Saturday, October 14, 2006

How to tell when you have a REALLY bad cold?

your sniffing is as often and in tempo with the beat of techno music.

your voice adopts a huskier and sexier tone.. oohlalaa.

you have headaches because you blowed your nose too hard.

your head's so messed up, you can't think straight.

you become familiar with small, round and red bitter pills which are the so-called ultimate answer to cold and flus. cold-inflicting viruses fear them! die virus die! muahahaa.

you find yourself sneezing more often than you breathe.

and your eyes tearing up more often as well. blame the flu, not sad weepy movies.

your new best friends are sleep, water and tissues. lots of 'em.

you dream about eating ice-creams, drinking ice-cold juices, snow..

your lose your sense of taste. food sweet, sour, bitter, salty.. all taste the same.

you add and add and add soya sauce into your porridge more than the usual, so much that it looks like you've had soya sauce in higher proportion than the porridge itself. can't help it when your taste buds' busted!

you thank God that you can't smell methane bomb people let go in crowded elevator or in the car.

you begin to wonder why cold is called cold, and not hot or steam or blizzard?

you blog about "how to tell when you have a really bad cold"

and sneezed about no less than eight times from the time you began typing until the very last word.

1 comment:

  1. "your voice adopts a huskier and sexier tone"

    ..... -_-;

    Hehe. Anyways, get well soon! Final's coming.
