Monday, September 11, 2006

Random pictures & their stories.

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just look who i caught comfortably nuzzling and melepak-ing on my dad's car parked in the front porch, sheltering from the glaring fiercely-hot sun? the neighbour's cat. their cats by far the most frequent un-human visitors to my house. aside from the monkeys of course. showed this picture to my dad who said, "aiyahh... that fella went and scratched my car lah. tsk tsk tsk." and jokingly adding, "wanna use my car, must pay rent. 5-star hotel rate."

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usbought these four books for half-price each, just weeks before the last semester of my sophomore year began. a long long time ago. so far i've only read the harmony silk factory by our very own tash aw and the curious incident of a dog in the night time by mark haddon. both were good, but i found the latter a more interesting read. maybe because the story was told from the point of a mentally-challenged teenage boy and you get to venture into his mind, his way of thoughts, his way of analyzing situations and reasons behind his behaviour. don't know when i'll start on the remaining two. maybe after my last paper in november. or after my sister's wedding in december. or maybe after... i dunno.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.uslast week, i went to sunway pyramid to hunt for a prom dress together with pranati. found nothing suitable there, either they were too loose or too tight or overpriced or ridiculously ugly. i ended up buying a skirt from warehouse. they have a pretty good range of pretty skirts reasonably priced. i'll definitely go back there next time. initially, i liked and wanted to buy this particular skirt but i thought of coming back for it later. but when i came back, someone else bought my skirt already! my skirt! if i see anyone wearing my skirt in college, i'm so gonna rip it off! :P anyway, i found another one (the one in the pic) and bought it. hence, got skirt no dress. mission failed. then on saturday, i went to nicci fashion city at jalan sungai besi with my sister for the same mission. came out with a dark brown cropped jacket and a tank top. still, no dress. mission failed.. again. sigh. sucks being a girl.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usthis was taken while on the way home from jalan ipoh yesterday. i followed my sister yesterday to white palace for my sister's wedding dress selection and fitting, together with her fiance and his sister. couldn't get any snapshots of the dresses though. the only good part about the bridal house would probably be the wedding dresses. i would give two thumbs-up for that. their evening gowns were only so-so. but service-wise, i'll rate it a BiG [ F A T ] F for many reasons including public display of obvious impatience and non-satisfaction, rudeness and sour faces. i mean man... they seriously need lessons on smiling and how to nurture customer-friendly behaviour irregardless of the package price the customers are paying cuz they suck at it. big time. i know now where NOT to go to when i get married.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usmeet rufus, my sister's fiance's dog. all golden and handsome. heehee. he was awfully very compliant and behaving himself whilst i was snapping a few pictures of him posing. fuiyoh. got looks, got patience, got brains.. ada potensi menjadi model. hehe. what's left is a break.

wished my mom would let us have a pet. but unfortunately...

1 comment:

  1. The Curious an awesome read...I cud think of nothing else for the next couple of days after reading that book...Have you read Life of Pi, u might like it...
