Monday, September 10, 2007

O, Graduation & Celebration

Ancora Imparo. I'm still learning in Latin. Motto of Monash.

Of course there was a delay. And it's all Jacky Chan's fault!
But if it was anything to go by the Malaysian standard, it started on time. Hahahaa. What delay? Where got delay? Haiyah, five minutes delay... nothing one lah.

Akhirnya graduate juga.
Sakit kepala from doing reports and assignments, sakit mata from overexposure to computer screen, sakit tangan from doing experiments and solving problem sheets, sakit kaki from walking from Monash building (old campus) to School of Science, sakit hati because won't be seeing most of my classmates on regular basis anymore.

Marching out of graduation.

We're a boring lot. We pose for pictures standing straight.

See.. I told you. This position arrangement looks familiar or not?
Hahaa. Look at the picture below and tell me what's the similarity?

Shortest to tallest? Oldest to youngest? Hair colour gradient?

Me and my parents. Without them, I wouldn't be graduating from Monash today. Obviously I wouldn't have made it through semester after semester. No. Not without their financial support to pay my fees :P Hahahaa.

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