Sunday, September 2, 2007

Things in Malaysia that I'll definitely miss

Happy uuuhhh… belated birthday, Malaysia?! Sorry lah, was busy on Merdeka day to wish you earlier :P

OK. So I’ve never really stayed in countries out of Malaysia for more than two weeks. And that one also for holiday. It’s no secret that I do wanna live abroad someday. Not necessarily permanently. Maybe for furthering studies or work, since Malaysian career prospects for Biotechnologist are not as bright as they’d promised it would several years back. Nevertheless, I do know some things in Malaysia that I’ll dearly miss if I were deprived of Malaysian environment.

Listed in no particular order or favouritism…

Assam laksa, curry laksa, Sarawak laksa, Penang laksa, all kinds of laksa. Yum.

ABC or more famously known as ais kacang.

Bintang Walk. And all the shopping complexes associated with it.

KLCC Petronas Twin Towers.

24-hour Mamak stalls.

Badminton – not easy to find other sources for news and updates on this sport besides our local newspapers.

Celebrations all year round – Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Hari Raya Haji, Christmas, Deepavali, Vasakhi, Thaipusam, Wesak – and all the public holidays we get along with it.

Sales all year round – Year End Sale, Christmas sale, CNY sale, Mega sale… fuiyoh.

Durians! Durians! And more durians! Sultan! Musang Emas! D24! D101!

My mom’s red bean soup. Double yum.

Pasar malams. Especially my Sri Petaling's pasar malam. The best! Hehe.

Nyonya food.

Hokkien mee.

Ramadhan bazaars during Ramadhan month.

The selamba culture we have. although this tidak apa attitude may annoy us to our very guttest of guts, it shows that we know how to kick back and relax when we need it the most.

There's one thing I will not miss though...

The traffic jams!!
Siao ah? Who wants to miss that??

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