Friday, September 28, 2007

The Checklist: Criterias of The Ideal Guy

Promised Phaik Ee that I would do this a little more than a week ago. Hahaa. How on earth did I get myself this assignment? Funny. OK lah. I oblige to do the list for the fun of it and for myself to think about it. I never really thought about this - seriously or trivially.

Let my brain cells start dreaming! Listed in no particular importance.. what is listed first is what popped up in my mind first.

♥ A Christian. Someone who's spiritually more mature than I am, of course, who can teach and lead. Don't want conflict of beliefs surfacing somewhere along the road because our journey together began with diversed spiritual beliefs.

♥ At least half-a-head taller than I am. Hahaa. Well, I'm not that tall. This shouldn't be too hard right.

Understanding and respectful. Who doesn't want someone who can listen to your point of view or accept your decision without judging and/or controlling you?

♥ Definitely must love music of course. Not just sekadar listening to music that kind, must really really love music and know music. Don't think anybody's surprised though. Being a musician myself, this criteria is hardly optional. Wah... If can play the piano the way Wang Lee Hom plays, sing as good as Cao Ge, compose songs as well as Zhou Jie Lun, good looking like Zhan Yuhao (from NQMM) or He Jun Xiang all in one package... it'd definitely be a dream come true. Hahahaa. Like I said, a dream. Every night can sing me to sleep ;-P

Nice. Needs no explanation. I don't want a puppy kicker, wife slapper, kitten eater...

Honest. The last thing most women want is to be lied to by our loved ones. For whatever reason - good or bad, best is to be honest. Of course there're always the trick questions like "Is she prettier than me?", "Do I look fat in this dress?", etc. We love to hear the truth. But not in an insulting way. Just find a way around the question. Hahaa. Give you chance to hone skills.

No Male Chauvinistic Pigs aka MCPs (sweetONE™, you know you should start a language of your own and called it Wanniese :P). We have come a long way since the days of our moyang. Treating and dismissing us as inferiors is definitely a turn off.

♥ Has a good head on his shoulders. Smart brain, smart looking. No need to have IQ of 180 like Masi Oka lah.

♥ Preferably Chinese lor. Haha. I am not racist. It's just that understanding comes easier with similar upbringing and culture.

♥ Can speak good English. I had this bad experience with this guy once. It was really difficult to talk to him, especially over MSN, because he was misinterpreting every single freaking sentence I was saying. Sometimes I would just say something which is very harmless, and he thought I was insulting or being sarcastic with him. And half the time he couldn't understand what I wrote. And most of the time I had decode what he wrote because of all the spelling errors and wrong use of words. Don't even feel like rummaging through my chat history with him to give you an example. Argh. If he can speak Mandarin, it'd be a bonus.

Good kisser. Not a crime to want that now is it? Hahaa.

Non-smoker and non-drinker.. as in drinking once in a while is OK by me, but alcoholic abusers are no no. Pretty self-explanatory right?

♥ Have a good sense of humour. Knows how to have a lighthearted outlook on life and also when it's time to get serious.

♥ Have a good sense of adventure. Gotta know how to have fun right? Hahaa. But don't lah sampai like David Blaine like that wanna drown himself in water for more than a week. I'll kill him before the water does!

Alahh.. I think cukup liao hor? I can't think of anymore. Hahaa. If you wanna add anything or comment, be my guest. I'm game.

1 comment:

  1. Bangganya patik! You actually mentioned my name in your blog ^^ And you definitely deserve a disctinction for completing your "assignment" :p

    Eh, ok ma, your criteria. You don't seem to be very choosy ^^ I'll look around for potential candidates for you ;)
