Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Being a lamp post

(edited on 27/09 for Suet Wan aka sweetONE :P)

Today, I found this in my bukumuka graffiti wall. And laughed out loud.

Copyright of Suet Wan. Yalah, went to watch Secret again. I know I'm nuts. I won't be going for a third time, so chill man.

Anyway that's not the point.

I notice that every time I go out to the movies with Suet Wan, somehow always end up as tiang lampus in the theater. The only twosome who are friends, while the rest are lovey-dovey burungs. Why now not heng go movies with friends is it?

And every time, among these couples would be one particular couple that "stands out". Last time when we went to watch Shrek 3, there was one girl sitting several rows in front of us (we're backbenchers) laughing and squealing out louddddd at every few seconds. Honestly speaking, it was nothing close to mediocre funny.. the jokes were really lame, recycled and unlaughable that I don't know if they qualify to be called jokes in the first place. To grade it Hogwart's way, it was "Dreadful". We seriously didn't know what was so funny.

And yesterday, the girl sitting to my right had her head on her boy boy's arms the whole time the movie was on! It's a miracle she didn't have neck strain at the end of the movie. And he didn't complain of having ants crawling sensation in his arm. Her head was probably 3-4 feet away from mine. When funny lines come, she's giggling away AND whacking her boy boy's arms. Ow.

But she wasn't half as annoying.

And her skirt was probably half-a-foot long.

Sigh. People you meet. Can. Be. So. Entertaining.

By the way, I bought a new pair of tallies (sweetONE ™) from Vincci. Tallies as in tall hence heels. Gold colour. Very sayang. Too bad Malaysian roads and pavements conditions are really horrid to shoes, especially tallies.

To end, this is something I heard from Suet Wan about her friend. This is sweetONE ™ haa, cannot simply recycle without her permission ahh :P. One fine day, somebody asked her friend, "Hey.. how do you spell 'hate' har? As in 'I hate you'? H-E-A-R-T? I heart (pronounced as hate) you?"

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