be based on?
Fear? Violence? Hatred? Destruction?
Nobody knows.
But we know what we do have.
And that is hope.
The hope of change.

Right the wrong before the wrong becomes right.

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