Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gone too soon

Heath Ledger (1979-2008)

I couldn't believe it when I saw "Heath Ledger dead at 28" on Yahoo! News few days ago.

I thought my eyes were playing games with me since I had just woke up.

But after blinking several times (and knocking my head back to its senses, washing my face, etc.), I realized that it was what it was.

Then I clicked on the news, hoping that it was instead a report that he died in a movie... As in character, not the real him because that's what the media loves to do - make a headline that seems so shocking and bizarre that people will flock to the news. Like the "Paris Hilton going to Harvard" few weeks ago which turned out that she was going to collect some Harvard Lampoon award, and no she doesn't have a high IQ.

Oh God, I can't believe he's dead. He was one of the very few actors who I really admire purely because of their talent and their hard work. Leonardo Dicaprio, Matt Damon among the others, to name a few.

Was hoping that I'll wake up one day and realized that this was a bad dream. Or a really elaborate prank for earlied April's fool that went really bad.

Broken hearted lah.

Now I really wanna watch Brokeback Mountain (which is banned in Malaysia) and Dark Knight which will be playing in theaters coming July. Because there won't be any more new Heath Ledger movies. Wwaaaaaaaaahhhhh... Nnnnoooooooooo...

God bless your soul, Heath. May you find rest. We'll terribly miss you.

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