Thursday, January 17, 2008

PMS = Penyakit Malang dan Sial :P

PMS. Some times it's not bad. Most times it's really bad. Very rarely it's nothing. Sometimes all you want to do is keep warm and crawled up either in bed or in front of the TV watching anything. Sometimes you want to do nothing but sleep. But you can hardly sleep with the excruciating pain keeping you awake. There goes your good night's sleep. Betul-betul babi one.

The last thing you wanna do when you have PMS is to sit in lectures and do any kind of work. But most of the time, we don't have much choice except to endure. And sometimes it just makes you do a lot of crazy things. To distract yourself, of course. Or at least, I do a lot of stuff.

1) Drink hot chocolate. In Malaysian context, hot milo pun boleh pakai lah. But real chocolate works better. I remember once I was in Hong Kong on holiday when the disaster striked. After drinking one big mug of hot chocolate which cost me a freaking HK$12 (around RM6)!??!!, I was happy for the rest of the day! Haha. I heard that eating chocolate also helps, but since I am an anti-chocolate-bar-eater, I resort to its liquid form :P

2) Watch a really lame-funny light-hearted movie. You may not be laughing all the time, but hey, at least it distracts you from the annoying pain that wouldn't go away. The one I just watched recently was The Attack of the Pin-Up Boys. Super lame.. Plot was good and had no loopholes but mannnn, it was so lame I just can't help laughing at the stupidity. Why not watch heavy movies you'd say? Because it requires me to think to enjoy the movie. And thinking uses energy. And energy = work = bad. We want rest, not work.

3) If run out of lame movies to watch, then watch a game variety entertainment show. Must be funny one ha, otherwise it won't work. How funny? Let's just say that the degree of humour is directly proportional to the magnitude of pain you're in. More pain, it better be more funny. Better be. Some examples would be Taiwan's 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 (Guess Guess Guess), or any shows with 憲哥 (Jacky Wu) or 小猪 (Show Luo) in it. My current favourite though is Korea's Super Junior Exploring the Human Body show. Learn a lot of stuff while watching, but it's super funny at the same time. What other better form of education fun can you get than from watching TV.

4) Talk/complain to your best friends about even the small little things. During normal time, these small little things wouldn't irritate at the slightest. But at this time, somehow the tolerance level and annoyance-sensitive level reaches all time low. If can get this out of the chest, I'd be as happy as a ten-year-old being told that she can eat sweets forever and not get fat!

5) Blog rubbish. Like this post :P

Currently feeling >>> Unusually moody. Must be the flu I'm getting.
Currently listening >>> Thirst (A Man in Love) - Super Junior

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