Monday, December 29, 2008

An Eventful Day

[11.30 am] Met up with Pei Wern in front of Lot10 and headed off to Sungei Wang (yes AGAIN... this would be my third time in three weeks). Pei Wern was hungry, so we go eat. She brought me to the 6th floor of Sungei Wang. You know, I've heard of the 6th floor of Sungei Wang but I never managed to find it. Thanks to her, I've discovered that the only way to get up there is by lift. Oh goodness, the mystery of the 6th floor.

Sat down in a cubicle in Gasoline. This place intrigues me. Apparently teenagers like to eat here. It's really dark. You can't really see your food. So don't ask how I managed to read the menu. Eat here every day, sure your eyes cepat rosak. Next time, bring a torch light. And you sit ala Japanese style - take off your shoes, sit on cushion. This branch has a haunted house theme lah. I heard Sunway Pyramid has one too but different theme. How cool if they had mental asylum theme - waiters wearing lab coats, waitresses wearing nurse outfit, drinks in IV bags hung on IV poles so you can bring your drinks everywhere you go, sauces in medicinal bottles... Hahaha.

[1.40 pm] Met up with my brother, Brandon and Jason. Continued walking around Sungei Wang downwards. Bought a dress for RM25 which doesn't look RM25 (this is the best part right?). My mom's reaction was so funny.

Mother: Wah, what's that so sexy?
Me: Huh? I wear spaghetti-strap dresses for weddings you never say anything???
Mother: Ahh.. that one different. Wedding mah. Wear like that OK. Wah, make sure you wear something to cover it ah. Then sew the bust line there so that won't zhao kong.
Me: *sweat* Of course! *sweat* *sweat*

[3.35 pm] Got bored of Sungei Wang, plus the pushing crowd of ladies with their children that appear out of nowhere did not improve our mood. So we walked over to Timesquare.

[About 3.55pm] Saw the little stalls selling accessories in the middle of the third floor when some time later, we heard a shocking loud thud which followed with the ground shaking quite hardly. The hustling and bustling of people in the mall hushed. We never thought of it much, only that something really heavy fell on the ground and continued browsing.

Then moments later, a sales assistant told us that someone (not something) fell down!! And our immediate reaction was "WHAT???'. Then it all made sense. The ground shook too hard to be some random rack falling over. People were crowding on every floor to see what happened. Caught a glimpse of someone administering CPR but couldn't see the body of the lady who fell down. Neither did we see blood. Maybe it was a good thing we didn't see because listening and knowing details of the fall already made us feel queasy and sick to our stomach.

And to think that the place where the lady landed was only less than ten meters away from where we were standing. I told my mom this when I reached home. Her immediate reaction was "Wah, thank God you were not at the spot. Otherwise she would have fell on you, then the worst could have happened!". Honestly speaking, I did not think of it that way until my mom pointed it out to me.

According to NST Online, she fell from the tenth floor! Which was the food court floor. I dunno how she managed to fell accidentally coz the railings in Timesquare are pretty high up. The barriers and the fences were quite a distance apart. If you wanna read the report, you can go here.

[5.30 pm] Said goodbye to Pei Wern, went over to LowYat Plaza with the guys to go see their toys called computer parts and gadgets. I tell you boys take even longer time to decide whether to get something or not. And yet they complain about us girls shopping. Bah.

[5.50 pm] Chatted with Brandon while the other two look through the price list again and again. Then they decided to get the stuff they wanted.

[6.05 pm] The moment they got up from the chair they were sitting on, they suddenly decided not to get the stuff anymore. I tell you, they are weird. Or is it something to do with the chair? Or the air??

[6.30 pm] Sampai rumah.

I hope I can sleep tonight coz I still feel squeamish.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Feeling Christmassy?

Blessed belated Christmas everyone! Hehe. Very busy the past week.

Christmas Eve
Went with my sister to Bangsar from morning until evening. Bought a pair of red platform shoes for RM39 after 30% discount at Little Black Book. Last in stock, just ngam my size. What coincidence right? This is called fate. Am gonna keep this for Chinese New Year. Haha.

My shoe sui boh?

Bangsar is such a nice place to shop. The cars are pedestrian-friendly. Nice environment. Pretty clothes. And if you look hard enough, you can find really good bargains. We only managed to explore only one-quarter of the shops there. Ah, there are still My Dress Room, Gossips, Shoes Shoes Shoes, many many more. Second trip should be coming right up.

Had Christmas party later at a friend's house. Stayed overnight until the morning of 25th. Drunk a few shots too many at a go. Had rashes on my upper body and arms when I went home which took 4 days to recover. Felt like a monkey, scratching here scratching there. People have hangovers, I have rashes. People puke, I just feel dehydrated. No more heavy drinking in a night. Haha. Just tried out of curiosity. Wasn't a fan anyway.

Did not sleep until 6am. Even that, I only slept for 2 hours. Now my skin feels dehydrated. Need to look for skin hydrating product. Bleh.

Christmas Day
Got rashes, some more go eat dim sum for brunch. All the prawns and clams just added on to the rashes. No choice lah, orang tua want to eat dim sum. And I was hungry. Rajin rajin apply aloe vera gel and scratch lor.

Slept for 4 hours after brunch. Then mommy woke me up coz we had to go to my sister's in-law's place for their annual Christmas open house. Good food. Good pineapple tarts. Tee-hee. But too sleepy to enjoy food.

Later, my dad's CG had Christmas party pulak. At our house some more! You tell me lah, how to sleep?? Eat third round. I think this has to be the most boring Christmas ever. All I did was eat, sleep and scratch. Haha.

A gingerbread house Uncle Kenneth brought to the party

Boxing Day

Had a "date" with Ying Ling :P

At the same time celebrate her birthday. She brought me so many books to read. I can say all of them are chick lits - The Kept Woman, Me and Mr Darcy, I Take This Man, How to Sleep with a Movie Star... I think these can last me for months. I've already started on PS I Love You by the way :P

Took her to The Face Shop and Skin Food to browse through the skincare products. The Peach Sake Pore Serum smells so so yummy. And the Lettuce & Cucumber Emulsion, OMG. I can just buy them just to smell them (not use them) every morning. Ying Ling bought a few products from them and I couldn't stop looking at them throughout the day. The packaging of their products is so so pretty.

We were so sien in Midvalley coz there simply was nothing interesting to see. The clothes were either expensive or not so nice. Hence being the daring creative minds that we were, we hopped on the train to Sungei Wang. Haha. Gila is the word to describe us. Gila was the word to describe the crowd in Sungei Wang. Gila was the word to describe the sales in the mall itself. In one shop, all of their items are selling for RM25. Then later you see shops selling items at RM24 and RM23. And the best one is the shops selling their stuff for RM15 each. For some items, it's a good deal. For others, the quality would be compromised somewhat.

Sungei Wang has a lot of bishounen (I stand corrected by Ying Ling :P) wannabes. Bishounen means pretty boys in Japanese. While their hair and clothes may be styled really well to almost look like bishounen, the face and features are not smooth enough to qualify lah. Haiz. Don't lah try too hard. It shows the wrong way really badly.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Kind of Buyer that Pisses You Off

Characters involved:
Me = Panda
The Pissing-Me-Off Buyer = Dog

Background Story:
The following conversation took place between me and a forumer who responded to my forum thread, in which I was selling off my university reference books.

Wah. Got people interested to buy my Solomon's Chemistry book. Not bad, not bad. The book still got market after all these years. It's a good Chemistry textbook by the way. But probably a bit too deep and specific for my studies.

Mind you, the price I quoted was RM75 inclusive of Poslaju courier service. With the book weighing as heavy as a 3-month-old toddler (~4-5 kg), I estimate Poslaju charges to be about RM14 to RM15. So deducting all of that off, I would only get RM60 for the book in the end.

I write my name to make sure the book knows its owner. And make sure it doesn't go missing. It's so blardy expensive, you can't blame me for taking extra precaution. Anyway, look what the dog forumer replied me.

I remembered seeing something like this on e-bay earlier this year. But I was pretty sure that the seller said it was used. Smelling something fishy, I went to e-bay to investigate. I mean, who on earth would be so stupid to sell a new one at RM90??? Do you know the new ones sell at RM200? You think I don't know ha? I didn't buy my degree from Monash, you know. I earned it! And with that, I would have more brains than that to fall to your slimy, conniving scheme.

And ta-da! I was right! So damn right!!

Pissed off I was. This bitch (pardon the pun) was trying to trick me. Think that I am so naive and stupid is it?


After calming down, I organized my retaliation. She probably thought that I wouldn't think of going to e-bay Malaysia to actually check her statement. I sooooooooooo wanted to tell her, "Then go and buy from the ebay seller lah". Betul wasting my time only. But if you know me very well, I am the kind who doesn't sit back and allow myself to be bullied. If anyone tries to manipulate me, I'll cucuk right in the heart like a long fine needle - Small, but hurts a lot.

And let's see what she respond. Classic response lah. "Oops my mistake" (cue roll eyes).

Wah, WRITE MY NAME ALSO CAN CAUSE THE BOOK TO GO DOWN IN VALUE SOOOOOOOOO MUCH HAR??!!!! My book is already cheaper than the ebay seller's one by almost twenty bucks, not enough har?? Both of us also free shipping. Both of us also hardly use our books. Write my name two words, so I should decrease the book price even further???

Stupid. Useless. No brain. Disrespectful. Depreciative. Cunning. Slimeball.

And to find out that this forumer actually offer tuition to high schoolers! Seriously man, if you really place great importance on knowledge, it would be an investment to buy them books. At such a price for a 2nd-hand book which costs RM200 original, and you still want to bargain? That only shows me that you're cheap.

Giving the impression to people that you're intellectual but being such a cheapskate to the point of stooping so low? From an educator to another, please, you're such an embarrassment to the society.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Spring Cleaning! - Destress Therapy

For the past two weeks, my room went through some serious spring cleaning which I think was desperately needed and about time. There were dusts on the table, unwanted clothes piled up in my cupboard, used and unused stuff cluttering in my cupboard, worn out shoes downstairs... just beh tahan liao. I'd take a picture but it would be to embarrassing to post it up anyway. Haha.

The last time I did it was probably the year my sister got married. I don't know. Just an educated guess because last year (Honours year) was just too busy for me so it was mostly impossible for me to have done anything domestic. Heh heh...

So yeah, unwanted clothes piling up in my closet. I have been looking for places to donate my clothes to for months. There were a few boxes in my neighbourhood where, from what I heard, you can donate anything you want and some people come to collect from those boxes during the weekend. I am not so sure where those go to, so my mom said NO GO. But I did manage to find someone looking for donations on the Malaysian Babes forum.

Off to sort out clothes that I still want to wear, and pack into bags clothes that I don't want to wear or don't fit anymore :)

The two skinny bags at the side contain my clothes. The
two fat ones are a combination of my mom and my sister.

Do you know how good it feels after sorting out and cleaning up? This high is way better than what any drug can do!!

Not like I did drugs to know how it felt -_-"

After I was done with that, I went to arrange the clothes in my closet. I don't know if you girls (and guys) know this about me... and I don't know if I'm one of the very few in the world with this strange fetish... and I think you might find this odd and extreme. Here goes. I have a habit of arranging my clothes according to their categories (e.g. pants, jeans, tops, dresses, cardigans, spaghetti tops) and within their categories I have to arrange them according to colour... Haha, yes you read that right. It just looks much nicer this way. Plus it's easier to find the clothes I wanna wear when they're arranged this way.

Oh yeah, shorts and pants are two different categories.

Observe the middle section (tops are my biggest collection):
White > Yellow/Beige > Red > Purple > Blue > Green > Brown > Black
Kidding NOT.

I had a thought of uniforming the colour of my hangers but I guess that that would be too extreme and a waste of money. Next time when I live on my own, then you'll probably see uniform-coloured hangers. Next time, next time.

Also cleared up my cupboard. Found stuff from my primary school days! OMG, my artwork. I may be creative when it concerns fingers and piano, but I totally have zero talent when it comes to fingers and artwork.

The misai man looks more like a man with a double chin screaming for
help. Should have coloured the misai black eh? Oh look, chicken's tail is
BIGGER than its body.

Some art project from Primary 5, music project in Primary 6.
I have a thing for flowers, don't I? Flower here, flower there.

Lo and behold, past exam papers! Now I realized that I used to be quite smart,
but not quite perfect. One thing that's never changed, Moral was and is my worst subject.

ANYWAY. After all this, I actually feel like I can breathe easier because space is open wider and not stuffy. I also sleep peacefully knowing that there're no more less clutter in my room. I do find cleaning up my room a form of cheering me up and very effective de-stressing therapy. Especially when you have music blaring from your speakers. It's so refreshing!

Was just at Midvalley this afternoon to watch Body of Lies and went browsing through MPH (while waiting for someone who FFK-ed me in the end anyway) when I saw The Last Empress was selling for only RM29.90!! Hardcover version some more. I did a double triple take at the price. I thought I overlooking some digits. It was really selling for RM29.90! How can I not buy it???

Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Camera!!!

Went to the PC fair yesterday at KLCC and yesh, I got a new digital camera!!! Haha. Ta-da! My new camera - Samsung L100!

I just realized that I've been purchasing Samsung techy products. First was the handphone, now it's the camera. I know it's not the most terra punya product. Or a high end brand. But I don't need brand name, I just need a good enough camera that can take good pictures, offer a good deal and will not bomb my bank account.

Besides, Samsung booths are all over the place. The other brands like Olympus, Canon and Fujifilm have humongous booths that are right in the crowded area. I mean, how would you like it if you're trying to ask questions and listen to the promoters while people keep bumping into your butt every few seconds??? Not good right? Besides, their promoters were too pushy. Samsung's people were friendly but not over the top.

They had this camera in pink, blue, silver, black and red. Silver? Wayyyyyyyyy too common. Pink? Ya think my brother will agree to pink? Hahaha. Blue? Nice but a bit too boring. Black? Just didn't stand out... It was sleek but... didn't seem quite right. Red? Stands out, not too dull, not too girlish, something different. Just right. And hey, good colour since CNY is just around the corner :P And, they're limited edition colours. Meaning not too common. Meaning good.

Camera specs:
+ 8.2 Megapixels
+ 3x optical zoom
+ Face detection
+ 2.5" intelligent LCD
+ Self potrait mode
+ Digital image stabilization
+ Battery life ~130 minutes or ~300 shots (fully utilized)

Now, a side-by-side comparison with my Samsung SGH-E950 3.2 Megapixel camera. I promise you, I never photoshop the pictures. Except resizing and adding the borders. Both taken without flash, under the same lighting at the same room by the same person within 2 minutes of each other.

Handphone camera: Not bad but the colour not so good right? Also lack sharpness.

Samsung L100 camera.

It retails at RM699 but I got it for RM559 thanks to the sure-got-bargain-one PC fair. Plus, it came with two 2Gb memory cards. And a towel (haha). And it's slimmer than my dad's already-kaputed fat digicam which you can't just carry in your handbag or slip into your jeans pocket. I say it's a good deal.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A cup of coffee

Over a cup of coffee, each person gathered in seats around a table exhausted for one-too-many reasons. Love. Life.

Although some did not fancy coffee or did not anticipate late night chatting, all somehow felt a mutual understanding that today the cup of coffee was needed for reasons that did not need to be spoken or asked.

Over a cup of coffee, frank opinions about different topics were heard in the initial conversation which gradually progressed further and deeper.

Over a cup of coffee, those now going through emotional turmoil shared their stories while the others listened attentively knowing that all that was needed were their ears to spare.

Over a cup of coffee, heartaches and bruises were felt by the others even when they did not go through what the person went through.

Over a cup of coffee, amusing stories in love-hate relationships from the experienced ones in were told candidly and laughters heard.

Over a cup of coffee, all concluded that there is no way to understand the opposite sex. But you can understand yourself and you must never sell yourself too low.

Over a cup of coffee, tears flowed freely as when they came. Hugs were offered and received graciously. Shoulders wet.

Over a cup of coffee, candid remarks offer a source of laughter and humour.

Sitting in our cars driving back home from a cup of coffee and a conversation later, burdens were not gone but at least lightened somewhat. Some were happy to let them all out of the system while the others were happy to just be there for them.

Just a simple cup of coffee with a conversation late into the night, friendships grew closer.

Monday, December 1, 2008

To perm or not to perm?

My mom burst into my room, wanting to ask me something. But as soon as she saw me in my wet hair, the first thing she did was a double-take and the first thing she said was "WAH!! So curly ah!!". And she forgot what she wanted to ask me.

THAT'S when you know you have curly hair. Not straight. Not wavy. Curly.

My mom has not seen me in my natural curls, neither have I. It's just so hard to take care of them and make sure the curl curl at the right place to look nice. So I usually just blow-dry my hair to make it wavy. Easier to manage. Now I have a new set of problems called frizz, hair-loss and too much energy put into maintaining hair.

Close friends around me (those with natural curls) and my sister, one by one, permed their hair. One said that her frizz problem reduced a lot after perming her hair. The other told me that her hair is not so dry and so much easier to manage as compared to when she straightened her hair. Another said that with her permed hair, she looks styled when she's casual and formal, thus no need to go to saloon to set hair.

One even told me that hair perm would be worth it for me because the curls would hold and last longer due to my natural curl. I personally have witnessed my own sister's hair looking better after perming for a year. Her hair no longer looks dry and frizzy. Damn, now I am really really tempted... seriously contemplating getting a perm.

You know during my mother's hey days, there was only one type of perm and perm only meant one thing - curl the entire hair. You only need to tell them whether you want big perm or small perm. Now when I surf the net and read various forums for "inspiration" (yes you must do your homework before you go do anything drastic to your hair), there're soooooooooooooooo many types that my head's spinning trying to read up on their differences.

Digital perm, Japanese perm, cold perm, hot perm, ceramic perm, tight perm, loose perm... Why did they have to come up with so many?? Sweat. I don't want and I don't need to know the differences.

The most important is the end result right? Whether I look good or not in the perm. And whether my money is well-invested.

Perms I don't want

This one will probably make my hair look drier than it actually is.
And I want something with less frizz. This does not look any less frizzy.

Yes I am a big fan of Melina Kanakeredes because I think her character in CSI New York is so cool, sexy, smart and strong with a good sense of fashion.

But I definitely don't want this kind of perm.
Don't think I would look good in that.

Perms that look nice & am considering

Style #1: Permed long hair with bangs. I don't think I can keep that kind of bangs
though unless it's straightened. Even that, I think bangs will make my face
look even rounder than it is.

Style #2: The fringe in here, I think, looks the most ideal for me...
even though I prefer the curls of the first picture. The curls in here start
further down the head.

Style #3: This one looks sweet and cute. But sweet and cute is not my style.

* Photos and hairstyle taken from Gabalnara. They have many other cool hairstyles on their website. Just click on the link if you want to take a look but to warn you, the website's in Korean.

My hair is now three inches below my shoulder. I probably need to grow inches more before I perm my hair. That means I'll have time to think until then. Yay! Haha.

I'm thinking about going to a new hair saloon as well because my hairstylist in my current saloon retired and I don't like the way the others cut my hair. While one blow-dry my hair sooooo straight that I look like a tomboy, the other one cuts off 4 inches when I specifically said 2 inches. And God, don't get me started on the difficulty of communicating with them. I spoke Mandarin, not even English! If I have to use sign language, I might as well I go to a Japanese saloon.

Anyway, any idea or remedy to quicken hair growth? If I want to perm or do anything with my hair, I'll have to do it before CNY season because that's when prices will hit sky high.