Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year!!

on chinese new year's eve, i "exercised" my right and made use of my legally adult status... i went to the casino *muahahahaa*. what can i say? the place was full of slot machines and tables catering for blackjack, roulette, "ta xiao" (big or small) and others which i do not remember, as well as jam-packed with people gambling their life away, hoping that by some stroke of whatever luck they have would hit the jackpot. but i didn't see no jackpot while i was lingering around there.

tough luck hitting the jackpot, tougher luck witnessing one. the place was also stinking with smoke from smoking uncles, young ladies, ah-gongs and even ah-mas. i went in smelling of clinique happy heart, came out smelling of casino holy smoke.

wah seh. i just remembered. the security actually asked to see my IC after i passed through the censors. do i, seriously, look like i am some young juvenile who's probably 20 years 11 months and 29 days old trying to sneak past the casino security? yeah. right. hmphhhh. nevermind. this means i look young. hahahaa. hopefully. not immature -_-"

i think, i know, i am every traditional chinese mother and grandmother worst nightmare. i wear black on the first day of chinese new year. hahahaa. seriously, i tried finding a nice red top (laying off pink.. recently developed an allergy to it) on my CNY shopping marathon but i couldn't find nice ones. i tend to have a penchant for buying black, white and neutral stuff.

look what i got from genting!
a new pet for my handphone *chuckles*
don't you agree?
hehe. don't care.
can't resist the temptation of buying it.
those eyes were so pleading me to get him.
oh daesi, shut up already. you're embarrassing yourself.

all 22 years of my life, i have never went to new year countdown of any sort held in hotspots. always wanted to go though. but had nobody to go with PLUS i probably need plenty of mental preparation and physical training to survive through the crowded places without getting trampled and elbowed, and manage out in one piece. but guess what? i went for my first new year countdown in a massively overcrowded place in genting this year. can pass right? it's still a celebration of a new year, even though it was a lunar new year. it had firecrackers and fireworks.

so sayang we didn't get the chance to video record or snap pictures, thanks to my intellectually-blessed *sigh* but absent-minded brother who had forgotten to bring it along when we left our room *sigh again*.

anyhow, the fireworks were such a beautiful and majestic sight. watching it on tv is one thing. but seeing it with your very own two eyes is just amazing.

nevermind being squashed left-right-center. it was all worth it.

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