Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just. Not. My. Day.

Today I thought I could FINALLY resume my work in the lab, given that my empty gas tank was FINALLY replaced with a full tank yesterday. Only to reach campus in the morning to find out that the gas tank regulator was missing. A lab technician took it because apparently it isn't ours. But he could have at least called the lab to inform us verbally, or if he's so so busy, scribble a note on a piece of paper (we have plenty in the lab) and leave it next to the computer or something.

But of course, yours truly here was not informed until she called their office and asked about it. Pissed off man. This is the second time in a row. Firstly was the gas tank issue - delayed because they did not know where to charge it to, and didn't call my supervisor or my lab to ask. We ask, baru they tell. 哪里不会生气?? My blood pressure also hit sky high.

Then yesterday got headache one whole day. Still feeling it today. Must have been the darn black San Francisco coffee I drunk in yesterday morning. I'm swearing off coffee for good. Don't know how people can drink espresso.

These two days some more so hot and dry. I drunk 1.1 liters of water by 3pm and still I feel dehydrated.

Then just now got accident scare. While I was exiting the campus carpark, I was about to turn out seeing that the car coming had its turn-left signal on from far ahead. As I was pressing the accelerator to turn out, I realized the car with the left signal was coming too fast and almost banging my car. Stupid lady driver. I quickly braked and change to reverse gear. Then reverse bang another car. Shit man. To avoid bang, reverse and bang another car. Great idea.

I was thinking OMG, I'm too tired to handle any argument and blaming game. I admit I didn't see the car behind me, so it was my fault. Good thing there was no damage except for a slight dent on his front number plate. Which I don't know whether it was there before I ter-bang or not. Another good thing was the driver was a pretty nice and decent guy. He brushed it off with a "It's OK lah. No big deal." When I told my mom, my mom said Monash students from good background and upbringing mah.

Well, he wouldn't have said no big deal if his bonnet looked like an accordion post-bang.

As I drove home to pick up my mom, I realized "Eh?? I didn't check my own car to see if I remuk any part eh?". Haha. My mom didn't say anything like an octagonal boot or something when I arrived home so I guess no big damage was done. Thank God! Oh God.. First time I actually ter-banged someone's car. Scary man.

Last but not least, my Maybank2U access was suddenly cut off. I don't recall entering the wrong password. I'm sure I didn't. So had to go to the bank today to work out the problem. So so tired man. Have to wait some more. Don't know what's the point of cutting off access because I haven't been accessing Maybank2U in a long long time. I still have my account alive. Hah, at least I got my access back today.

My mom and I were supposed to go to Cherating for the weekend to visit my brother at his national service camp. My dad's not free. But he's not happy either on the idea of us going by ourselves. Don't know why he's so fussy. He must be in a bad mood. First say better go on Saturday, stay one night, then come back on Sunday, so that we don't tire ourselves from driving 8 hours the whole day. Then he says go on Sunday morning and come back in the evening, because got 2 drivers - shouldn't be tiring right? Eeeee.. I dowan. Whole day driving ho.. my mom will never drive at Cherating.

So now we still don't know how. Ahhhh, bising lah.

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