Monday, May 7, 2007

A Milkzardous Experience

i knew i was somewhat lacto-intolerant.

my mom is lacto-intolerant. the chineses are known to be lacto-intolerant.

but all this while, i thought my intolerance level was rather mild because the worst i've only gotten so far was bloating and slight stomachache.


this morning i was sort of running late for the morning lecture. so i decided to skip my usual morning breakfast before leaving for college - one big mug of hot milo and banana.

i arrived in college hungry. off to the cafeteria. bought milk and drank it to make my stomach happy or at least content. or so i thought lah. smart, right?

mana tau my stomach hates milk so much. felt its fury the whole day long, with the intensity adding on each minute. major bloating, major queasiness, major stomachache, on and off stomach cramps, nausea, big headache and running with fever...

could barely do anything but talk in the lab (like what i do in every lab session, hahaa). was trying to distract my mind from the pain and aches by talking my head off. i think those i hang out with everyday would probably notice me talking rubbish so much these days. now you know why.

super lacto-intolerant. man.

milk. so milkzardous for health.

thy name is daesi. from this day forth, milk thy shall consume no longer.


  1. Oh Oh! That's sad...very sad...i simply LOVE milk!!! never knew anyone who was "super" lacto-intolerant!!! you're the first! lol. hope you don't drink milk like this and go through this again! Hope the after-effects of this milk "poisoning" =p ;) are not too long....

    p.s...sorry for deleting the previous msg...typed in wrong username!!! =) lol.

  2. milk poisoning... i like that. i mean the term lah. hehehe.

    well, i looked fine today right? i hope :P

  3. looked fine. don't worry. just the usual tired look at the end of the day, which i'm sure we all have at the end of each day of the week after college (except thurs and fri for you!!!) was the headache you had due to the after effects?! that's long term effect then! gosh. i'm rambling using medical terms?! aaargh help me!!! =p
