Monday, February 12, 2007

It's finally over...

it's over! it's finally over!

after two months of emotional depression... it's over!

after two months of mental oppression... it's over!

after two months of seclusion in the lab (and in front of the computer)... it's over!

after two months of facing sour-faces... it's over!

after two months of enduring "interesting" personalities... it's over!

after two months of slicing up rats, sucking them blood-dry and rendering them organ-less... it's over!

after two months of cold-heartedly injecting rats with numbing chemical and watching them become helpless before my very own eyes... it's over!

after two months of cleaning up filthy rat cages (why don't we just toilet train them? so much easier)... it's over!

after two months of sleepless nights... it's over!

after two months of extreme pressure and zero pleasure... it's over!

after two months of long-suffering... it's over!

it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over. it's over...



happy. happy. happy.


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