Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Yet another year

so. my birthday was spent, almost the entire day, in the campus in tutorials and lectures. fun isn't it? life. can't expect the nation to declare public holiday just because it's your birthday. now that's a good idea, ain't it? God, why didn't i transfer to clayton campus?? at least they had today off... although it was not because it was my birthday *haha* :P

just for those of you who don't know, i share same birthday with one of my best friends in high school. we were in the same class for 5 years (primary 6 until form 4), attended christian fellowship meetings together, applied to be a librarian together, menyandang jawatan ketua harian pun sama-sama and we have the same co-curriculum activities right up to form 5. to the point that people actually refer to us as twins because you don't, you can't and you won't see one without the other. hahaa. what adds on the extra something special is our shared birthday and shared faith.

here's an *insert* ugly *insert* high school picture of us. so kiddo-ish, pimple-ish, naive-ish, immature-ish. note to self: need to take more current pictures with her (lousy *cough* camwhoring *cough* excuse *cough cough*). of course. technically speaking, we are not really biological twins so we don't look anything alike. it'll be freaky if we did.

i used to think april 17 was so odd, nobody else would EVER have the same birthday. so wrong. now i know three others with the same birthday. plus jennifer garner, victoria beckham and some korean actor called lee jun ki (or something like that). that's why, don't try to act smart and unique. God knows better.

but friendster not fair lah.

how come she gets to be 22.....

and i 21??

mana aci??? *mengamuk*

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