Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The worst type of people

You know what's the worst type of people?

The ones who openly show that they don't like you? No. At least you know they don't like you. And to give them credit, they don't pretend to like you to show everyone that you both are getting along just fine.

The ones who hate you so much that they want to kill you so bad, literally? No. At least you would know that you desperately need extra protection. So buy a handgun, or learn a defensive art, or if you have money hire a bodyguard from Shaolin. Or if you have even more money, hire a bodyguard and migrate overseas.

The ones who insult you at every opportunity? Haha. No. Cuz pity them, they have nothing else better to do to utilize their time.

The ones who keep blaming you for their own mistakes? Truth be known. These types, pity them, their brain cells can't effectively process any other reasons. If not, they're just finding excuses for their laziness. OK, they do get on your nerves which makes you want to yell logic into them... The first time it happens? OK, maybe it could be our fault. But if the same thing keep happening, something else is wrong. But anyway, it's them who'd be at loss, not us. Why care? So no, this type is harmless.

You know what's the worst type of people?

The ones who are so sickeningly sweet in front of other people towards you, when you both know clearly you don't get along at all and hate each others' guts, just to show that they're such sweet and friendly people. And people lluurrrrrrveee to hang around them. And when your backs are turn, they shoot poison darts and stick daggers into you. The ones who are frighteningly nice to you with other agendas up their sleeves. Why? Because these are hypocrites. These are the most cunning and destructive type. Protective of themselves and the birds that follow them. Destructive to others unconcerned. Has no problem getting their hands dirty. Even if you did nothing to them, they have no problem when it comes to getting rid of you when needed.

These are the ones you should be vary of.

Currently feeling >>> Frustrated. Nothing to do with my work. Just issues that won't go away.
Currently listening >>> Lion by Rebecca St James

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