Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Unofficial Exam Timetable is out...

... and i'm not sure whether i should celebrate. for reasons.

[#1] in previous semesters, i used to have four papers spread out over the span of three weeks with at least a 3-day break in between. but this time, i have three papers that i have to sit within 5 days. less than a week! S-I-A-O.

15-june-2007: genetics of development
18-june-2007: the practice and application of science
19-june-2007: bioactive chemistry

but madhu told me that close-spaced exams are better (??) because we don't have to endure the long agonizing wait for the whole exam thing to be over. i really don't see the good of it. maybe because i'm accustomed to long breaks in between. gave me more time to study (or rather, sheepishly, that's the only time i study for real) and focus for the next paper.

this only meant that my final finals would be over in a blink of an eye, no more last minute studying, and i have to start studying and revising this instant.

but here i am complaining, complaining, complaining :P

[#2] i realized this is going to be the last time i'll be sitting in that freaking cold multi-purpose hall, scribbling nuts on the answer sheets, trying hard to resist the urge to scream in frustration... aahhh, i'm so gonna miss the head invigilator's loud, booming monotonous voice which has been a huge part of my life for the past 3 years.

the first thing he says:
"ladies and gentlemen. will you now place your monash ID on the top right-hand corner of your desk....."

then somewhere in the middle:
"there will be no noting, writing or the use of calculators during the reading time. *long pause* you may now commence reading."

ten minutes before time:
"your attention please. all of you have ten minutes left. none of you may now leave the hall."

nostalgia. déjà vu. hahahaa.

[#3] as a fresh face and naive freshman, i've been looking forward to the end of all this reports, 1,000,000-word essays and assignments. now it's inching nearer and nearer. so near, i can feel it breathing down my neck. i'm confused. even more undecided than ever. do i really belong in science? or should i just switch to something else? what's next?

1 comment:

  1. Madhulika aka King KongApril 21, 2007 at 5:30 AM

    Haha...i feel the same way as you.... but what i meant about the good thing was that you would finish fast. but then, it's kinda bad/sad, like you said, that you don't have time in between to study. every thing has a good and a bad side. i can see that the bad part is more than the good part! lol. the third reason: have to wait AGES for other ppl to finish (like moi) to celebrate as a group. last time we'll all be together for a long long time. as you said about the head invigilator...will def miss his monotonous voice. can never forget his speech. and he has to read over and over again from the paper. poor thing. can't remember! lol. =p but yeah. thank god it's getting over! =) have a suggestion for you. do honours! lol. i know you'd never do that. but who knows? ;) but i still can't believe that you finish in between my first two papers!!! =O
