Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Something random about me.

my family knows this. few of my close friends know this. many of you probably don't know this. and most of you, if not all, would find this really odd.. but i hate chocolates.

i don't hate everything chocolate though. okay.. just before you go "why on earth does this girl blurts out stuff and then contradicts herself? she must be one hell of a confused person who needs a psychiatrist", let me clarify myself. i don't mind drinking milo (which i do everyday), chocolate milkshake, devouring chocolate-flavoured ice cream, chocolate waffles and maybe half a brownie... but i absolutely detest chocolate bars and chocolate candies. maybe count in chocolate cakes, cream and icings too. after you know me for several months, you'll know what are my yes and nos.

when people offer me chocolate, i would smile and kindly refused. then they would ask why and i would just tell them, "i don't like chocolates". strange looks will (and i mean will) follow, which would later be joined by inquiries... "but why?" or "how can anybody possibly hate chocolate?" with some jokingly adding "scared become fat ah?" or the more straight to the point "you're weird" remark.

it's not that i worry i'll become fat after a bite of chocolate bar or swallowing an m&m. i don't even need chocolates to make me fat. i must admit though that my great dislike for chocolate probably helped minimize pimple outbreaks and problems. make my life easier.

so. wanna know why?

i hate the way it feels after eating the chocolate. it's not extreme though.. at least i don't feel nauseated or feel like throwing up after eating it. i can eat one piece at the most at one go. if more than that...

i hate the way some of its residue gets stuck on my teeth no matter how hard i try to wash them down with water. yes, i fear these little chocolate monsters will happily grind holes in my teeth. i hate going for dental appointments. i think i can count the number of times i've seen a dentist.

i hate the way it melts in my mouth. i hate the way it tastes like in my mouth. i hate the thick creamy murky disgusting feeling i have in my throat when i swallow it, leaving an equally uncomfortable feeling in my stomach soon after. i remembered having to force myself to down one small slice of chocolate cake by myself during my then-church's christmas party and drinking lots of chrysanthemum tea later on. beh tahan.. i even have a picture as proof (see left). hahahaa.

i hate the fact that i always have nosebleed right after i eat chocolate when i was young. so geeky right? hehehe. yalah, i know. anywayz, was quite prone to having coughs and sore throats back then too. so most of the time, i was banned from chocolates. maybe that's why i dislike the taste of chocolate. simply not used to it. i don't even eat the small piece of chocolate at the last bit of cornetto ice-cream. i either throw it away, or give it to nokkie who'll be more than happy to finish it off for me. who says it's bad having brothers?

genetically inherited?? scientifically speaking, there's no such thing lah. hereditary preferences? maybe. my dad eats chocolate, but my mom isn't fond of anything sweet. i probably take after my mom, but my sister and nokkie are absolutely chocolativores. everywhere they go they must have, must find, must buy and must eat chocolates. my sister can eat one whole dairy milk chocolate bar by herself and not gain an ounce. now that's what i call extreme chocolate-tolerant. she probably has unusually high amounts of chocolate-digesting enzymes circulating in her system. as for nokkie, he shares her chocolate craze. good for them.. at least when they buy chocolate, they only have to split it two ways instead of three. that way, they get a bigger share to feast on with bigger joy and bigger smile on their faces. like that, everybody's happy!

i'll only eat chocolates when i don't have a choice... worse-case scenario type of situations like if there's a one-metre flood in klang valley and there's no way to get out of the house and the only food left in the house are chocolates. or if someone threatens to shoot me unless i eat chocolates. otherwise, chocolates and i just don't get along. not now. not ever. i can live with being the odd one.

p.s. happy 49th independence day malaysia!

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