Saturday, January 12, 2008


The weather was crazy across Pahang. On the land which we stand on, it's bright and sunny and darn hot. Looking upwards towards the sky, we can see dark clouds and possibly heavy rain + thunderstorms in the place just several miles away. As we drove on the East Coast Highway, it was literally clear - rain (few seconds) - clear - rain (few minutes) - clear - etc.

The weather's getting unpredictable these days. The sun may be glaring down at you hard but there're growlings of thunders warning of imminent rain. Which do you trust? The bright sun or the angry thunders?

Anyway, my mom and I drove to Cherating last weekend to visit my brother at his NS camp. Suzan tagged along, since she hasn't seen that part of Peninsular Malaysia. Better three than two women driving alone right? Or women shouldn't travel alone? Haha. Well, not like we had any choice. The men we asked were busy. And we wouldn't ask non-relative men along right? It doesn't sound right. The point is, we made it there, did not get lost and made it back in one piece. Hah, take that! :P

We thought we did get lost at one point because the road which the "Pusat Latihan Khidmat Negara" sign pointed to looked like this. And the camp was so so far deep inside (around 5 km), it was hard to tell whether we were on the right road or we were lost because there were no further signages (and it was a small one) until probably few kilometers into the road. Babi punya signboards.

After the small signboard, we turned into yet another smaller road which looked like it also leads to nowhere. In front, you see trees. Look left, you see more trees. Look right, you see even more trees. Look behind, you see the trees you saw earlier on...

Yah, all you see is trees. It's a wonder how we didn't get lost here. Maybe a lot of panicking before the trip did us a lot of good. We asked 5 different people on how to get to Cherating and the camp. Haha. And we had more than two eyes on a lookout. Not so bad.

And sometimes, small rivers my brother call it. But I think they're ponds or swamps. Don't see any sign of movement or life. Tell me, how you know for sure whether you're lost or not? We ourselves were only convinced that we were on the right track when we made it to the camp. Haha.

Well, well, we finally met the celebrity of the day, with a new haircut...

Shin Chan!

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