Monday, September 18, 2006

Moan-day Blues.

[12.00am] was typing my brains out. what a way to start off my day. had plenty of this practically everyday over the past two years of my university life. nothing new. but nothing that i like.

[01.00am] still typing my brains out. but there was nothing left in my brains. so. basically i was typing nothing. begun merepek-ing.

[01.40am] then realized that i hardly have any time and energy left to edit my genomics essay. so i just printed the whole thing out. crossing my fingers on this one. boy.. you don't know how musical the sound of my assignment printing were to my ears.

[02.00am] went to sleep. maybe it was a bad idea to have the mind so active up till the minute before bedtime. my mind was so hyper. i couldn't really fall sleep until much later. toss and turn.

[06.45am] alarm clock rang. irritated from sleep. had to drag myself out of my bed cuz carpooling with my sister to sunway (usually my class on mondays start at 10am). i needed to hand in my genomics essay before 9am anyway.

[07.10am] realized i had forgotten to fill up the gas over the weekend. had an argument with my sister from there cuz she says i like to put the blame of my mistakes on somebody else. and when i explain what i actually mean, i get accused of being arrogant, proud and having a lousy attitude. i hate it when she uses that know-it-all tone with me. hey! i can't help it if she misinterprets my words.

[08.42am] submitted my genomics essay to dr song.

[08.57am] in the freezing computer lab, started working on my mbb lab report from where i left off last night.

[09.40am] realized that i had written a big chunk of wrong theories, explanation and calculations in my report from endless Q&As with friends - suzan, colin, tj, qiao leen to name a few - who were also finishing up the same report. more headache, adding on to my lack of sleep.

[11.45am] couldn't be bothered to add in or alter any more stuff. so jelak of changing and editing liao. print. done. don't wanna see it anymore. period.

[12.30pm] trying to stay awake in mbb 2-hour lecture while fighting temptations to sleep in class. hahaa. managed to keep my eyes wide open, but doubt much went into my brain though.

[2.30pm] discovered maggots in my sauerkraut project. there goes the experiment. tested the pH, acid concentration and left it to mr samy to discard. hahaa. found that i could be fired if i was working in a sauerkraut production factory, my ultimate "dream" job. noooooo, don't take away my dream!! right.

[3.15pm] had kai si chuk with pieces of yong char kuay for lunch. don't food just taste delicious when you've been hungry since 11am?

[4.15pm] my classes ended at 2, yet i'm still in college. cuz i don't have the car, my sister has it. i don't have the car, so i can't drive home. i can't drive home, so i'm stuck waiting in campus. so i waited and chatted with suzan.

[4.35pm] waited and chatted some more.

[5.10pm] still waiting. i hate waiting especially when i'm tired and have nothing to do. driving myself is definitely better, more flexible and more freedom.

[5.25pm] wait wait wait. chat chat chat.

[5.45pm] she comes! she finally comes! muahahahaa.

[6.30pm] home sweet home.

[7.50pm] decided that i'm too sleepy to do anything fruitful that requires thinking. decided to watch tv. :)

[8.10pm] watched america's next top model while eating ice-cream. by the end of it, was wondering if it was fair to eliminate kim who was a good model and well-behaved, and not bre although she has greater potential in modelling has a big time attitude problem, who has no professionalism and was extremely rude to her peers. maybe reality is.. working world just isn't fair. i would have fired bre instead of kim. talent and potential can be nurtured, but unprofessionalism and childishness i will not tolerate.

[8.45pm] caught the little final bit of everybody loves raymond. ate mangoes.

[9.00pm] waited for numb3rs to start but later found out they were not showing it.. geram.

[10.02pm] watched house. good thing they didn't cancel this show. if not, i'll boycott axn until csi miami on wednesday. heehee.

[11.18pm] made a mental note to sleep soon and not to wake up until eight hours later.

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