Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sack the Meteorologist!!

no downpour during our days there in penang! ok. except maybe for the final hours on the last day before our bus back to kl. weather forecast wrong, wrong, wrong!!! somebody should sack the meteorologist! hahahaa. ok. i know that the weather forecasts are all given benefit of doubt and room for errors cuz they are called weather forecast, not weather report. bah! the gracious and merciful awesome big Man up there heard our prayers and instructed mother nature to behave well! hahaa.

good news is we all had a great time in penang and we all got burned by the sun. me VERY in particular.. wait.. is that good news?? i had to go to Guardian pharmacy today to buy the Aloe Vera gel for soothing burns cuz they are really burning hot! i remembered using it for my skin peeling problem last time which i used to get once or twice each year throughout my childhood right through adolescence up to college. used to peel so bad that four layers would come off and sometimes bleed. burning sensation, difficulty to write or hold anything. want to bathe and shower also difficult. grosses me out when i think of it. gross right??

it hasn't occurred since 2003, strangely and luckily. friends in MUFY would have seen it before.. Piggy definitely would remember. not sure about Madhu and Suzan though. that condition hindered me from doing lots of stuff which a normal kid would do - washing school shoes on saturdays, washing plates after dinner, wiping windows in class or for library duties or at home.. basically anything to do with dirty water i can't do. friends commented that i'm very tai siu jie.

now. how in the world did i get to that part of my life?

anyway, this trip was a welcoming break from my monotonous lifestyle for the past year (or years, take your pick). lectures, reports, assignments, labs. my whole summer had fun and relax factors deprived due to my decision to take research project. not that i regret it, i just wished the timetable and some people (whom shall remain unnamed) had been more flexible. in fact, i feel that this ongoing semester seems more relaxed than summer. serious.

this trip was also a breakthrough for me. i don't know in what terms but hey, i felt free!!! i have loved travelling ever since i could remember. as some of you may already know, i hate being tied down to tour groups and rigid timetables. maybe you get to see as much or even more than your money's worth, but nothing feels better than exploring the place yourself. with friends, of course. or family. i think you really get to see and enjoy more this way. even if it meant walking more than 5 kilometres under the scorching sun from botanical garden to Gurney drive. that's exactly what we did. yes, i'm dead serious. yes, we are mad. very mad. and loving it. hahaa. wanna join in the madness?

sigh. i haven't played enough. coming home, i feel strangely depressed, repressed and lonely. lonely because i awaken in the morning to nobody else but myself in my room. living with two other people in the same room for the past few days brought back comfortable feelings and old memories of my sister. now i'm really beginning to realize how much i miss her..

how much i miss having company in the room, the late night chit-chats (even if they were nothing significant), quarrel for space, her scolding me in her attempt to sleep to switch off the lights when i'm up late nights finishing my work, her inaudible sigh - although loud enough for me to hear - while clearing the mess of textbooks and papers on the table in the room courtesy of me :P, her late night cooking porridge on the phone with her then-boyfriend-now-husband... eee, better stop. nanti even more depressed.

hmmm. gotta go back to my assignments, dearly nicknamed "asses". one done. one more to go. and the cat is howling in the alley behind my house. God knows why.

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