Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Secret (不能說的秘密) - Part II


Just kidding. Hahaa. No, I'm not gonna start blogging in Chinese. Can barely read, let alone write. And yes, there are several things I have to admit.

I admit that I'm a bigger fan of Jay Chou after watching "Secret" yesterday.. day after writing the previous entry, tak ada sabar. For first time writing story and directing, he did a good job.

I shamelessly admit that I find guys who play the piano well extremely sexy and charismatic.

I admit that I have an inclination *ahem.. bias* towards singers who write, compose and sing their own songs.

I admit that I tend to favour movies with at least one music/singing element. Like Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, The Pianist, A Walk to Remember, Spring Waltz, Sister Act, Annie, Corpse Bride, etc. And now Secret.

I admit that I dream of marrying a musician someday. Haha. I've had a long day and it's one something in the morning. I'm allowed to dream :P But yah, my man has to love music.. not just sekadar listening to music, but really love LOVE music. If he can play as well as Jay, next time when I merajuk or angry or keras hati, just play a romantic song my hati keras sure melt one. Haha.

I admit that my favourite piece from the movie is probably the duet Jay played with Xiao Yu.

I admit that my most favourite moment from the movie is the piano battle scene. My jaw probably dropped 15 inches watching it. It was phenomenal! If I was watching it on DVD, I would have stopped and rewind to rewatch the battle. My friend told me he really played the piano, but the cooking hands were not his lah. Hahaa. Another scene I like is the part where he was playing a sad, depressing song on the piano (heartbroken mah..), and his father quipped, "Wei.. bu yao zai tan la. Lao ba kuai yao ku le (don't play anymore lahh, or I'm gonna bawling soon).

I admit that I enjoyed this movie. Wouldn't mind going for another round. Thumbs up. Recommended to everyone. Especially those who can understand Mandarin. But they have English subtitles anyway. After watching, if you're a pianist you'll feel a sudden itch and urge to rush back to play the piano, if you're not you'll wanna start learning to play the piano.

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