Friday, September 8, 2006

How I'll be spending my summer.

almost a year ago, i was very determined not to waste away the last summer holidays for my three-year degree course by sitting at home, not doing anything but eat, sleep, watch tv, collect dusts, dustmites and cobwebs. like what i did for my first year. i admit it was a wrong call... wasting my summer i mean.

so. few months ago, a friend mentioned "research project" which was a unit and the only science unit we, science student, could do during the summer. i wasn't too keen initially, thought of taking a business elective (accounting) instead. it kinda grew on me over the weeks cuz there were many advantages of taking this unit...
1) if i do this unit during summer, i would only have to take three units next semester. more free time and lesser pressure i hope. then i can focus more on those core units, and hopefully get better grades.
2) it would give me some lab research experience. at least. won't be so bodoh-bodoh, blur-blur when i graduate and start working.
3) although this unit is optional, it would be counted towards qualifying for honours.
4) it's something new. and i like to try new things.
5) apparently upon completing this unit, we would get a written testimonial and it's considered working experience. not so sure what it's called. but i know it'll be good for our resume. something like that lah, i'm not so sure what i heard from kok leong the other day.
6) lecturers and most seniors recommend it.
7) research has more relevance to my degree than accounting.

so. just a few hours ago, i registered myself with the lecturer. suzan too, after much persuasion and promotion. hahahaa. so it's done. i'm spending this summer in monash's science laboratory, dealing with human urine samples and analyzing them.

i'm nervous. call me jakun but i've never done a research before! it's something new and different. i'm scared. i don't know what lies ahead. i hope i made the right choices, right decision, right topic, etc.

i know this is ridiculous but i'm already beginning to worry about results, presentation and thesis. what if i don't get it right, what if i screw up in my presentation or get stucked and unable to answer the questions that the examiners asked, what if the results very tao tia. i know these are baseless. aiyohh..

but bring it on! i'm excited. cuz i'm just plainly excited! hahahaa. it's gonna be interesting. i hope. sheesh, i have a penchant for pessimism sometimes. no, no, no. have faith. it will be good. it will be fun. it will be serious work. it will be an awesome time and experience. i just know it will. heeheehee.

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