Wednesday, September 27, 2006

From the Streets of Sunway to the Ball.

- monash street party -

yeah, only one picture.. hehee. whatudu? it was raining mahhh. sayang the camera.
i have no idea why the camera says 2004, but the street party was the first monash had ever and it was held this year, 2006.

- monash ball -

this year monash had the ball at hotel istana kuda-kuda emas, the seven-star palace where all the horses with golden fur, golden mane and golden eyes in the world stay at :P. when they chose this place, it was a great blessing cuz it was sooooooo soooooooooooooooooooo near my house. i probably took only five minutes to reach home. hahahaa.

the ball was scheduled to start at 7.30pm. and we left at 7.50pm. we reached there late at around 8.30pm due to utterly bad judgment of time allocated for preparation. thank goodness the traffic was as smooth as riding the ocean waves. although we reached late, the only part we missed was the opening speech by the student body president, eric teng. by the time i was outside the ballroom, i thought i heard our pro-vice chancellor finishing her speech and the waiters/waitresses in their places outside ready to barge into the hall with the opening dish. what better timing eh?

carpool buddies: me, adillah, merlyn and suzan. jane was the other one (not in pic). do you see two brown and two green? see shark's fins?

what a candid photo. among all the pictures of the night, this one is my favourite! we weren't ready to be snapped. don't know why. gelak tak tentu pasal. hehee.

next, madhulika joins us from the next table in the group photo. basically, we were hunting for others especially pranati, simran and krishna who were seated at a table that only-god-and-them-know-where. we went walking around the ballroom, trying our best not to embarrass ourselves and not block anybody's view of the stage in the process. failing miserably.

and when i found pranati outside the ballroom (almost thirty minutes later), i couldn't resist pulling her in for a photo of just both of us - hehee - since the one we took during cultural night didn't turn out nicely. this girl shared ditto timetable with me since mufy up to our sophomore year. i can say that life in mufy would have been such a bore without her around. period.

and of course, the big group photo! man.. just look at my arms. sigh. need to get them toned and evenly-tanned. cuz right now i look like i'm wearing a permanent short-sleeved shirt.

dang. should have worn cheongsam. hehehee. so far, my pictures only have me and my gal pals in them right? actually i have some shots with guys also but just not with mine or suzan or adillah's camera. will get the pictures much later. so at the moment, i only have one with eason and shi kang. dunno whether they pakat wear striped shirts.

i don't know why i look so sleepy. can't really do much expression with my eyes though. small mah.. hahahaa. if i sit in the middle of the lecture hall and sleep, i bet the lecturer can't even tell from the front.

caught this girl just outside the ladies', my once-upon-a-time biochemistry lab partner. always very sleepy in class. but she's got great and warm personality.


nak lagi? sabar ya... good things will come to those who patiently wait and diligently seek them. hehehee.

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