Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Final semester... finally.

my final semester. wah seh. *shakes head in disbelief*

it's weird now walking around the campus grounds knowing that i'm one of the really senior seniors. most experienced *gag*, wisest *gag*, yang paling tua - physically and mentally. lerr.. lambat laun kenalah mengaku jua. this reality seems surreal though. feel like it came too fast because i can still vividly remember my college days pretty well, although high school days are pretty blurry now (but they were definitely the best years of my life).

a-n-y-w-a-y, my timetable this semester has both nice AND nasty points. thanks to the fact that i'm taking only three subjects this semester - bioactive chemistry, genetics of development and how science works.

nice factors:
unlike the three previous semesters, i only have 2 labs this time around. it was a nightmare having 3-4 labs per week. but i guess i've sort of gotten used to having so many labs at one time that when i have only 2 this semester, it felt rather awkward. cuz i'm not accustomed to being this free. being in science has mutated my normality.

i have classes and labs only on mondays, tuesdays and wednesdays, with thursdays and fridays off. three days of classes and four days off. hence, the extended weekend. neat. it really doesn't feel like the semester is in progress. i am at home more often now than i was during the summer.

bad, bad points:
long hours of breaks in between classes, ~3 to 4 hours on mondays and tuesdays. the waiting can really kill you. with the recent increase in toll charges, going home is no longer an option i can consider. one to-and-fro trip would cost me (or rather my parents since it's their money i'm using) rm 3.20 now compared to rm 2 last year.

night classes. thought i had seen the last of it last semester when genetics of development lectures were at night. at least then, i could still drop it and change to genomics. this being my last semester with my last 3 units, can't change anything because they are all core subjects. now i have DINNER in sunway before i go home! hahaa.


at least i have the long weekend to rest.

less subjects, hopefully better results this time round. now, if only i could get my lazy-self to consistently study and revise.

i really don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse to have this laidback personality. i don't get pressured easily. i don't get affected by pressured people who just have to express the extent of their pressure 24-7 (note: mr choh), or by people who intentionally tries to panic you (note: mr tsang). perhaps this was what actually helped me pull through thick and thin in university life.

but on a negative side, i think because of that i just don't push myself enough to do better. maybe. but i don't know.

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