Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wedding - Behind the scenes

(these are official pictures, taken by michael sin)

the morning of the wedding.

having our hair and makeups done. see what has become of our dining table. when we're not eating on it, we're doing our work on it. if we're not doing work on it, we're reading newspaper there. for this special day, it becomes especially messed up with many, many makeup stuff and hair styling apparatuses.

old faithful multi-purpose dining table. as old as i am.

my mom chit-chatting with my relatives all the way from sarawak and brunei. doubt my brother was talking much. i know this cuz he can speak neither mandarin nor hokkien. both my mom and noknok are wearing winnie-the-pooh t-shirts. so cute. hahahaa. go liverpool and winnie-the-pooh fans!!!!

.. and i don't know where that came from.

have no idea what she's pointing at. probably noknok or my mom or my aunty was asking or showing something.

i love the photo of jie jie and my mom. even this almost-two-decades-old kitchen with all the mess and the magnets-infested fridge looks so nice in the picture.

the brand-new wedding car. strike numbers you know. not kidding. somebody from the groom's side actually bought 4D with these numbers. got second prize or something. blessed numbers. don't play-play.

hehe. here i can safely say that these are all ready poses. once we arrived, my sister had to wait in the car while my mom, uncle julian (the driver) and i run away from the picture. yalah, the nu zhu jiao today is her. can't steal the spotlight. see, we run fast fast.

poor thing has to practice and memorize the speech he was going to give in front of everybody. glad to report that he gave an almost perfect mistake-less speech. except for one mistake, which my mom was quick to point out... he accidentally addressed my sister as chareen, not as jie jie. kena say "mei you li mao" (no manners).

me wiping her sweat, making sure makeup don't run. michele adjusting her hair. i just noticed how strange my hair looked in here. one curl strand black, another brown, then another one is black, and the other one brown. my genes can't decide which to dominate - brown or black :P aihhhhh. i wanna curl my hair permanent like that.

wedding dinner time!

all-women power! hahaa. the guys busy setting up instruments, traffic control, etc.

the dinner seating arrangement was such a disaster, a mess and so migraine-inducing. nobody could agree on anything. so we cracked our heads and devised a workable system that would be fair to all guests.

ok. so this was how it worked. seatings on highest-angpao-get-best-seats basis.
* upon arrival of guests, any angpao is given to the first person.
* first person checks, tells the second person the amount who later tells us.
* then poh lin and i would quickly decide which table to taruh them, while the first and second person keep the guests busy, e.g. make them sign guestbook or chit-chat.
* best angpao gets front and/or aisle tables with good view. ok-ok angpao givers get tables with relatively good view. no angpao, go sit at the back or somewhere hidden behind the pillars.

the system sure work one!

did you actually believe all that b.s. har?

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