Friday, February 9, 2007

A Bad Week

research project thesis is due on monday.

couldn't start on my thesis as soon as i wished to because i came down with a serious case of food poisoning the day after the completion of my research work.

if i sleep early, i wake up as early as 4am to work on my thesis. if i sleep late, i sleep around 4am. nights of maximum only 4 hours of sleep this week. when i'm not asleep, i'm reading journals and typing away. i hate typing now. period. i hate rats. i hate PPAR. i hate blood. i hate organs. i hate reports. lab-phobia. ha ha.

everyday drive to campus. if i don't go early, will be difficult to find an available parking lot later. if i go early, get stucked in the famous LDP-Sunway toll plaza traffic jam. not much of an option right?

right now? my eyes feel dehydrated and tired. my back hurts from sitting too long in front of the computer. my leg joints are numbed because i can't change much of my posture while sitting down. my fingers are sore from typing. my brain is giving way due to sleep deprivation and over-the-top brain-juice-squeezing while writing discussion points and digesting facts from journals.

presentation, originally on valentine's day, pushed forward to monday. because my supervisor going on holiday. sigh. nevermind. like that, i will also be on holiday earlier. can't wait.

i am the second to present on monday morning. cross my fingers, i would be able to present my research without blabbering and that i will be ready with my full armour to accurately answer whatever questions they shoot at me. not that i care about getting a HD (or even a D). i just don't want to embarrass myself.

nervous man.. i'll need all the prayers in the world right now. wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Wish you good luck! =) I wish I could be there.

    You measured the cut on your finger? Hahahaha.
