Tuesday, September 5, 2006

It's gonna be a bee-zay month alright.

my list of to-do & gonna-due stuff for september:-
1) lab management assignment #2, due on 4th september. as usual, yours truly was the editor whose tasks include correcting grammatical errors, clean up the assignment into a nice format, find and add more information and/or explanation where needed, making sure the assignment is well done with no loopholes.. hahaa. tedious work, but fun. the good thing about this subject is, you can do the minor assignments in groups.

2) molecular biology and biotechnology (mbb) 5000-word essay assignment on production of renewable energy from biomass waste, due on 4th september. again, mizflowerhorn here was the editor. and the concluder. hahaa. this one was more fun to check and edit compared to lab management's. i guess it was because the topic and the technology itself was an interesting read. merging sections together, making sure everything was coherent and comprehensible. adillah, mahani, suzan and i were pretty satisfied with the assignment overall but don't know whether that's enough since dr kan's quite so very strict. we'll see.

3) genomics' 2000-word essay worth 15% due next friday, 15th september. i think i'll be in big trouble for this one. haven't started anything. haven't decided which question to do.. only just narrowed it down to two - either about micrornas, or importance of mRNA stability in controlling eukaryotic gene expression. darn. i dont even where or how to begin.

4) mbb major lab report worth 10%, also due on 15 september... have to squeeze and compact everything into 6 pages max. these six pages would be sooooo saturated with words, important points and significant information. so much that they are more densely populated than indonesia.

5) mbb assignment #2, coming soon. due date's remains unknown, but i have a gut feeling that it's gonna be due the monday after midsem break. would that still be september?

6) gotta go shopping. need a suitable formal dress, accessories and shoes for monash ball. then there's hair and makeup issues...... can someone please remind me again why am i going?

7) during the midsemester break...
- HAVE to study genomics, especially dr robin's part. about time to figure out what he was teaching about all along. hard to make out what he's saying in class half the time cuz he eats his words while i, on my part, metabolize most of my glycogen to keep myself awake, decoding and making sense of what he says. but i have no professional training. i've tried my best.
- revise mbb and food microbiology. maybe lab management, hehee.
- food microbiology yoghurt project report, not due anytime soon.

8) have to go hunting for yet another dress. but this one's for a different occasion. a special occasion.. my sister's wedding. that's right, she's getting married. to her boyfriend of *drum rolls please* nine years. one million to whoever guesses the bridesmaid's identity correctly. any takers?? yes, it's nokkie! hahaa, so sexy. just kidding.

heavy assignments. big reports. shopping chore. yes, it's a chore when it's obligatory but who says chores can't be fun? i'm sure there will be more stuff to add on to the list later, after this post. sigh.. wake me up when september ends.

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